diff -r -u -N HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/lib/HTML/TrackerLink.pm H-T/lib/HTML/TrackerLink.pm
--- HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/lib/HTML/TrackerLink.pm 2004-06-29 00:14:00.000000000 -0300
+++ H-T/lib/HTML/TrackerLink.pm 2006-01-25 15:26:16.000000000 -0200
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
use vars qw{$VERSION $errstr};
- $VERSION = '1.0';
+ $VERSION = '1.0_01';
$errstr = '';
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@
return $self->_error( "Invalid keyword '$keyword': "
. $self->errstr );
- unless ( $self->_check_url( $keyword ) ) {
+ unless ( $self->_check_url( $url ) ) {
return $self->_error( "Bad URL for keyword '$keyword': "
. $self->errstr );
# Set the keyword
- $self->{keywords}->{$keyword} = $url;
+ $self->{keywords}->{lc $keyword} = $url;
} else {
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
# Get or set a keyword search
sub keyword {
my $self = shift;
- my $keyword = $self->_check_keyword($_[0]) ? shift : return undef;
+ my $keyword = $self->_check_keyword($_[0]) ? lc shift : return undef;
return $self->{keywords}->{$keyword} unless @_;
# Set the tracker URL
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
# Make the default search the same as a particular keyword
sub default_keyword {
my $self = shift;
- my $keyword = $self->_check_keyword($_[0]) ? shift : return undef;
+ my $keyword = $self->_check_keyword($_[0]) ? lc shift : return undef;
# Does the keyword exist?
unless ( exists $self->{keywords}->{$keyword} ) {
@@ -129,36 +129,31 @@
my $text = (@_ and defined $_[0]) ? shift
: return $self->_error( 'You did not provide a string to process' );
- # Do the replacement for each of the keywords
- foreach my $keyword ( sort keys %{ $self->{keywords} } ) {
- my $url = $self->{keywords}->{$keyword};
- # Create the search regex and do the replace
- my $search = qr/\b($keyword\s+\#?(\d+))/i;
- $text =~ s/$search/$self->_replacer( $url, $1, $2 )/eg;
- }
- # Shortcut if we don't have to do the default replace
- my $default = $self->default or return $text;
- # We handle this differently, depending on whether there
- # were any keywords or not.
+ my $default = $self->default;
my @keywords = $self->keywords;
- if ( @keywords ) {
- # To match the default, we need to do a negative look-behind
- # assertion for any of the keywords, since the things we
- # matched should be still completely intact.
- my $any_keywords = join '|', @keywords;
- my $search = qr/(?<!(?:$any_keywords))\s+(\#(\d+))/i;
- $text =~ s/$search/$self->_replacer( $default, $1, $2 )/eg;
+ my $any_keywords = '(?i:' . join('|', @keywords) .')';
- } else {
- # Just do a regular search for anything like #1234 we can find
- my $search = qr/(\#(\d+))/;
- $text =~ s/$search/$self->_replacer( $default, $1, $2 )/eg;
+ my $p_text = '';
+ $_ = $text;
+ LOOP: {
+ if (@keywords && /\G(.*?)\b(($any_keywords)\s+\#?(\d+))/gc) { # if we have keywords
+ $p_text .= $1;
+ my $url = $self->{keywords}->{lc $3};
+ $p_text .= $self->_replacer($url, $2, $4);
+ redo LOOP;
+ }
+ if ($default && /\G(.*?)(\#(\d+))/gc) { # if we have a default replace
+ $p_text .= $1;
+ $p_text .= $self->_replacer($default, $2, $3);
+ redo LOOP;
+ }
+ # fall off the loop
+ $p_text .= $1 if /\G(.+)$/; # everything else
- $text;
+ $p_text;
# Return any error message
@@ -291,7 +286,7 @@
bug#12345 # Even in this case
bigbug 12345 # 'bug' must be a seperate word
-All of these searches are performed condurrently, meaning that given both a
+All of these searches are performed concurrently, meaning that given both a
default search, and a C<'bug'> keyword search, the following would match the
way you would expect it to.
diff -r -u -N HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/t/02_new.t H-T/t/02_new.t
--- HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/t/02_new.t 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ H-T/t/02_new.t 2006-01-25 15:22:14.000000000 -0200
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+my $linker = HTML::TrackerLink->new(
+ 'tracker' => 'http://host2/path?id=%n');
+ok($linker, '->new(k1 => $url1, k2 => $url2) works');
diff -r -u -N HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/t/03_proc.t H-T/t/03_proc.t
--- HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/t/03_proc.t 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ H-T/t/03_proc.t 2006-01-25 15:23:00.000000000 -0200
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 7;
+my $linker = HTML::TrackerLink->new('http://host/path?id=%n');
+ok($linker, "H::T->new");
+my $s = 'This is #3';
+my $p = $linker->process($s);
+ok($p, "process ok");
+is($p, q{This is <a href='http://host/path?id=3'>#3</a>}, '#3 handled ok');
+my $linker2 = HTML::TrackerLink->new();
+$linker->keyword(foo => 'http://host/path?id=%n');
+$linker->keyword(boo => 'http://host/path?id=%n');
+ok($linker2, "H::T->new");
+my $s2 = 'This is #3';
+my $p2 = $linker->process($s2);
+ok($p2, "process ok");
+is($p2, q{This is <a href='http://host/path?id=3'>#3</a>}, '#3 handled ok (default keyword)');
diff -r -u -N HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/t/04_proc.t H-T/t/04_proc.t
--- HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/t/04_proc.t 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ H-T/t/04_proc.t 2006-01-25 15:23:44.000000000 -0200
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+my $linker = HTML::TrackerLink->new();
+$linker->keyword('bug' => 'http://host1/path?id=%n');
+$linker->keyword('change' => 'http://host2/path?id=%n');
+ok($linker, "H::T->new");
+my $s = 'This is #3';
+my $p = $linker->process($s);
+ok($p, "process ok");
+is($p, q{This is <a href='http://host1/path?id=3'>#3</a>}, 'return ok');
diff -r -u -N HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/t/05_proc.t H-T/t/05_proc.t
--- HTML-TrackerLink-1.0/t/05_proc.t 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ H-T/t/05_proc.t 2006-01-25 15:24:08.000000000 -0200
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+my $linker = HTML::TrackerLink->new();
+$linker->keyword(Bug => 'http://host1/path?id=%n');
+$linker->keyword(Change => 'http://host2/path?id=%n');
+ok($linker, "H::T->new");
+my $s = 'This is BuG #3';
+my $p = $linker->process($s);
+ok($p, "process ok");
+is($p, q{This is <a href='http://host1/path?id=3'>BuG #3</a>}, 'case-insensitive indeed');