# Check that making an iso works like we expect
use strict;
$| = 1;
$^W = 1;
use File::Remove 'remove';
# Set the name of the test image (and remove redundant files)
my $pitafile = catfile( 't', 'ping.pita' );
remove( $pitafile ) if -f $pitafile;
remove( $pitafile ) if -f $pitafile;
# Can we load the test data package
eval {
if ( $@ ) {
plan( 'skip_all' );
plan( tests => 15 );
use_ok( 'PITA::XML' );
use_ok( 'PITA::Guest' );
# Preparation
# Locate the test image
my $filename = PITA::Test::Image::Qemu->filename;
ok( $filename, 'Got test image name' );
ok( -f $filename, 'Test image exists' );
ok( -r $filename, 'Test image is readable' );
ok( ! -w $filename, 'Test image is not writable' );
# Create an xml element for the file
my $filexml = PITA::XML::File->new(
filename => $filename,
isa_ok( $filexml, 'PITA::XML::File' );
# Create a Qemu guest and save it, since we can only
# create live guest objects with on-disk files.
my $guestxml = PITA::XML::Guest->new(
driver => 'Qemu',
memory => 128,
snapshot => 1,
isa_ok( $guestxml, 'PITA::XML::Guest' );
ok( $guestxml->add_file( $filexml ), 'Added file to the guest config' );
ok( $guestxml->write( $pitafile ), "Saved guest pita file to $pitafile" );
ok( -f $pitafile, 'Wrote guest file ok' );
# Main Testing
# Create the guest
my $guest = PITA::Guest->new( $pitafile );
isa_ok( $guest, 'PITA::Guest' );
ok( -f $guest->file, 'File exists' );
ok( -f ($guest->driver->guest->files)[0]->filename, 'File exists' );
# Ping the guest
ok( $guest->ping, 'Guest pings ok' );