use strict;
$| = 1;
$^W = 1;
use Test::More tests => 19;
use File::Temp ();
# Trivial Test
package My::TestPackage;
sub new {
bless [ @_ ], 'My::TestPackage';
# Pretends to be anything
sub isa { 1 }
$INC{'My/TestPackage.pm'} = 'loaded';
my $machine = Perl::Dist::Machine->new(
class => 'My::TestPackage',
output => File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ),
common => {
foo => 1,
isa_ok( $machine, 'Perl::Dist::Machine' );
is( $machine->class, 'My::TestPackage' );
ok( -d $machine->output, "Found output directory at '" . $machine->output . '"' );
is_deeply( [ $machine->dimensions ], [], 'No dimensions' );
# Add a dimension
ok( $machine->add_dimension('bar'), '->add_dimension ok' );
ok( $machine->add_dimension('baz'), '->add_dimension ok' );
is_deeply( [ $machine->dimensions ], [ 'bar', 'baz' ], 'No dimensions' );
# Add some options
ok( $machine->add_option( 'bar', bar => 1 ), '->add_option ok' );
ok( $machine->add_option( 'bar', bar => 2 ), '->add_option ok' );
ok( $machine->add_option( 'baz', bar => 1 ), '->add_option ok' );
ok( $machine->add_option( 'baz', bar => 2 ), '->add_option ok' );
ok( $machine->add_option( 'baz', bar => 3 ), '->add_option ok' );
# Get the full list of values
my @all = $machine->all;
is( scalar(@all), 6, 'Got 6 objects as expected' );
foreach ( @all ) {
isa_ok( $_, 'My::TestPackage' );