use strict;
use lib qw(./lib t/lib);
my $driver;
unless ($driver = Neo4j::Test->driver) {
print qq{1..0 # SKIP no connection to Neo4j server\n};
my $s = $driver->session;
# This software's interface has not yet stabilised. It currently has
# features that are not documented and may not exist in future
# versions. The following tests should be either removed along with
# those features or moved elsewhere once the features are documented
# and thus officially supported.
use Test::More 0.96 tests => 12 + 1;
use Test::Warnings qw(warnings);
my ($q, $r, @a, $a);
subtest 'wantarray' => sub {
plan tests => 5 + 6 + 5 + 2;
$q = <<END;
lives_ok { @a = $s->run($q); } 'get result as list';
lives_and { is $a[0]->get('n'), 7; } 'get record 0 in result list';
lives_and { is $a[1]->get('n'), 11; } 'get record 1 in result list';
lives_ok { $a = $s->run($q)->keys; } 'get keys as array';
lives_and { is $a->[0], 'n'; } 'get record 0 in keys array';
# notifications
lives_ok { $a = 0; $a = $s->run($q)->summary->notifications; } 'no notifications';
lives_and { is $a, undef; } 'no notifications array size';
$q = <<END;
lives_ok { $r = 0; $r = $s->run($q)->summary; } 'get summary';
lives_ok { @a = (); @a = $r->notifications; } 'get notifications list';
SKIP: { skip 'no notifications', 2 unless @a;
lives_ok { $a = 0; $a = $r->notifications; } 'get notifications array';
lives_and { is scalar @$a, 1; } 'get notifications array size';
# type objects
my $tx = $driver->session->begin_transaction;
$tx->{return_stats} = 0; # optimise sim
$q = <<END;
CREATE p=(a:Test:Want:Array)-[:TEST]->(c)
lives_ok { $r = $tx->run($q)->single; } 'get type objects';
throws_ok {
$a = $r->get('p')->elements;
} qr/\bscalar context\b.*\bnot supported\b/i, 'get path elements as scalar';
throws_ok {
$a = $r->get('p')->nodes;
} qr/\bscalar context\b.*\bnot supported\b/i, 'get path nodes as scalar';
throws_ok {
$a = $r->get('p')->relationships;
} qr/\bscalar context\b.*\bnot supported\b/i, 'get path rels as scalar';
throws_ok {
$a = $r->get('a')->labels;
} qr/\bscalar context\b.*\bnot supported\b/i, 'get node labels as scalar';
# multiple statements; see below
SKIP: { skip '(test requires HTTP)', 2 if $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
$q = [
['RETURN 7'],
['RETURN 11'],
lives_ok { @a = $s->run($q) } 'run two statements at once';
lives_and { is $a[0]->single->get * $a[1]->single->get, 7 * 11 } 'retrieve values';
subtest 'multiple statements as array' => sub {
# the official drivers don't offer this capability to clients
plan skip_all => "(test requires HTTP)" if $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
plan tests => 7;
$q = [
['RETURN 17'],
['RETURN {n}', n => 19],
['RETURN {n}', {n => 53}],
lives_ok { $r = $s->run($q) } 'run three statements at once';
lives_and { is $r->[0]->single->get, 17 } 'retrieve 1st value';
lives_and { is $r->[1]->single->get, 19 } 'retrieve 2nd value';
lives_and { is $r->[2]->single->get, 53 } 'retrieve 3rd value';
# diag explain $r;
local $TODO = 'non-multidimensional arrays should fail with own error message';
$q = [
'RETURN 42',
throws_ok {
$r = $s->run($q);
} qr/multiple statements must each be ARRAY refs/i, 'non-arrayref individual statement';
local $TODO = 'arrays that include empty statements should fail with own error message';
$q = [
['RETURN 23'],
lives_ok { $r = $s->run($q) } 'include empty statement';
lives_and { is $r->[1]->single->get, 23 } 'retrieve value';
