# Formal testing for HTML::TrackerLink
use strict;
$| = 1;
$^W = 1;
use Test::More tests => 13;
# Basic Testing
# A couple of very basic tests
my $tracker = HTML::TrackerLink->new();
ok( defined $tracker, "->new() returns defined" );
ok( $tracker, "->new() returns true" );
isa_ok( $tracker, 'HTML::TrackerLink' );
# Regression Tests from CPAN #17304
# Multiple named trackers
my $url1 = 'http://ali.as/foo?n=%n';
my $url2 = 'http://ali.as/bar?n=%n';
my $tracker = HTML::TrackerLink->new( foo => $url1, bar => $url2 );
isa_ok( $tracker, 'HTML::TrackerLink' );
# Check some parsing runs
$_ = 'this';
my $html1 = $tracker->process( 'A foo #1234 bug' );
is( $html1, "A <a href='http://ali.as/foo?n=1234'>foo #1234</a> bug",
'Multiple named trackers links correctly' );
is( $_, 'this', '->process does not clobber $_' );
# Set a default
is( $tracker->default($url3), $url3, 'Set default tracker' );
$html1 = $tracker->process( 'A foo #1234 bug' );
is( $html1, "A <a href='http://ali.as/foo?n=1234'>foo #1234</a> bug",
'Multiple named trackers links correctly' );
# * when processing texts where a default keyword among two or more
# would be applied, leading spaces were cut.
# $linker->process("this is #288") => "this is<a href='link'>#288</a>"
my $html2 = $tracker->process( 'A #1234 bug' );
is( $html2, "A <a href='http://ali.as/default?n=1234'>#1234</a> bug",
'Default tracker links correctly' );
my $linker = HTML::TrackerLink->new();
$linker->keyword('bug' => 'http://host1/path?id=%n');
$linker->keyword('change' => 'http://host2/path?id=%n');
isa_ok( $linker, 'HTML::TrackerLink' );
# Basic processing
my $string1 = 'This is #3';
my $html1 = $linker->process($string1);
ok( $html1 , "process ok" );
is( $html1, "This is <a href='http://host1/path?id=3'>#3</a>",
"HTML created OK" );
# A string containing all three
my $string2 = <<'END_STRING';
This is a message containing links to #456 and BuG 1234 and #456.
Also to change #2345 and to #543 as well.
my $html2 = $linker->process($string2);
is( $html2, <<'END_HTML', 'All three match types occured in one string' );
This is a message containing links to <a href='http://host1/path?id=456'>#456</a> and <a href='http://host1/path?id=1234'>BuG 1234</a> and <a href='http://host1/path?id=456'>#456</a>.
Also to <a href='http://host2/path?id=2345'>change #2345</a> and to <a href='http://host1/path?id=543'>#543</a> as well.