use strict;
use Test::More qw( no_plan );
# synchronizes the {error,standard} output of this test.
our $class;
BEGIN { $class = 'Net::Whois::Object::Information'; use_ok $class; }
our %tested;
my @lines = <DATA>;
our $object = ( Net::Whois::Object->new(@lines) )[0];
isa_ok $object, $class;
# Non-inherited methods
can_ok $object, qw( comment );
# Check if typed attributes are correct
can_ok $object, $object->attributes('mandatory');
# Test 'comment'
is_deeply( $object->comment(), [ 'This is the RIPE Database query service.', 'The objects are in RPSL format.' ], 'comment properly parsed' );
# Common tests
do './t/';
ok( $tested{common_loaded}, "t/ properly loaded" );
ok( !$@, "Can evaluate t/ ($@)" );
% This is the RIPE Database query service.
% The objects are in RPSL format.