# TODO: also check statement order in summary
subtest 'result stream interface: attachment' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
$r = $s->run('RETURN 42');
my ($a, $c);
lives_ok { $a = $r->attached } 'is attached';
lives_ok { $c = $r->detach } 'detach';
is $c, ($a ? 1 : 0), 'one row detached';
lives_and { ok ! $r->attached } 'not attached';
lives_and { ok $r->has_next } 'not exhausted';
subtest 'result stream interface: discard result stream' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
$r = $s->run('RETURN 7 AS n UNION RETURN 11 AS n');
my $c;
lives_ok { $c = $r->consume } 'consume()';
isa_ok $c, 'Neo4j::Driver::ResultSummary', 'summary from consume()';
lives_and { ok ! $r->has_next } 'no has next';
local $TODO = 'records are not yet cheaply discarded';
lives_and { ok ! $r->size } 'no size';
subtest 'result stream interface: look ahead' => sub {
plan tests => 10;
$r = $s->run('RETURN 7 AS n UNION RETURN 11 AS n');
my ($peek, $v);
lives_ok { $peek = 0; $peek = $r->peek } 'peek 1st';
lives_ok { $v = 0; $v = $r->fetch } 'fetch 1st';
isa_ok $peek, 'Neo4j::Driver::Record', 'peek record 1st';
is $peek, $v, 'peek matches fetch 1st';
lives_ok { $peek = 0; $peek = $r->peek } 'peek 2nd';
lives_ok { $v = 0; $v = $r->fetch } 'fetch 2nd';
isa_ok $peek, 'Neo4j::Driver::Record', 'peek record 2nd';
is $peek, $v, 'peek matches fetch 2nd';
lives_and { ok ! $r->fetch } 'no fetch 3rd';
throws_ok { $r->peek } qr/\bexhausted\b/i, 'peek dies 3rd';
subtest 'nested transactions: explicit (REST)' => sub {
plan skip_all => '(currently testing Bolt)' if $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
plan tests => 4 if ! $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
my $session = $driver->session;
my ($t1, $t2);
lives_ok {
$t1 = $session->begin_transaction;
$t1->run("CREATE (nested1:Test)");
} 'explicit nested transactions: 1st';
lives_ok {
$t2 = $session->begin_transaction;
$t2->run("CREATE (nested2:Test)");
} 'explicit nested transactions: 2nd';
lives_ok { $t1->rollback; } 'explicit nested transactions: close 1st';
lives_ok { $t2->rollback; } 'explicit nested transactions: close 2nd';
subtest 'nested transactions: explicit (Bolt)' => sub {
plan skip_all => '(currently testing HTTP)' if ! $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
plan tests => 4 if $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
my $session = $driver->session;
my ($t1, $t2);
lives_ok {
$t1 = $session->begin_transaction;
$t1->run("CREATE (nested1:Test)");
} 'explicit nested transactions: 1st';
throws_ok {
$t2 = $session->begin_transaction;
$t2->run("CREATE (nested2:Test)");
} qr/\bnested\b/i, 'explicit nested transactions: 2nd';
lives_ok { $t1->rollback; } 'explicit nested transactions: close 1st';
dies_ok { $t2->rollback; } 'explicit nested transactions: close 2nd';
subtest 'nested transactions: autocommit' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $session = $driver->session;
my $value = 0;
my $t = $session->begin_transaction;
$t->run("CREATE (explicit1:Test)");
lives_ok {
$value = $session->run("RETURN 42")->single->get(0);
$t->run("CREATE (explicit2:Test)");
} 'nested autocommit transactions: success' if ! $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
throws_ok {
$value = $session->run("RETURN 42")->single->get(0);
$t->run("CREATE (explicit2:Test)");
} qr/support.*Bolt/i, 'nested autocommit transactions: no success' if $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
my $expected = $Neo4j::Test::bolt ? 0 : 42;
is $value, $expected, 'nested autocommit transactions: result';
