-*- org -*-
* 0.005
1. [2016-06-12 Sun] Added INSTALL
* 0.006
1. [2016-06-12 Sun] Add mode line to Changes to use org-mode when
2. Add to INSTALL
3. Correct error in README
4. [2016-06-16 Thu] Correct error in SYNOPSIS of Photonic.pm
5. [2016-07-07 Thu] Add authors.
6. Correct mistake in Types and in FieldH.
* 0.007
1. Put authors in Build.PL
2. Update references in README
3. Add modules for retarded calculations.
* 0.008
1. Added two smallness parameters, one for Haydock and one for
continued fractions.
2. Correct version in Wave.pm
3. There is a logical error en EpsL and GreeP. The upper of the
iteration was wrong, but now we can't distinguish between
nonconvergence or using up all Haydock coefficients.
4. Update Changes and README. Correct upper limit in iterations.
5. Change logic of convergence tests
6. Modified code to allow two smallness parameters
1. Independently state criteria for Haydock coefficient
calculations and for continued fraction convergence.
7. Added projected wave operator and projected dielectric function
1. This modules may be used along principal directions when the full
matricial response is unneeded, thus saving time.
8. The routines cgtsl and dgtsl were incorrectly imported and documented
9. Corrected interface to the linpack routines cgtsl and dgtsl
10. Changes to allow disttest to pass
* 0.009
1. Changed slightly the code for second harmonic calculations.
2. Corrected SHG
1. Cleaned code to run slatec routines cgtsl and dgtsl. Now they
can be used with 4 or 6 arguments and may use inplace
arguments. Added typemap.PL so that it creates a copy of PDL's
typemap to be used by .pd code.
3. Changes to the documentation fo FieldH
4. Correct mistakes in Geometry from image2D.
5. Deleted a couple of unneeded prints
6. Changed calls to fortran routines
1. I copyied arguments except when inplace since cgtsl and dgtsl
destroy all its arguments.
2. Changed tests to test inplace.
7. Added documentation to shg
8. Found convergence problems with current field
calculation. Started exploring.
9. Changed FieldH to use linpack
1. instead of solving naively tridiagonal linear equation to get
10. Added code to accelerate selfconsistent longitudinal polarization.
1. Left it commented, as it is missing the longitudinal projetor and
the full self consistent field
11. Added field1 and field2 accesors and buiders to SH
1. And eliminated now unnecessary BUILD
12. Added to SH alternative self consistent longitudinal macroscopic
polarization component P2LMCalt. The non alternative hasn't been
added yet.
13. Subtle changes in SHG. Now we obey y y<-> -y symmetry for 2D systems
with mirror line.
* 0.010
1. Eliminated Makefile.PL, as it is automatically built
2. Merge branch 'bernardo'
3. Modified SH to have finite polarizability at zero density
4. Added Lucila's retarded field calculations
5. Added Lucila's field calculation to the proper directory
6. First attempt to reorthogonalize
7. Normalize states on each step
8. First working reorthogonalization
9. Added flag to reorthogonalize in the old NR/AllH module
10. removed old AllH with reorthogonalization
11. Changed retarded calculation of b coefficient
12. Removed some comments
13. Allow reorthogonalization in NonRetarded::AllH and change
normalization in Retarded and NonRetarded OneH to stabilize
14. Merge branch 'reorthogonalization'
15. Added files that Build said were missing
16. Added travis yaml file
17. Renamed travis yaml file
18. Added after_failure: to look a build failure
19. Corrected .travis.yml
20. Add namespace::autoclean to dependencies in Build.PL
21. Add mask to SH susceptibility
22. Modify SHChiTensor in order to admit options
1. The option mask takes an array of ones and zeroes to indicate
the contributions from which regions to be taken into account.
2. The option kind takes a letter 'f' full, 'd', dipolar or 'q',
23. Add modules for gyrotropy
1. Add complex unit pairs and dyad to obtain all independent
components of the Green's function, the wave operator
and the epsilon tensor for gyrotropic systems.
24. Correct version string
1. Correct version string in EpsilonTensorF and WaveF
25. Add reorthogonalization to Retarded. Correct code for gyrotropic
1. Added reorthogonalization methods to retarded calculations.
2. Added code to save and restore haydock fields. Incomplete.
3. Added complex conjugate unit vectors and dyads.
4. Quite untested. Lucila's changes.
26. Meta files, to be deleted soon
27. Removed META files
* 0.011
1. Change travis file
2. Add before_install to .travis.yml