Changes for Perl extension SDL-Tutorial-3DWorld
0.33 Wed 19 Jan 2011
Added a GridPlane actor for generating wolfenstein-like levels
Added a basic Fog implementation. Because it doesn't really mix
well with the skybox I've kept the intensity and range down so it
looks a little like a light ground mist. It will do for now.
Added partially working eight-sided sprite of a Wolfenstein guard.
0.32 Fri 7 Jan 2011
Added a smallish test video
Added the beginnings of an implementation of a flat screen TV
actor. Unfortunately, the underlying SDL implementation of MPEG
support isn't quite working yet, so it is disabled for now.
Nesting file parsers under Asset:: wasn't really working for me
logically, so moved them all to the root level.
Added a test script for the ::Mesh class.
The beginning of OpenGL::Array integration for ::Mesh objects,
as a stepping stone to moving from display lists to more modern
OpenGL Vertex Arrays (before we move all the way to OpenGL
Vertex Buffer Arrays).
Fixed the surface normal scaling gotcha described at this URL.
Restored specular material component to the teapots now they will
be displayed correctly.
0.31 Tue 4 Jan 2011
Added a billboard actor for sprites that always orient towards
the camera like particle effects and lens flares etc. Unlike the
plain sprite actor, this one DOES do blurring up close because it
is often used for more serious effects in 3D programs.
Added a billboard demonstration which is completely unlike the
way most real things will be done (this is an actual thing,
instead of some spherically symmetric particle/effect)
0.30 Tue 4 Jan 2011
The file for the previous release was accidentally
not bundled with the release.
Added a class for generating hedrons of other actor objects,
representing the first time that actors exist in the world
without being part of the main actor array.
Added a 2 level recursive toilet plunger icosahedron to world.
Unitised the sprite display, and correct the scaling of the
demonstration sprite directly when we add it to the world.
Added support for configurable GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER values.
We now disable blurring of sprites by default so that they
intentionally look pixelish and old-school.
0.29 Tue 4 Jan 2011
The debug display now changes correctly when you turn debug on and off,
and does so correctly for new objects in both states as well.
Added support for basic Wolfenstein style sprites.
0.28 Mon 3 Jan 2011
Stripped a few superfluous methods out of the lighting setup.
Make sure the camera direction vector is set up early to prevent
warnings before the first mouse move event.
Added a grid of 400 texture boxes to prove that the culling algorithm
can support 500-1000 models without the need for a scene graph.
Added a ::Bound class to store richer bounding data in preparation
for more complex layered frustrum culling. It automatically calcaultes
both the sphere and cube vales, needing only one of the two as
constructor input.
Moved frustrum culling from Z-cube to sphere-sphere, which should be
both faster and use less CPU.
Camera now pre-calculated a huge amount of frustrum data in advance,
and recalculates them when the camera moves.
Actors are now added by a method, which allows us to automatically
attach the debugging actors to all objects including those created
dynamically at run-time.
0.27 Fri 31 Dec 2010
Massive optimisation and tuning release to maximise the level
of raw performance before we absolutely HAVE to start using a
scene graph. This release should reach 100-500 world objects
it gets too slow to be useful. This should be more than enough
for many simple games and simulations.
For improved profiling accuracy when starting the world with
-benchmark we immediately enable the three "hide_" properties
accessed via F1, F2, F3 so they don't show up in the profiling
When --benchmark is enabled, we also avoid the creation of all
of the ::Actor::Debug object entirely for more accurate
measurement of any O(N) operations.
The entire display culling logic has been removed from the camera
class and inlined into the main display_actors method. Once the
number of actors gets large just the Perl method call costs alone
become significant for O(N) operations.
Added support for a origin-relative ->{boundary} propery to avoid
recalculating boundary boxes of objects that don't move.
Added support for a ->{display} property to encapsulate the
entire rendering process for static objects that don't move.
This lets us call glCallList directly in the top level loop and
avoids O(N) calls to ->display methods. Instead, we only need to
call the ->display method for complex actors or those in motion.
0.26 Thu 30 Dec 2010
The left mouse button now generates new actors. In true FPS
style these are crates! Since this results in a surprisingly
large amount of trivial but creative minecrafty fun I'm doing a
new release just for this one change. :)
0.25 Thu 30 Dec 2010
The mouse scroll wheel now controls the distance away from the
camera that the selector box will float.
