#ifndef bgu_voronoi2perl_h_
#define bgu_voronoi2perl_h_
#include <cstdio>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
using namespace boost::polygon;
typedef medial_axis<double> VD;
typedef segment_data<int> bp_segment;
static const unsigned int EXTERNAL_COLOR = (unsigned int) 1;
static const unsigned int IS_LEAF = (unsigned int) 2;
static const unsigned int AT_JUNCTION = (unsigned int) 4;
static const unsigned int PROCESSED = (unsigned int) 8;
typedef double CT;
typedef double AT;
double pi = 4 * atan2(1, 1);
void rotate_2d(double &x, double &y, const double theta, const double xo = 0, const double yo = 0) {
double xp;
x -= xo;
y -= yo;
xp = (x * cos(theta) - y * sin(theta)) + xo;
y = (y * cos(theta) + x * sin(theta)) + yo;
x = xp;
template <typename CT>
void reflect_point_about_line(CT &x, CT &y, const CT x0, const CT y0, const CT x1, const CT y1) {
double dy = (double) (y1 - y0);
double dx = (double) (x1 - x0);
if (dy == 0 && dx == 0) {return;}
double theta = atan2(dy, dx);
rotate_2d(x, y, -theta, x0, y0);
y -= y0;
y *= -1.0;
y += y0;
rotate_2d(x, y, theta, x0, y0);
medial_axis2perl(const VD &vd, const bool internal_only = true) {
std::size_t num_edges = 0;
if (internal_only) {
for (VD::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it) {
if (!(it->color() & EXTERNAL_COLOR)) { ++num_edges; }
} else {
num_edges = vd.num_edges();
AV* edges_out = newAV();
av_extend(edges_out, num_edges - 1);
AV* vertices_out = newAV();
av_extend(vertices_out, vd.num_vertices() - 1);
// lookup tables used in recreating the medial axis data structure for perl
std::map<const VD::edge_type*, AV*> thisToThis;
std::map<const VD::edge_type*, AV*> thisToTwin;
std::map<const VD::edge_type*, AV*> thisToNext;
std::map<const VD::edge_type*, AV*> thisToPrev;
std::map<const VD::vertex_type*, AV*> vertToAV;
std::size_t count = 0;
const VD::edge_type* start_edge = NULL;
for (VD::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it) {
// Get the primary edge corresponding to the first input
// segment, which should be the first segment of the outer contour
// of a polygon with holes.
if (!(it->color() & EXTERNAL_COLOR) && it->cell()->source_index() == 0 && it->is_primary()) {
start_edge = &(*it);
while (start_edge != NULL) {
const VD::edge_type* it = start_edge;
do {
// For all primary edges, calculate:
// theta = direction of the edge
// phi = direction to polygon edge, as deflection from theta
// (although in practice that may not be the most practical
// so might change that to just the plain angle, or vector...)
// TODO: also need some kind of parabola parameter for the curved edges
// which replaces all the non-primary edges related to curved edges.
// A convenient parameter for display is just the quadratic bezier
// control point, which occures at the intersection of the tangent lines
// at the two ends of the curved edge - easy to feed that to SVG path.
// It's not clear it that's the best parameterization for working out
// sampled toolpaths though.
double theta = 0;
double phi = 0;
if (it->is_primary() && it->is_finite()
&& (!internal_only || !(it->color() & EXTERNAL_COLOR))
) {
// calculate theta
if (it->is_curved()) {
theta = atan2( -(it->foot()->x() - it->vertex0()->x())
+ (it->twin()->next()->foot()->x() - it->vertex0()->x())
, (it->foot()->y() - it->vertex0()->y())
- (it->twin()->next()->foot()->y() - it->vertex0()->y())
} else {
theta = atan2((double) it->vertex1()->y() - it->vertex0()->y(),
(double) it->vertex1()->x() - it->vertex0()->x());
// calculate phi
double tdx = (double) it->foot()->x() - it->vertex0()->x();
double tdy = (double) it->foot()->y() - it->vertex0()->y();
if (it->prev() == it->twin()) {
tdx = (double) it->next()->foot()->x() - it->next()->vertex0()->x();
tdy = (double) it->next()->foot()->y() - it->next()->vertex0()->y();
if (tdx == 0 && tdy == 0) {phi = theta;}
else {phi = atan2(tdy, tdx) - theta;}
while (phi > pi) {phi-=2*pi;}
while (phi < -pi) {phi+=2*pi;}
// load up perl data
if (!(it->color() & PROCESSED)
&& it->is_primary()
&& !(it->color() & EXTERNAL_COLOR)
) {
std::size_t ec1 = it->color();
it->color(ec1 | PROCESSED);
// Make the edge AV
AV* edgeav = newAV();
av_store(edges_out, count++, newRV_noinc((SV*) edgeav));
// Process each vertex just once, the first time we see it.
// Each vertex gets one edge reference -
// doesn't matter which, so the first.
