# Copyright (C) 2004 Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke@opendoorsoftware.com>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use 5.006;
use strict;
use Carp;
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA );
@ISA = qw( UI::Dialog::Backend );
$VERSION = '1.08';
#: Constructor Method
sub new {
my $proto = shift();
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $cfg = ((ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") ? $_[0] : (@_) ? { @_ } : {});
my $self = {};
bless($self, $class);
$self->{'_state'} = {};
$self->{'_opts'} = {};
#: Dynamic path discovery...
my $CFG_PATH = $cfg->{'PATH'};
if ($CFG_PATH) {
if (ref($CFG_PATH) eq "ARRAY") { $self->{'PATHS'} = $CFG_PATH; }
elsif ($CFG_PATH =~ m!:!) { $self->{'PATHS'} = [ split(/:/,$CFG_PATH) ]; }
elsif (-d $CFG_PATH) { $self->{'PATHS'} = [ $CFG_PATH ]; }
} elsif ($ENV{'PATH'}) { $self->{'PATHS'} = [ split(/:/,$ENV{'PATH'}) ]; }
else { $self->{'PATHS'} = ''; }
$self->{'_opts'}->{'literal'} = $cfg->{'literal'} || 0;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'callbacks'} = $cfg->{'callbacks'} || undef();
$self->{'_opts'}->{'debug'} = $cfg->{'debug'} || undef();
$self->{'_opts'}->{'title'} = $cfg->{'title'} || undef();
$self->{'_opts'}->{'backtitle'} = $cfg->{'backtitle'} || undef();
$self->{'_opts'}->{'width'} = $cfg->{'width'} || 65;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'height'} = $cfg->{'height'} || 10;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'percentage'} = $cfg->{'percentage'} || 1;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'bin'} ||= $self->_find_bin('gdialog.real') || $self->_find_bin('gdialog') || '/usr/bin/gdialog';
$self->{'_opts'}->{'autoclear'} = $cfg->{'autoclear'} || 0;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'clearbefore'} = $cfg->{'clearbefore'} || 0;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'clearafter'} = $cfg->{'clearafter'} || 0;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'beepbin'} = $cfg->{'beepbin'} || $self->_find_bin('beep') || '/usr/bin/beep';
$self->{'_opts'}->{'beepbefore'} = $cfg->{'beepbefore'} || 0;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'beepafter'} = $cfg->{'beepafter'} || 0;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'timeout'} = $cfg->{'timeout'} || 0;
$self->{'_opts'}->{'wait'} = $cfg->{'wait'} || 0;
unless (-x $self->{'_opts'}->{'bin'}) {
croak("the gdialog binary could not be found at: ".$self->{'_opts'}->{'bin'});
#: Private Methods
my $SIG_CODE = {};
sub _del_gauge {
my $CODE = $SIG_CODE->{$$};
unless (not ref($CODE)) {
$SIG_CODE->{$$} = "";
sub _mk_cmnd {
my $self = shift();
my $final = shift();
my $cmnd;
my $args = $self->_merge_attrs(@_);
$cmnd = $args->{'bin'};
$cmnd .= ' --title "' . ($args->{'title'} || $args->{'title'}) . '"'
unless not $args->{'title'} and not $args->{'title'};
$cmnd .= ' --backtitle "' . ($args->{'backtitle'} || $args->{'backtitle'}) . '"'
unless not $args->{'backtitle'} and not $args->{'backtitle'};
$cmnd .= ' --separate-output' unless not $args->{'separate-output'} and not $args->{'separate-output'};
$cmnd .= " " . $final;
#: Public Methods
#: Ask a binary question (Yes/No)
sub yesno {
my $self = shift();
my $caller = (caller(1))[3] || 'main';
$caller = ($caller =~ /^UI\:\:Dialog\:\:Backend\:\:/) ? ((caller(2))[3]||'main') : $caller;
if ($_[0] && $_[0] eq 'caller') { shift(); $caller = shift(); }
my $args = $self->_pre($caller,@_);
my $command = $self->_mk_cmnd(' --yesno',@_);
$command .= ' "' . (($args->{'literal'} ? $args->{'text'} : $self->_organize_text($args->{'text'}))||' ') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'height'}||'20') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'width'}||'65') . '"';
my $rv = $self->command_state($command);
my $this_rv;
if ($rv && $rv >= 1) {
$this_rv = 0;
} else {
$this_rv = 1;
#: Text entry
sub inputbox {
my $self = shift();
my $caller = (caller(1))[3] || 'main';
$caller = ($caller =~ /^UI\:\:Dialog\:\:Backend\:\:/) ? ((caller(2))[3]||'main') : $caller;
if ($_[0] && $_[0] eq 'caller') { shift(); $caller = shift(); }
my $args = $self->_pre($caller,@_);
my $command = $self->_mk_cmnd(' --inputbox',@_);
$command .= ' "' . (($args->{'literal'} ? $args->{'text'} : $self->_organize_text($args->{'text'}))||' ') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'height'}||'20') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'width'}||'65') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'init'}||'') . '"'
unless not $args->{'init'} and not $args->{'entry'};
my ($rv,$text) = $self->command_string($command);
my $this_rv;
if ($rv && $rv >= 1) {
$this_rv = 0;
} else {
$this_rv = $text;
#: password boxes aren't supported by gdialog
sub password {
my $self = shift();
$self->msgbox(text=> 'GDialog does not support passwords at all, '.
