use strict;
use Test::More tests => 10;
package SuperDummy;
storage_type 'Array';
has '$.x' => (default => 'x value');
has '$.z' => (default => 'z value');
package SubDummy;
storage_type 'Array';
has '$.y';
has '$.k';
my $subclass = SubDummy->new;
is($subclass->x, 'x value', 'should have x value');
package Custom;
storage_type 'Array';
has '$.a';
# or your own contructor
my $custom = Custom->new;
isa_ok($custom, 'Custom');
package Initialise;
storage_type 'Array';
has '$.attr';
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->set_attr('initialise ...');
my $init = Initialise->new;
is($init->attr,'initialise ...', 'should have initialise ...');
package ClassA;
storage_type 'Array';
has '$.z' => (default => 0);
abstract 'method1';
my $classA = ClassA->new;
::isa_ok($classA , 'ClassA');
eval {$classA->method1};
::like($@, qr{method1 is an abstract method}, 'catch an exception method1 is an abstract method');
eval {ClassA->new;};
::like($@, qr{Can't instantiate abstract class}, 'can\'t instantiate abstract class');
package ClassD;
storage_type 'Array' , sub {my $class = shift; bless [@_], $class} ;
has '$.a';
has '$.b';
my $d = ClassD->new(121,1);
isa_ok($d, 'ClassD');
is($d->a, 121, 'should hava a attribute');
is($d->b, 1, 'should hava b attribute');