// Ray edges have NULL vertices, so always check for that.
if (it->vertex0() && !(it->vertex0()->color() & PROCESSED)) {
if (it->vertex0()) {
std::size_t vc1 = it->vertex0()->color();
it->vertex0()->color(vc1 | PROCESSED);
AV* pointav = newAV();
vertToAV[it->vertex0()] = pointav;
av_push(vertices_out, newRV_noinc((SV*) pointav));
av_fill(pointav, 3);
av_store_point_xy(pointav, it->vertex0()->x(), it->vertex0()->y());
av_store(pointav, 2, newSVnv(it->vertex0()->r()));
av_store(pointav, 3, newRV_inc((SV*) edgeav));
// fill in edge data
av_fill(edgeav, 10);
// cell ref - index corresponding to original segment input
av_store(edgeav, 0, newSVuv(it->cell()->source_index()));
// start vertex ref (rays coming in from infinity don't have one)
if (it->vertex0()) {
if (vertToAV[it->vertex0()]) {
av_store(edgeav, 1, newRV_inc((SV*) vertToAV[it->vertex0()]));
// indeces 2, 3 and 4 are for twin, next and prev edges,
// to be filled in later
// edge direction
av_store(edgeav, 5, newSVnv(theta));
// radius direction to source segment, as rotation from edge direction
av_store(edgeav, 6, newSVnv(phi));
// is it a parabolic curve?
av_store(edgeav, 7, newSViv( it->is_curved() ? 1 : 0));
// is it primary?
av_store(edgeav, 8, newSViv( it->is_primary() ? 1 : 0));
// is it internal?
int intr1 = ( it->color() - PROCESSED > 0) ? 0 : 1;
av_store(edgeav, 9, newSViv(intr1));
// an edge's start vertex, with it's radius, and the edge's angle phi
// are enough to calculate the foot. So including the foot in the data
// structure is redundant. But until we see what's most practical in
// use, we'll include the foot too. Besides, it helps with dev and debug
// visualizations.
if (it->foot()) {
AV* footav = newAV();
av_fill(footav, 1);
av_store_point_xy(footav, it->foot()->x(), it->foot()->y());
av_store(edgeav, 10, newRV_inc((SV*) footav));
// fill in the lookup tables to finish off the data structure in a
// second pass through the edge list, after this loop is done
thisToThis[it] = edgeav;
thisToTwin[it->twin()] = edgeav;
thisToNext[it->prev()] = edgeav;
thisToPrev[it->next()] = edgeav;
it = it->next();
} while (it != start_edge);
// If there are multiple loops, find a start edge for the next one.
start_edge = NULL;
for (VD::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it) {
if (
!(it->color() & PROCESSED)
&& it->is_primary()
&& !(it->color() & EXTERNAL_COLOR)
) {
start_edge = &(*it);
// fill in all the edge-to-edge references from the lookup tables
for (VD::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it) {
if (it->is_primary() && !(it->color() & EXTERNAL_COLOR)) {
const VD::edge_type* ep = &(*it);
AV* edgeav = thisToThis[ep];
AV* edgeavtwin = thisToTwin[ep];
AV* edgeavnext = thisToNext[ep];
AV* edgeavprev = thisToPrev[ep];
/* debug notices */
Line commented because they fail to compile under Windows with the following error:
src/voronoi2perl.h:242:76: error: cast from 'const edge_type* {aka const boost::
polygon::medial_axis_edge<double>*}' to 'long unsigned int' loses precision [-fp
if (!edgeav ) {printf("av not def. ep: %lu\n",(unsigned long) ep);}
if (!edgeavtwin) {printf("avtwin not def. ep: %lu\n",(unsigned long) ep);}
if (!edgeavprev) {printf("avprev not def. ep: %lu\n",(unsigned long) ep);}
if (!edgeavnext) {printf("avnext not def. ep: %lu\n",(unsigned long) ep);}
if (edgeavtwin != NULL) {
av_store(edgeav, 2, newRV_inc((SV*) edgeavtwin));
if (edgeavnext != NULL) {
av_store(edgeav, 3, newRV_inc((SV*) edgeavnext));
if (edgeavprev != NULL) {
av_store(edgeav, 4, newRV_inc((SV*) edgeavprev));
// Debug report
if (0) {
printf("\n\nfiltered edges\n");
printf("srcInd isInf curved color this twin next prev point\n");
for (VD::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it) {
if (1
//&& it->is_primary()
//&& it->vertex0() && it->vertex1()
//&& it->is_finite()
//&& !(it->color() & EXTERNAL_COLOR)
) {
printf("%3ld %5s %7s %2ld%1s ",
(it->is_finite() ? " ":" INF "),
(it->is_curved() ? " curve ":" line "),
(it->is_primary() ? "p" : "s")
printf("%llu, %llu , %llu, %llu ",
(unsigned long long int) &(*it),
(unsigned long long int) it->twin(),
(unsigned long long int) it->next(),
(unsigned long long int) it->prev()
if (it->vertex0()) {printf("[%f , %f , %f]",it->vertex0()->x(),it->vertex0()->y(),it->vertex0()->r());}
else {printf("no vert0");}
HV * result = newHV();
(void)hv_store(result, "edges", strlen("edges"), newRV_noinc((SV*) edges_out), 0);
(void)hv_store(result, "vertices", strlen("vertices"), newRV_noinc((SV*) vertices_out), 0);
(void)hv_store(result, "events", strlen("events"), newSVpv(vd.event_log().c_str(), 0), 0);
return newRV_noinc((SV*) result);
template <typename RingLike, typename VBT>
void builder_segments_from_ring(const RingLike &my_ring, VBT & vb) {
BOOST_AUTO(it, boost::begin(my_ring));
BOOST_AUTO(end, boost::end(my_ring));
BOOST_AUTO(previous, it);
for (it++; it != end; ++previous, ++it) {
const bp_segment s( bp_point_xy(previous->template get<0>(),previous->template get<1>()),
bp_point_xy(it->template get<0>(), it->template get<1>()) );
boost::polygon::insert( s, &vb );
// If ring wasn't closed, add one more closing segment
if (boost::size(my_ring) > 2) {
if (boost::geometry::disjoint(*boost::begin(my_ring), *(boost::end(my_ring) - 1))) {
const bp_segment s( bp_point_xy((end - 1)->template get<0>(),(end - 1)->template get<1>()),
bp_point_xy(my_ring.begin()->template get<0>(), my_ring.begin()->template get<1>()) );
boost::polygon::insert( s, &vb );