'you will see the text as you type in the next dialog.' );
#: Text box
sub msgbox {
my $self = shift();
my $caller = (caller(1))[3] || 'main';
$caller = ($caller =~ /^UI\:\:Dialog\:\:Backend\:\:/) ? ((caller(2))[3]||'main') : $caller;
if ($_[0] && $_[0] eq 'caller') { shift(); $caller = shift(); }
my $args = $self->_pre($caller,@_);
$args->{'msgbox'} ||= 'msgbox';
my $command = $self->_mk_cmnd(' --'.$args->{'msgbox'},@_);
$command .= ' "' . (($args->{'literal'} ? $args->{'text'} : $self->_organize_text($args->{'text'}))||' ') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'height'}||'20') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'width'}||'65') . '"';
my $rv = $self->command_state($command);
my $this_rv;
if ($rv && $rv >= 1) {
$this_rv = 0;
} else {
$this_rv = 1;
sub infobox {
my $self = shift();
#: File box
sub textbox {
my $self = shift();
my $caller = (caller(1))[3] || 'main';
$caller = ($caller =~ /^UI\:\:Dialog\:\:Backend\:\:/) ? ((caller(2))[3]||'main') : $caller;
if ($_[0] && $_[0] eq 'caller') { shift(); $caller = shift(); }
my $args = $self->_pre($caller,@_);
my $command = $self->_mk_cmnd(" --textbox",@_);
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'path'}||'.') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'height'}||'20') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'width'}||'65') . '"';
my ($rv,$text) = $self->command_string($command);
my $this_rv;
if ($rv && $rv >= 1) {
$this_rv = 0;
} else {
$this_rv = $text;
#: a simple menu list
sub menu {
my $self = shift();
my $caller = (caller(1))[3] || 'main';
$caller = ($caller =~ /^UI\:\:Dialog\:\:Backend\:\:/) ? ((caller(2))[3]||'main') : $caller;
if ($_[0] && $_[0] eq 'caller') { shift(); $caller = shift(); }
my $args = $self->_pre($caller,@_);
my $command = $self->_mk_cmnd(" --menu",@_);
$command .= ' "' . (($args->{'literal'} ? $args->{'text'} : $self->_organize_text($args->{'text'}))||' ') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'height'}||'20') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'width'}||'65') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'menuheight'}||$args->{'listheight'}||'5') . '"';
if ($args->{'list'}) {
$args->{'list'} = [ ' ', ' ' ] unless ref($args->{'list'}) eq "ARRAY";
foreach my $item (@{$args->{'list'}}) {
$command .= ' "' . $item . '"';
} else {
$args->{'items'} = [ ' ', ' ' ] unless ref($args->{'items'}) eq "ARRAY";
foreach my $item (@{$args->{'items'}}) {
$command .= ' "' . $item . '"';
my ($rv,$selected) = $self->command_string($command);
my $this_rv;
if ($rv && $rv >= 1) {
$this_rv = 0;
} else {
$this_rv = $selected;
#: a check list
sub checklist {
my $self = shift();
my $caller = (caller(1))[3] || 'main';
$caller = ($caller =~ /^UI\:\:Dialog\:\:Backend\:\:/) ? ((caller(2))[3]||'main') : $caller;
if ($_[0] && $_[0] eq 'caller') { shift(); $caller = shift(); }
my $args = $self->_pre($caller,@_);
$self->{'checklist'} ||= 'checklist';
my $command = $self->_mk_cmnd(" --".$self->{'checklist'},@_,'separate-output',1);
$command .= ' "' . (($args->{'literal'} ? $args->{'text'} : $self->_organize_text($args->{'text'}))||' ') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'height'}||'20') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'width'}||'65') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'menuheight'}||$args->{'listheight'}||'5') . '"';
if ($args->{'list'}) {
$args->{'list'} = [ ' ', [' ', 0] ] unless ref($args->{'list'}) eq "ARRAY";
my ($item,$info);
while (@{$args->{'list'}}) {
$item = shift(@{$args->{'list'}});
$info = shift(@{$args->{'list'}});
$command .= ' "'.$item.'" "'.$info->[0].'" "'.(($info->[1]) ? 'on' : 'off').'"';
} else {
$args->{'items'} = [ ' ', ' ', 'off' ] unless ref($args->{'items'}) eq "ARRAY";
foreach my $item (@{$args->{'items'}}) {
$command .= ' "' . $item . '"';
my ($rv,$selected) = $self->command_array($command);
my $this_rv;
if ($rv && $rv >= 1) {
$this_rv = 0;
} else {
$this_rv = $selected;
return($this_rv) unless ref($this_rv) eq "ARRAY";
#: a radio button list
sub radiolist {
my $self = shift();
my $caller = (caller(1))[3] || 'main';
$caller = ($caller =~ /^UI\:\:Dialog\:\:Backend\:\:/) ? ((caller(2))[3]||'main') : $caller;
if ($_[0] && $_[0] eq 'caller') { shift(); $caller = shift(); }
my $args = $self->_pre($caller,@_);
$self->{'radiolist'} ||= 'radiolist';
my $command = $self->_mk_cmnd(" --".$self->{'radiolist'},@_);
