.# Title: Condition that is a sub - top level - loops
.# This needs to be tested several ways due to implementation subtleties:
.# In line and in a sub
.# .if vs .unless vs .elseif
.# .while vs .until vs .for
.# .sub vs the built in directives: .include .read .test
.# Nested vs top level loops & straight ifs
.# In various combinations.
.# A sub that returns its first argument:
.sub foo RetVal a2
.echo foo returning RetVal='\v{RetVal}' ; a2='\v{a2}'
.return RetVal
Done foo definition
Test top level while: false
.while .foo 0 bar
Unexpected output
Test top level while: true
.while .foo 1 bar
Expected Output
.# Until - should not be an issue if the above is OK
Test top level until: false
.until .foo 0 bar
Expected output
Test top level until: true
.until .foo 1 bar
Unexpected Output
.# For is more complicated
.for i := 5 ;; .foo \v{i} bar ;; i--
.echo For i = \v{i}