subtest 'disable HTTP summary counters' => sub {
plan skip_all => '(Bolt always provides stats)' if $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
plan tests => 4 unless $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
throws_ok { $s->run()->summary; } qr/missing stats/i, 'missing statement - summary';
my $tx = $driver->session->begin_transaction;
$tx->{return_stats} = 0;
throws_ok {
$tx->run('RETURN "no stats 0"')->summary;
} qr/missing stats/i, 'no stats requested - summary';
throws_ok {
$tx->run('RETURN "no stats 1"')->single->summary;
} qr/missing stats/i, 'no stats requested - single summary';
lives_ok {
$tx->run('RETURN "no stats 2"')->single;
} 'no stats requested - single';
subtest 'get_bool' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
$q = <<END;
RETURN 42, 0.5, 'yes', 0, '', true, false, null
lives_ok { $r = $s->run($q)->list->[0]; } 'get property values';
# deprecation warnings are expected
warnings { is $r->get_bool(6), undef, 'get_bool false'; };
warnings { ok $r->get_bool(5), 'get_bool true'; };
warnings { is $r->get_bool(3), 0, 'get_bool 0'; };
subtest 'graph queries' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
TODO: { local $TODO = 'graph response not yet implemented for Bolt' if $Neo4j::Test::bolt;
my $t = $driver->session->begin_transaction;
$t->{return_graph} = 1;
$q = <<END;
CREATE ({name:'Alice'})-[k:KNOWS{since:1978}]->({name:'Bob'}) RETURN id(k)
lives_ok { $r = $t->run($q)->single->get(0); } 'create graph';
$q = <<END;
MATCH (a)-[b:KNOWS]->(c) WHERE id(b) = {id} RETURN a, b, c LIMIT 1
lives_and { ok $r = $t->run($q, id => $r); } 'match graph';
local $TODO = 'graph response not yet implemented for Jolt' if ref $r eq 'Neo4j::Driver::Result::Jolt';
lives_ok { $r = $r->single; } 'single';
my ($n, $e);
lives_ok { $n = $r->{graph}->{nodes}; } 'got nodes';
lives_ok { $e = $r->{graph}->{relationships}; } 'got rels';
lives_and {
ok grep {$_->{properties}->{name} eq $r->get('a')->get('name')} @$n;
} 'node a found';
lives_and {
is $e->[0]->{properties}->{since}, $r->get('b')->get('since');
} 'rel b found';
lives_and {
ok grep {$_->{properties}->{name} eq $r->get('c')->get('name')} @$n;
} 'node c found';
subtest 'custom cypher types' => sub {
plan tests => 5 + 5;
# fully test nodes
my $e_exact = exp(1);
my $d = Neo4j::Test->driver_maybe;
lives_ok {
$d->config(cypher_types => {
node => 'Local::Node',
init => sub {
my $self = shift;
no warnings 'deprecated';
$self->{e_approx} = $e_exact;
} 'cypher types config';
$r = 0;
lives_ok {
my $t = $d->session->begin_transaction;
$r = $t->run('CREATE (a {e_approx:3}) RETURN a')->single->get('a');
} 'cypher types query';
is ref($r), 'Local::Node', 'cypher type ref';
is $r->get('e_approx'), $e_exact, 'cypher type init';
lives_and { is ref($r->_private->{_meta}), 'HASH' } 'node _private access';
# test _private access for other types
lives_ok {
my $tx = $driver->session->begin_transaction;
$tx->{return_stats} = 0; # optimise sim
$q = <<END;
CREATE p=(a:Test:Want:Array)-[:TEST]->(c)
$r = $tx->run($q)->single;
} 'more types query';
ok my $e = ($r->get('p')->relationships)[0], 'get rel';
lives_and { is ref($e->_private->{_meta}), 'HASH' } 'rel _private access';
lives_ok { $r->get('p')->_private->{__foo} = 42; } 'path _private set';
lives_and { is $r->get('p')->_private->{__foo}, 42 } 'path _private get';
# TODO: fully test other types
# for 'custom cypher types' test
package Local::Node;
BEGIN { our @ISA = qw(Neo4j::Driver::Type::Node) };