# Testing of a cgi path
use strict;
$| = 1;
$^W = 1;
use Test::More tests => 19;
use URI::file ();
my $cleaner = Test::File::Cleaner->new('t');
# Configuration variables
my $cgi_dir = catdir( 't', 'data', 'cgi_dir' );
ok( -d $cgi_dir, 'The cgi_dir exists' );
my $cgi_mock = catdir( 't', 'data', 'cgi_mock' );
ok( -d $cgi_mock, 'The cgi_mock exists' );
my $cgi_uri = URI::file->new( rel2abs( $cgi_mock ) );
isa_ok( $cgi_uri, 'URI::file' );
# Instantiation
# Create the installation object
my $cgi = Module::CGI::Install->new(
interactive => 0,
install_cgi => 1,
install_static => 0,
cgi_dir => $cgi_dir,
cgi_uri => $cgi_uri->as_string,
isa_ok( $cgi, 'Module::CGI::Install' );
# Check accessors
is( $cgi->interactive, '', '->interactive ok' );
is( $cgi->install_cgi, 1, '->install_cgi ok' );
is( $cgi->install_static, '', '->install_static ok' );
is( $cgi->cgi_dir, $cgi_dir, '->cgi_dir ok' );
is( $cgi->cgi_uri, $cgi_uri, '->statuc_uri ok' );
isa_ok( $cgi->cgi_map, 'URI::ToDisk' );
is( $cgi->cgi_map->path, $cgi_dir, '->cgi_dir ok' );
is( $cgi->cgi_map->uri, $cgi_uri, '->cgi_uri ok' );
is( $cgi->cgi_capture, undef, '->cgi_capture undef' );
is( $cgi->static_dir, undef, '->static_dir undef' );
is( $cgi->static_uri, undef, '->static_uri undef' );
is( $cgi->static_map, undef, '->static_map undef' );
# Validate the static path
ok( ! -f $cgi->cgi_map->catfile('cgicapture')->path, 'No script before the test' );
is( $cgi->validate_cgi_dir($cgi->cgi_map), 1, '->validate_cgi_dir ok' );
ok( ! -f $cgi->cgi_map->catfile('cgicapture')->path, 'No script after the test' );