#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Test ExtUtils::Install.
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
@INC = ('../../lib', '../lib', 'lib');
else {
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
chdir 't';
use strict;
use TieOut;
use Test::More tests => 70;
BEGIN { use_ok('ExtUtils::Install') }
# Check exports.
foreach my $func (qw(install uninstall pm_to_blib install_default)) {
can_ok(__PACKAGE__, $func);
ok( setup_recurs(), 'setup' );
ok( chdir File::Spec->updir );
ok( teardown_recurs(), 'teardown' );
# ensure the env doesnt pollute our tests
chdir 'Big-Dummy';
my $stdout = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut';
pm_to_blib( { 'lib/Big/Dummy.pm' => 'blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm' },
END { rmtree 'blib' }
ok( -d 'blib/lib', 'pm_to_blib created blib dir' );
ok( -r 'blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm', ' copied .pm file' );
ok( -r 'blib/lib/auto', ' created autosplit dir' );
is( $stdout->read, "cp lib/Big/Dummy.pm blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm\n" );
pm_to_blib( { 'lib/Big/Dummy.pm' => 'blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm' },
ok( -d 'blib/lib', 'second run, blib dir still there' );
ok( -r 'blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm', ' .pm file still there' );
ok( -r 'blib/lib/auto', ' autosplit still there' );
is( $stdout->read, "Skip blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm (unchanged)\n" );
install( [
from_to=>{ 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/lib/perl',
read => 'install-test/packlist',
write => 'install-test/packlist'
ok( ! -d 'install-test/lib/perl', 'install made dir (dry run)');
ok( ! -r 'install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm',
' .pm file installed (dry run)');
ok( ! -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists (dry run)');
install([ from_to=> { 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/lib/perl',
read => 'install-test/packlist',
write => 'install-test/packlist'
} ]);
ok( -d 'install-test/lib/perl', 'install made dir' );
ok( -r 'install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', ' .pm file installed' );
ok(!-r 'install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.SKIP', ' ignored .SKIP file' );
ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
open(PACKLIST, 'install-test/packlist' );
my %packlist = map { chomp; ($_ => 1) } <PACKLIST>;
# On case-insensitive filesystems (ie. VMS), the keys of the packlist might
# be lowercase. :(
my $native_dummy = File::Spec->catfile(qw(install-test lib perl Big Dummy.pm));
is( keys %packlist, 1 );
is( lc((keys %packlist)[0]), lc $native_dummy, 'packlist written' );
# Test UNINST=1 preserving same versions in other dirs.
install([from_to=> { 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/other_lib/perl',
read => 'install-test/packlist',
write => 'install-test/packlist'
ok( -d 'install-test/other_lib/perl', 'install made other dir' );
ok( -r 'install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', ' .pm file installed' );
ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
ok( -r 'install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', ' UNINST=1 preserved same' );
chmod 0644, 'blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm' or die $!;
open(DUMMY, ">>blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm") or die $!;
print DUMMY "Extra stuff\n";
close DUMMY;
# Test UNINST=0 does not remove other versions in other dirs.
ok( -r 'install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', 'different install exists' );
local @INC = ('install-test/lib/perl');
local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '';
install([from_to=> { 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/other_lib/perl',
read => 'install-test/packlist',
write => 'install-test/packlist'
ok( -d 'install-test/other_lib/perl', 'install made other dir' );
ok( -r 'install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', ' .pm file installed' );
ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
ok( -r 'install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm',
' UNINST=0 left different' );
# Test UNINST=1 only warning when failing to remove an irrelevent shadow file
my $tfile='install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm';
local $ExtUtils::Install::Testing = $tfile;
local @INC = ('install-test/other_lib/perl','install-test/lib/perl');
local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '';
ok( -r $tfile, 'different install exists' );
my @warn;
local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub { push @warn, @_; return };
my $ok=eval {
install([from_to=> { 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/other_lib/perl',
read => 'install-test/packlist',
write => 'install-test/packlist'
ok($ok,' we didnt die');
ok(0+@warn," we did warn");
ok( -d 'install-test/other_lib/perl', 'install made other dir' );
ok( -r 'install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', ' .pm file installed' );
ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
ok( -r $tfile, ' UNINST=1 failed to remove different' );
# Test UNINST=1 dieing when failing to remove an relevent shadow file
my $tfile='install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm';
local $ExtUtils::Install::Testing = $tfile;
local @INC = ('install-test/lib/perl','install-test/other_lib/perl');
local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '';
ok( -r $tfile, 'different install exists' );
my @warn;
local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub { push @warn,@_; return };
my $ok=eval {
install([from_to=> { 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/other_lib/perl',
read => 'install-test/packlist',
write => 'install-test/packlist'
ok(!$ok,' we did die');
ok(!@warn," we didnt warn");
ok( -d 'install-test/other_lib/perl', 'install made other dir' );
ok( -r 'install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', ' .pm file installed' );
ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
ok( -r $tfile,' UNINST=1 failed to remove different' );
# Test UNINST=1 removing other versions in other dirs.
local @INC = ('install-test/lib/perl');
local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '';
ok( -r 'install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm','different install exists' );
install([from_to=>{ 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/other_lib/perl',
read => 'install-test/packlist',
write => 'install-test/packlist'
ok( -d 'install-test/other_lib/perl', 'install made other dir' );
ok( -r 'install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', ' .pm file installed' );
ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
ok( !-r 'install-test/lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm',
' UNINST=1 removed different' );
# Test EU_ALWAYS_COPY triggers copy.
local @INC = ('install-test/lib/perl');
local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '';
my $tfile='install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm';
my $sfile='blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm';
ok(-r $tfile,"install file already exists");
ok(-r $sfile,"source file already exists");
utime time-600, time-600, $sfile or die "utime '$sfile' failed:$!";
ok( (stat $tfile)[9]!=(stat $sfile)[9],' Times are different');
install([from_to=>{ 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/other_lib/perl',
read => 'install-test/packlist',
write => 'install-test/packlist'
},result=>\my %result]);
ok( -d 'install-test/other_lib/perl', 'install made other dir' );
ok( -r 'install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', ' .pm file installed' );
ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
ok( (stat $tfile)[9]==(stat$sfile)[9],' Times are same');
ok( !$result{install_unchanged},' $result{install_unchanged} should be empty');
# Test nothing is copied.
local @INC = ('install-test/lib/perl');
local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '';
my $tfile='install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm';
my $sfile='blib/lib/Big/Dummy.pm';
ok(-r $tfile,"install file already exists");
ok(-r $sfile,"source file already exists");
utime time-1200, time-1200, $sfile or die "utime '$sfile' failed:$!";
ok( (stat $tfile)[9]!=(stat $sfile)[9],' Times are different');
install([from_to=>{ 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/other_lib/perl',
read => 'install-test/packlist',
write => 'install-test/packlist'
},result=>\my %result]);
ok( -d 'install-test/other_lib/perl', 'install made other dir' );
ok( -r 'install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/Dummy.pm', ' .pm file installed' );
ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
ok( (stat $tfile)[9]!=(stat$sfile)[9],' Times are different');
ok( !$result{install},' nothing should have been installed');
ok( $result{install_unchanged},' install_unchanged should be populated');