# EditableTable Example 7
# demonstrates the Horizontal table with string output and external call to javascript object along with other calls
use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Getopt::Std;
use HTML::EditableTable;
use HTML::EditableTable::Horizontal;
my @tableData =
'part_id' => 7765,
'catalog_id' => 'UX35AT',
'addition_date' => '2008-10-10',
'part_name' => 'control module',
'vendor' => 'Praxis',
'description' => 'ABS package with revA firmware. Used in low-cost applications and as replacement for model UX34AT. Includes adaptor wiring harness for UX34AT',
'qoh' => '65',
'rohs_category' => 2,
'reorder_class' => 'C',
'last_order_date' => '2010-06-10',
'part_id' => 7961,
'catalog_id' => 'ZX42AT',
'addition_date' => '2009-03-01',
'part_name' => 'power regulator',
'vendor' => 'Armscor',
'description' => 'Minature power supply with redundant relays',
'qa_results' => '2ppm confirmed',
'qoh' => '32',
'rohs_category' => 2,
'reorder_class' => 'A',
'last_order_date' => '2009-12-17',
'part_id' => 8055,
'catalog_id' => 'UX24AT',
'addition_date' => '2007-04-08',
'part_name' => 'control module',
'vendor' => 'Subarashii',
'description' => 'Obsolete control module for A45 overthruster. Requires UX27AZ conditioner and 3F buffering caps if the overthruster runs >18psi',
'qoh' => '2',
'rohs_category' => 4,
'reorder_class' => 'A',
'last_order_date' => '2005-08-19',
my @tableFields =
'editOnly' => 1,
'formElement' => 'deleteRowButton',
'dbfield' => 'part_id',
'label' => 'Part Id',
'viewOnly' => 1,
'dbfield' => 'catalog_id',
'label' => 'Catalog Id',
'formElement' => 'textfield',
'size' => 15,
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
'dbfield' => 'addition_date',
'label' => 'Available From',
'formElement' => 'calendar',
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
'dbfield' => 'part_name',
'label' => 'Part Name',
'formElement' => 'textfield',
'size' => 20,
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
'dbfield' => 'vendor',
'label' => 'Vendor',
'formElement' => 'popup',
'selectionList' => ['', 'Amexx', 'Armscor', 'Consolidated', 'Gentine', 'Oroco', 'Praxis', 'Shellalco', 'Subarashii',],
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
'dbfield' => 'description',
'label' => 'Part Description',
'formElement' => 'textarea',
'subBr' => 1,
'drillDownTruncate' => 60,
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
'dbfield' => 'qa_results',
'label' => 'QA Results',
'formElement' => 'textfield',
'linkifyContentOnView' => 1,
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
'dbfield' => 'qoh',
'label' => 'Quantity',
'formElement' => 'textfield',
'size' => 5,
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
'dbfield' => 'rohs_category',
'label' => 'RoHS',
'formElement' => 'popup',
'selectionList' => ['',1..10],
'selectionLabels' => {
1 => 'Large and small household appliances',
2 => 'IT equipment',
3 => 'Telecommunications equipment',
4 => 'Consumer equipment',
5 => 'Lighting equipment',
6 => 'Electronic and electrical tools',
7 => 'Toys, leisure, and sports equipment',
8 => 'Medical devices',
9 => 'Monitoring and control instruments',
10 => 'Automatic dispensers',
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
'dbfield' => 'reorder_class',
'label' => 'Reorder Class',
'formElement' => 'popup',
'selectionList' => ['', 'A', 'B', 'C'],
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
'dbfield' => 'last_order_date',
'label' => 'Last Ordered',
'formElement' => 'calendar',
'uniquifierField' => 'part_id',
######## CGI Controller ##########
our $t = CGI->new();
print $t->header();
print "<h3>" . "Example using EditableTable::Horizontal" . "</h3>";
my $context = $t->param('context') || 'view';
# might be getting a context from command-line if the script is being run in the test suite
my %opts = ();
getopts('c:', \%opts);
if ($opts{c}) { $context = $opts{c}; }
my $tabIndex = 100;
my $table = HTML::EditableTable::Horizontal->new();
print "<form method=post>";
# separate call for javascript (optional - if not done htmlDisplay() will do this if necessary)
my $jsHtml = $table->htmlJavascriptDisplay();
print $jsHtml . "\n";
my $tableHtml = $table->htmlDisplay();
print $tableHtml . "\n";
my $nextContext = $context eq 'view' ? 'edit' : 'view';
print "<input type=submit name=context value=$nextContext>";
print "</form>";