use 5.10.0;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long 2.33 ();
use ADAMK::Release 0.01 ();
our $VERSION = '0.01';
# Configuration
my $VERBOSE = '';
my $RELEASE = '';
my $NO_CHANGES = '';
my $NO_COPYRIGHT = '';
my $NO_RT = '';
my $NO_TEST = '';
# Set the settings and arg the arguments
verbose => \$VERBOSE,
release => \$RELEASE,
nochanges => \$NO_CHANGES,
nocopyright => \$NO_COPYRIGHT,
nort => \$NO_RT,
notest => \$NO_TEST,
# Get the module name
unless ( @ARGV ) {
die "Missing or invalid distribution name";
my $module = shift @ARGV;
my $repository = $module;
$repository =~ s/::/-/g;
# Initialisation
my $release = ADAMK::Release->new(
module => $module,
github => {
username => 'adamkennedy',
repository => $repository,
release => $RELEASE,
no_changes => $NO_CHANGES,
no_copyright => $NO_COPYRIGHT,
no_rt => $NO_RT,
no_test => $NO_TEST,
# Execution