use strict;
$| = 1;
$^W = 1;
use Test::More tests => 12;
# Find the sample files
my $input = catfile( 't', 'data', 'simple.fbp' );
my $output = catfile( 't', 'data', 'script.pl' );
ok( -f $input, "Found test file $input" );
ok( -f $output, "Found test file $output" );
# Load the sample file
my $fbp = FBP->new;
isa_ok( $fbp, 'FBP' );
ok( $fbp->parse_file($input), '->parse_file ok' );
# Create the generator object
my $project = $fbp->find_first(
isa => 'FBP::Project',
my $code = FBP::Perl->new(
project => $project,
version => $FBP::Perl::VERSION,
nocritic => 1,
isa_ok( $project, 'FBP::Project' );
isa_ok( $code, 'FBP::Perl' );
# Generate the entire dialog constructor
my $have = $code->script_app;
my $want = slurp($output);
code( $have, $want, '->app_class ok' );
compiles( $have, undef, 'Project class compiled' );