#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Basic functionality testing for File::BLOB
use strict;
use lib ();
use UNIVERSAL 'isa';
$| = 1;
unless ( $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE} ) {
require FindBin;
$FindBin::Bin = $FindBin::Bin; # Avoid a warning
chdir catdir( $FindBin::Bin, updir() );
lib->import('blib', 'lib');
use Test::More tests => 26;
use File::BLOB ();
# Creation and general use
# Low-effort file
my $file1 = File::BLOB->new( "foo",
content_type => 'text/plain',
FileName => 'FOO.txt',
foo => 'bar',
isa_ok( $file1, 'File::BLOB' );
is( $file1->get_header('content_type'), 'text/plain', '->get_header(content_type) returns ok' );
is( $file1->get_header('filename'), 'FOO.txt', '->get_header(filename) returns ok' );
is( $file1->get_header('Foo'), 'bar', '->get_header(foo) returns ok' );
is( $file1->get_header('content_length'), 3, '->get_header(content_length) returns ok' );
is( $file1->set_header('FOO', 'baz'), 1, '->set_header(foo, value) returns true' );
is( $file1->get_header('foo'), 'baz', '->set_header(foo, value) changes header' );
my $content = $file1->get_content;
is( ref($content), 'SCALAR', '->get_content returns a SCALAR ref' );
is( $$content, 'foo', '->get_content returns \"foo"' );
# Test known files for correct loading and type guess
my $file2 = File::BLOB->from_file( catfile('t', 'data', 'image.gif') );
isa_ok( $file2, 'File::BLOB' );
is( $file2->get_header('content_type'), 'image/gif', 'GIF content_type returns ok' );
is( $file2->get_header('filename'), 'image.gif', 'GIF filename returns ok' );
is( $file2->get_header('content_length'), 62, 'GIF length returns ok' );
my $file3 = File::BLOB->from_file( catfile('t', 'data', 'image.jpg') );
isa_ok( $file3, 'File::BLOB' );
is( $file3->get_header('content_type'), 'image/jpeg', 'GIF content_type returns ok' );
is( $file3->get_header('filename'), 'image.jpg', 'GIF filename returns ok' );
is( $file3->get_header('content_length'), 490, 'GIF length returns ok' );
# Freezing and thawing
foreach my $file ( $file1, $file2, $file3 ) {
my $frozen = $file->freeze;
my $is_string = (defined($frozen) and ! ref($frozen) and length($frozen));
ok( $is_string, '->freeze produces a string' );
my $thawed = File::BLOB->thaw( $frozen );
isa_ok( $thawed, 'File::BLOB' );
is_deeply( $file, $thawed, 'Thawed File::BLOB object matched original' );