3DWorld now does a $VERSION integrity scan of all child classes
during initialisation to make sure kthakore hasn't corrupted his
installation (again).
Adding a global texture cache. No noticable impact as we don't
do much reuse of textures in the current world.
Adding a global model cache. Because of the 121 toilet plungers
in our scene this one change reduced startup time by 75%, total
memory consumption by 7 meg (15%) and improved framerate by 5%.
0.24 Thu 29 Dec 2010
Disable solid object display order optimisation, as I suspect it
that the Perl cost to sort them is bigger than the cost of just
brute force drawing all of them in hardware.
Added neato grid select tool
0.23 Wed 29 Dec 2010
Sort solid objects from nearest to farthest to increase the
chance that OpenGL only needs to depth test far objects and won't
need to do any colour/texture/light work at all.
Added support for explicit normals in meshes and model files
Moved Moved SDL::Tutorial::3DWorld::Asset::Mesh up a directory,
as it didn't really make sense having it in the Asset namespace.
Added F3 toggle to enable/disable the console/FPS (which costs
a remarkably large amount for what it does).
0.22 Wed 29 Dec 2010
The bounding box actor now also displays a traditional
red/green/blue axis on the original of each actor.
Flying camera renamed as the God camera.
All textures now wrap by default removing the need for the
Tile class at all.
In light of it's expanded role, renamed ::Actor::Box to the
more general sounding ::Actor::Debug.
We don't need to clear the color buffer when we have a skybox.
Clearing only the depth buffer will have the exact same effect.
Adding support for a ->{hidden} property on actors that allows
them to intentionally make themselves invisible.
Left CTRL now provides negative lift to the God-mode camera.
i.e. It makes you go vertically downwards.
Added F1 toggle to enable/disable debuging actors
Added F2 toggle to enable/disable abusively expensive actors
0.21 Tue 28 Dec 2010
Adding directory-based asset support, which is needed for linking
model files to their supporting texture (etc) files.
Reorganised the file parsers into the ::Asset::* namespace.
Adding a basic MTL file parser to add materials to OBJ models.
Added an actor for showing the contents of a MTL file
Added support for transparent materials in MTL files
Actor display order is now sorted by descending distance from the camera
to allow the alpha blending of transparent and anti-aliased objects
to render correctly and prevent objects behind them "dissapearing".
Added angle and elevation to the diagnostic console.
Rewrote all my camera movement math as it was rotten. The new version is
much easier to read and supports holding space down to go "up" in a camera
angle relative direction.
Added support for bounding boxes to actors.
Added a bounding box actor, which is a semi-transparent white line cube
that follows another actor around and highlights their bounding box.
Added support for loading materials in OBJ files automatically from their
respective MTL files.
Added a plain => 1 option for disabling automatic MTL loading in cases
where there is no MTL file and you just want a plain OBJ model.
Added a herd of dangerous wild toilet plungers.
Added a simple demonstration of actor-culling optimisation that skips
drawing any actor that is behind the camera. This is nowhere near as good
as frustrum culling (culling to the cemera's observation pyramid) but is
simpler to implement and does the job for now.
0.20 Mon 20 Dec 2010
Apparently OpenGL convention dictates that all polygons have their
points declared counter-clockwise to the "front" of the polygon.
Once turning on face culling to save GL work, it turns out that
all my shapes would inside out. Oops :)
Importing a local fork of OpenGL::RWX
Adding a life-sized nutcracker doll to help test RWX support.
Expanded OpenGL::RWX's per-face surface normals to face-averaged
per-vertex surface normals, allowing OpenGL to currectly smooth the
polygons (important on polished wood toys)
Added preliminary support for OBJ models (only with per-face surface
normals at this point).
Added a superbly detailed and giant freaking table to demonstrate the
greater quality of objects you tend to be able to find for obj files.
0.19 Mon 20 Dec 2010
Added a "God Mode" flying camera which uses the left shift key
as an exponential speed accelerator, and make it the default.
Added ->current static method to ::3DWorld to get currently
world. Removes the need to pass things like the camera around
everywhere all the time.
The skybox now locates the camera via ->current->camera instead
having to be passed the camera.
Added a console for overlaying the world with diagnostic text.
Set min_t to zero to push frames per second as high as possible.
