Base Urls
Use 2 base URL's per resource, one for collection and one for specific element
For collection
/dogs -- get list of all dogs
For specific element
/dogs/12345 -- get details of dog 12345
HTTP to CRUD Mapping
Map HTTP methods to CRUD methods uniformly.
| HTTP Method | CRUD Method |
| GET | Read |
| POST | Create |
| PUT | Update |
| DELETE | Delete |
** Exception to Best Practice: Prefer ReadAll for GET requests on collection
Resource to HTTP method mapping
Resource mapping from wikipedia, modified to be more pragmatic.
| Resource | POST | GET | PUT | DELETE |
| /dogs | create a | list all dogs | bulk update dogs | delete all dogs |
| | new dog | | | |
| /dogs/12345 | error | details for | if exists, | delete dog 12345 |
| | | dog 12345 | update dog 12345 | |
| | | | If not, | |
| | | | error | |
Verbs :- Plurals are Better
Use plural verbs vs singular. For example, /dogs vs /dog
Naming :- Concrete is better than abstract
For example, /dogs vs /animals ( depends on business use case )
| GET | /owners/obama/dogs | get all dogs owned by Obama |
| POST | /oweners/obama/dogs | add a dogs owned by Obama |
Complex Variations :- Sweep complexity under '?'
/dogs?color=red&state=running&location=park -- get all red dogs running in the park
Use HTTP status codes as much as possible
200 - OK
401 - Unauthorized
Response body should give more information about error
"message" : "verbose, plain language description of problem with hints on how to fix it",
"more_info" : "http://dev.<topdomain>.com/errors/12345"
API Versioning
Never release an API without version number.
Use Simple version numbers in URL - as left as possible.
Example: /v1/dogs
Response attributes or Partial Responses or WYAIWYG
Use fields as optional query param with comma separated attribute names.
For sub-objects, provide a way to select fields.
Use offset and limits
Default to limit = 10 and offset = 0 -- depends on data size
Use . URL extension
/dogs.json -- list all dogs in json format
/dogs/12345.json -- details of specific dog in json format
Attribute Names
Use camelCase attribute names
Noun-Resourcr-Y thing
verbs like calculate, tranlate, convert - represents more of operation than object
Global Searches
Scoped Searches
/dogs/count -- number of resources in database
Main URL
api.<topdomain>.com for api requests
dev.<tomdomain>.com for dev conncections/documentations
perform web redirects from api -> dev
Clients barfing on HTTP codes
Specify query parameter to supress HTTP status codes
This should returns HTTP 200 for all HTTP request.
If implemented, http response body should have the response code
"response_code" : "401",
"message" : "verbose, plain language description of problem with hints on how to fix it",
"more_info" : "http://dev.<topdomain>.com/errors/12345"
Clients with limited HTTP support
Add method parameter in URL
/dogs?method=post -- create a new dog
/dogs -- get all dogs
/dogs/1234?method=put&location=park -- update dog 1234
/dogs/1234?method=delete -- delete dog 1234
Use OAuth 2.0
Divide application in 3 layers:
| Application |
| API Virtualization Layer |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| API | | API | | API |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+