$command .= ' "' . (($args->{'literal'} ? $args->{'text'} : $self->_organize_text($args->{'text'}))||' ') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'height'}||'20') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'width'}||'65') . '"';
$command .= ' "' . ($args->{'menuheight'}||$args->{'listheight'}||'5') . '"';
if ($args->{'list'}) {
$args->{'list'} = [ ' ', [' ', 0] ] unless ref($args->{'list'}) eq "ARRAY";
my ($item,$info);
while (@{$args->{'list'}}) {
$item = shift(@{$args->{'list'}});
$info = shift(@{$args->{'list'}});
$command .= ' "'.$item.'" "'.$info->[0].'" "'.(($info->[1]) ? 'on' : 'off').'"';
} else {
$args->{'items'} = [ ' ', ' ', 'off' ] unless ref($args->{'items'}) eq "ARRAY";
foreach my $item (@{$args->{'items'}}) {
$command .= ' "' . $item . '"';
my ($rv,$selected) = $self->command_string($command);
my $this_rv;
if ($rv && $rv >= 1) {
$this_rv = 0;
} else {
$this_rv = $selected;
# #:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# #: progress meter
# sub gauge_start {
# my $self = shift();
# my $args = $self->_merge_attrs(@_);
# return(0) unless not defined $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# $self->_beep($args->{'beepbefore'});
# my $command = $self->_mk_cmnd(" --gauge",@_);
# $command .= ' "' . (($args->{'literal'} ? $args->{'text'} : $self->_organize_text($args->{'text'}))||' ') . '"';
# $command .= ' "' . ($args->{'height'}||'20') . '"';
# $command .= ' "' . ($args->{'width'}||'65') . '"';
# $command .= ' "' . ($args->{'percentage'}||'0') . '"';
# $self->{'_GAUGE'} = new FileHandle;
# $self->{'_GAUGE'}->open("| $command");
# my $rv = $? >> 8;
# $self->{'_GAUGE'}->autoflush(1);
# $self->ra('null');
# $self->rs('null');
# if ($rv && $rv >= 1) {
# return(0);
# } else {
# return(1);
# }
# }
# sub gauge_inc {
# my $self = $_[0];
# my $incr = $_[1] || 1;
# return(0) unless defined $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# my $fh = $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# $self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'} += $incr;
# $SIG_CODE->{$$} = $self; local $SIG{'PIPE'} = \&_del_gauge;
# unless ($self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'} < 100) {
# $self->gauge_end();
# return(1);
# }
# print $fh $self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'}."\n";
# return(((defined $self->{'_GAUGE'}) ? 1 : 0));
# }
# sub gauge_dec {
# my $self = $_[0];
# my $decr = $_[1] || 1;
# return(0) unless defined $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# my $fh = $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# $self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'} -= $decr;
# $SIG_CODE->{$$} = $self; local $SIG{'PIPE'} = \&_del_gauge;
# unless ($self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'} < 100) {
# $self->gauge_end();
# return(1);
# }
# print $fh $self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'}."\n";
# return(((defined $self->{'_GAUGE'}) ? 1 : 0));
# }
# sub gauge_set {
# my $self = $_[0];
# my $perc = $_[1] || $self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'} || 1;
# my $fh = $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# return(0) unless $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# $self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'} = $perc;
# unless ($self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'} < 100) {
# $self->gauge_end();
# return(1);
# }
# $SIG_CODE->{$$} = $self; local $SIG{'PIPE'} = \&_del_gauge;
# print $fh $self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'}."\n";
# return(((defined $self->{'_GAUGE'}) ? 1 : 0));
# }
# sub gauge_text {
# my $self = $_[0];
# my $mesg = $_[1] || return(0);
# my $fh = $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# return(0) unless $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# $SIG_CODE->{$$} = $self; local $SIG{'PIPE'} = \&_del_gauge;
# print $fh "\nXXX\n\n".$mesg."\n\nXXX\n\n".$self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'}."\n";
# return(((defined $self->{'_GAUGE'}) ? 1 : 0));
# }
# sub gauge_end {
# my $self = $_[0];
# my $fh = $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# return(0) unless $self->{'_GAUGE'};
# $SIG_CODE->{$$} = $self; local $SIG{'PIPE'} = \&_del_gauge;
# $self->{'_GAUGE'}->close();
# delete($self->{'_GAUGE'});
# delete($self->{'_GAUGE_PERCENT'});
# $self->_beep();
# $self->ra('null');
# $self->rs('null');
# return(1);
# }