=head1 NAME
gdb++ - GDB wrapper providing nice reflection features
gdb++ [options] [executable-file [core-file or process-id]]
gdb++ [options] --args executable-file [inferior-arguments ...]
=head2 OPTIONS
=item B<--args>
Pass all parameters after I<executable-file> to the program being debugged.
=item B<-v>
If STDIN is not a tty (e.g. it's a pipe), echo back the GDB prompt as well as
the command being executed.
=item B<-g> I<PATH>
Specify the path to the gdb executable. Defaults to C<gdb>.
Devel::GDB::Reflect provides a reflection API for GDB/C++, which can
be used to recursively print the contents of STL data structures
(vector, set, map, etc.) within a GDB session. It is not limited
to STL, however; you can write your own delegates for printing custom
container types.
The module provides a script, "gdb++", which serves as a wrapper
around GDB. Invoke it the same way you would invoke gdb, e.g.:
$ gdb++ MYPROG
Within the gdb++ session, you can execute the same commands as within
gdb, with the following extensions:
=item *
C<print_r> I<VAR>
Recursively prints the contents of VAR. The command can be
abbreviated as "pr". For example, if "v" is of type
vector< vector<int> >:
(gdb) pr v
[ 11, 12, 13 ],
[ 21, 22, 23 ],
[ 31, 32, 33 ]
=item *
C<set gdb_reflect_indent> I<VALUE>
=item *
C<show gdb_reflect_indent>
Set or show the number of spaces to indent at each level of
recursion. Defaults to 4.
=item *
C<set gdb_reflect_max_depth> I<VALUE>
=item *
C<show gdb_reflect_max_depth>
Set or show the maximum recursion depth. Defaults to 5. Example:
(gdb) set gdb_reflect_max_depth 2
(gdb) pr v
[ { ... }, { ... }, { ... } ],
[ { ... }, { ... }, { ... } ],
[ { ... }, { ... }, { ... } ]
=item *
C<set gdb_reflect_max_width> I<VALUE>
=item *
C<show gdb_reflect_max_width>
Set or show the maximum number of elements to show from a given
container. Defaults to 10. Example:
(gdb) set gdb_reflect_max_width 2
(gdb) pr v
[ 11, 12, ... ],
[ 21, 22, ... ],
use strict;
use POSIX;
my $FILE;
my $ARGS;
my $IS_TTY = -t STDIN;
my $GDB = "gdb";
# Map from parameter name (e.g. gdb_reflect_indent) to a variable ref
# (e.g. \$Devel::GDB::Reflect::INDENT)
sub get_var($)
($_) = @_;
and return \$Devel::GDB::Reflect::INDENT;
and return \$Devel::GDB::Reflect::MAX_WIDTH;
and return \$Devel::GDB::Reflect::MAX_DEPTH;
return undef;
## Process the command line arguments
# Stop processing arguments after --args
@ARGV = map { /^--args$/ ? ($_, q(--)) : $_ } @ARGV;
GetOptions( 'v' => \$VERBOSE,
'g=s' => \$GDB,
'args' => \$ARGS )
or pod2usage();
if(defined $ARGS)
# Lift out $FILE
@ARGV = grep { defined($FILE) or /^-/ or $FILE = $_, 0 } @ARGV;
die "`--args' specified but no program specified" unless defined($FILE);
pod2usage if @ARGV > 2;
my @preamble = ();
push @preamble, shell_quote('file', $FILE) if defined($FILE);
push @preamble, shell_quote('core', $CORE_FILE) if defined($CORE_FILE);
push @preamble, shell_quote('args', @ARGV) if defined($ARGS);
## Start up GDB. Work around a lack of proper signal handling in Devel::GDB
## and actually inform the user if GDB dies unexpectedly (or even fails to
## start up).
my ($gdb, $bufs, $errs);
$SIG{CHLD} = sub
return unless $?;
my $msg = defined($gdb) ? "GDB died unexpectedly" : "GDB failed to start";
$msg .= (", exit status was " . WEXITSTATUS($?)) if WIFEXITED($?);
$msg .= (", died with signal " . WTERMSIG($?)) if WIFSIGNALED($?);
die $msg;
($gdb, $bufs, $errs) = new Devel::GDB( -execfile => $GDB );
print STDERR $bufs;
print STDERR $errs;
die "Failed to start GDB";
my($result, $error) = $gdb->get($_);
die "Error: $error" if($error);
print STDERR $result;
## Set up our environment, and start the main loop
my $reflector = new Devel::GDB::Reflect($gdb);
# Create a new ReadLine instance if we're reading from a TTY;
# otherwise create a stub that behaves like ReadLine
my $term;
$term = new Term::ReadLine 'gdb++';
my $rl_attribs = $term->Attribs;
$rl_attribs->{completion_function} =
sub {
my ($text, $line, $start) = @_;
my @gdb_completions = map { substr($_, $start) } $reflector->get_completions($line);
my @gdbpp_completions = ();
if($line =~ /^(set|show)\b/)
foreach('gdb_reflect_indent', 'gdb_reflect_max_width', 'gdb_reflect_max_depth')
push @gdbpp_completions, $_ if($_ =~ /^\Q$text\E/);
if($text eq $line)
foreach('print_r', 'pr')
push @gdbpp_completions, $_ if($_ =~ /^\Q$text\E/);
return (@gdb_completions, @gdbpp_completions);
$term = anon
readline => sub
my $prompt = shift;
print STDERR $prompt if $VERBOSE;
defined($_ = <STDIN>) and chomp $_ or undef;
return $_;
my $prompt = '(gdb)';
my $lastcmd = '';
my $lasterror = '';
for( ; defined($_ = $term->readline("$prompt ")) ; $lastcmd = $_ if /\S/ )
print STDERR "$_\n"
if(!$IS_TTY && $VERBOSE);
$_ = $lastcmd unless /\S/;
next unless /\S/;
my $param = $1;
(my $value = $2) =~ s/\s//;
unless ($value =~ /./)
print STDERR "Parameter requires a value!\n";
unless ($value =~ /[0-9]+/)
print STDERR "Number expected, got '$value'!\n";
${get_var($param)} = $value;
my $param = $1;
print STDERR "$param is " . ${get_var($param)} . "\n";
(my $result, $lasterror, $prompt) = $gdb->get($_);
print STDERR $result;
last if $lasterror;
if($lasterror eq '')
# We got EOF on STDIN, so let's quit gdb gracefully
print STDERR "\n";
exit 0;
die "Error: $lasterror"
unless $lasterror eq 'EOF';