Correcting some broken versions
0.18 Sun 19 Dec 2010
Moving the landscape to a typical 2000-era infinite ground plane,
but with a more detailed texture than in that era.
Unfortunately, the new ground plane means our skybox looks wrong
now, as it was never designed for use with a ground plane.
Reorganised some internals so we don't need to export from OpenGL
so much. This will be removed later, once OpenGL fixes it constants.
Added support for tiling textures with SDL::Tutorial::3DWorld::Tile
0.17 Sat 18 Dec 2010
Added preliminary support for loading models from RWX files
0.16 Sat 18 Dec 2010
Switch from manual GL display list code to OpenGL::List
Implemented left shift for "running"
0.15 Fri 17 Dec 2010
Because we can be fairly certain that TextureCube (i.e. crates)
will be popular, use that class to demonstrate the use of OpenGL
display lists via glGenLists(), glNewList(), and glCallList().
Noting that, of all things, glLineWidth() is insanely expensive.
0.14 Fri 17 Dec 2010
Actors are now rendered in random order to expose any places
where material property state management is being done badly.
Added some simple utility methods for getting paths to files
and directories in the share directory.
Added a TextureCube package for creating floor-origin rotatable
resizable cubes with the same (and correctly oriented) texture
on each face. Which is to say...
Fear the mighty Crate! Weep! Swoon!
0.13 Fri 17 Dec 2010
Factored the teapot-specific logic into a separate class
Added a new "grid cube" actor which demonstrates points, lines,
multiple element actors and grid-snapping for worlds which
inherently consist of a cube space (think original Wolfenstein).
When a texture is displayed it now inherently defends itself
against being altered by previous alpha channel settings of
other objects.
The 3dworld launcher now supports a --window option to disable
fullscreen in places where it's weird (like on my giant portrait
orientation monitors at $work)
0.12 Fri 17 Dec 2010
Increase default (only) resolution to 1024x768
Turned on double buffering to prevent mouselook flicker
0.11 Fri 17 Dec 2010
OpenGL::GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR definitely looks better, especially
when it has text on it.
Change the skybox overlap to a minimum amount for slightly tighter
welding of the skybox edges.
Change to 24 bit colour depth so we don't get colour gradient steps
0.10 Fri 17 Dec 2010
The three teapots now match the official colours for the three axis
Adding direction label text to the chessboard image
Adding direction label text to all of the skybox image
The chessboard texture was upside down, corrected
The skybox images were backwards and inverted, corrected
Moved the "examples" (that weren't) into the private directory
0.09 Thu 16 Dec 2010
The skybox cube faces now overlap just slightly, which removes the
visible tearing between each face.
Now the skybox doesn't suck, tweak the light position closer to
where the sun is on the skybox should the shading and reflection
look absolutely correct.
0.08 Thu 16 Dec 2010
Low-sophistication (Smooth Hinting) anti-aliasing enabled for all
three of points, lines and polygons.
Fixed the chessboard material so it works with blending enabled.
Add GL hinting to make the texture scaling prettier.
Movement is now done via the move callback, locking movement to real
world time and making it independant of render speeds.
Half-assed support for identifying speeds in real metres per second.
Fixed a stupid trig bug in the camera movement logic, walking no
longer makes you skew sideways like a drunken troll when facing east.
0.07 Thu 16 Dec 2010
Like all good games, 3DWorld now runs full screen
0.06 Wed 15 Dec 2010
The landscape is now a 10x10 metre chess board
A new "at the origin" event filter for removing warp_mouse events,
as the first "ignore next" one didn't account for event queueing
and stuttering was starting to occur.
Moved the light to approximately the location of where the sun is
on the skybox for added "realism"
All actors now have a velocity vector.
Slightly less sucky material for the teapots.
The teapots slowly fly away in the positive X, Y and Z directions
0.05 Wed 15 Dec 2010
Skybox is now both optional and actually works
0.04 Wed 15 Dec 2010
Adding a texture abstraction library
Adding a simple implementation of a skybox
0.03 Wed 15 Dec 2010
Do not show the mouse cursor
Capture the mouse cursor to allow infinite mouselook travel
Adding a trivial constructor test (that doesn't init OpenGL)
Adding Test::NoWarnings to the tests
0.02 Wed 15 Dec 2010
Fixed the lighting and material of the objects
0.01 Tue 14 Dec 2010
Created the initial game model