use 5.010;
use strict;
use utf8;
# ABSTRACT: HTTP agent adapter for libwww-perl
$Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP::VERSION = '0.23';
use Carp qw(croak);
our @CARP_NOT = qw(Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP);
use JSON::MaybeXS 1.003003 qw();
use LWP::UserAgent 6.04 qw();
use URI 1.31;
my $CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json';
sub new {
my ($class, $driver) = @_;
my $self = bless {
json_coder => JSON::MaybeXS->new(utf8 => 1, allow_nonref => 0),
}, $class;
my $uri = $driver->{uri};
if ($driver->{auth}) {
croak "Only HTTP Basic Authentication is supported" if $driver->{auth}->{scheme} ne 'basic';
my $userid = URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8 $driver->{auth}->{principal};
my $passwd = URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8 $driver->{auth}->{credentials};
$uri = $uri->clone;
$self->{uri_base} = $uri;
my $version = $Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP::VERSION;
my $agent = $self->{agent} = LWP::UserAgent->new(
# User-Agent: Neo4j-Driver/0.21 libwww-perl/6.52
agent => sprintf("Neo4j-Driver%s ", $version ? "/$version" : ""),
timeout => $driver->{http_timeout},
$agent->default_headers->header( 'X-Stream' => 'true' );
if ($uri->scheme eq 'https') {
croak "HTTPS does not support unencrypted communication; use HTTP" if defined $driver->{tls} && ! $driver->{tls};
$agent->ssl_opts( verify_hostname => 1 );
if (defined( my $tls_ca = $driver->{tls_ca} )) {
croak "tls_ca file '$driver->{tls_ca}' can't be used: $!" if ! open(my $fh, '<', $tls_ca);
$agent->ssl_opts( SSL_ca_file => $tls_ca );
else {
croak "HTTP does not support encrypted communication; use HTTPS" if $driver->{tls};
return $self;
sub agent { shift->{agent} }
sub uri { shift->{uri_base} }
sub json_coder { shift->{json_coder} }
sub result_handlers { }
sub protocol { shift->{response}->protocol // 'HTTP' }
sub http_reason { shift->{response}->message // '' }
sub date_header { scalar shift->{response}->header('Date') // '' }
sub http_header {
my $response = shift->{response};
return {
content_type => scalar $response->header('Content-Type') // '',
location => scalar $response->header('Location') // '',
status => $response->code // '',
success => $response->is_success,
sub fetch_event {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{buffer} = [grep { length } split m/\n|\x{1e}/, $self->fetch_all] unless defined $self->{buffer};
return shift @{$self->{buffer}};
sub fetch_all {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{response}->content;
sub request {
my ($self, $method, $url, $json, $accept) = @_;
$self->{buffer} = undef;
$url = URI->new_abs( $url, $self->{uri_base} );
$method = lc $method;
if ($json) {
$self->{response} = $self->{agent}->$method(
'Accept' => $accept,
'Content' => $self->{json_coder}->encode($json),
'Content-Type' => $CONTENT_TYPE,
else {
$self->{response} = $self->{agent}->$method(
'Accept' => $accept,
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP - HTTP agent adapter for libwww-perl
=head1 VERSION
version 0.23
use Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP;
$driver->config( net_module => 'Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP' );
You can also extend this module through inheritance:
use Local::MyProxy;
$driver->config( net_module => 'Local::MyProxy' );
package Local::MyProxy;
use parent 'Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP';
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->agent->proxy('http', '');
return $self;
The L<Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP> package is an HTTP networking
module for L<Neo4j::Driver>, using L<LWP::UserAgent> to connect to
the Neo4j server via HTTP or HTTPS.
HTTPS connections require L<LWP::Protocol::https> to be installed.
=head1 METHODS
L<Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP> implements the following methods;
see L<Neo4j::Driver::Net/"API of an HTTP networking module">.
=item * C<date_header>
=item * C<fetch_all>
=item * C<fetch_event>
=item * C<http_header>
=item * C<http_reason>
=item * C<json_coder>
=item * C<new>
=item * C<protocol>
=item * C<request>
=item * C<result_handlers>
=item * C<uri>
In this module, C<request()> always blocks until the HTTP response
has been fully received. Therefore none of the other methods will
ever block.
In addition to the methods listed above,
L<Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP> implements the following method.
=head2 agent
use parent 'Neo4j::Driver::Net::HTTP::LWP';
sub foo {
my $self = shift;
$ua = $self->agent;
Returns the L<LWP::UserAgent> instance in use.
Meant to facilitate subclassing.
=head1 BUGS
The C<fetch_event()> method has not yet been optimised.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Arne Johannessen <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2016-2021 by Arne Johannessen.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)