=head1 NAME
Net::SolarWinds::REST - SolarWinds Rest interface
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SolarWinds::REST;
use Data::Dumper;
my $rest=new Net::SolarWinds::REST();
my $result=$rest->DiscoverInterfacesOnNode(444);
if($result) {
print Dumper($result->get_data);
} else {
print $result,"\n";
Anyone who has used SOAP::Lite to try to interface with solarwinds knows how difficult and frustrating it can be. This collection of modules provides a restful interface to SolarWinds. Methods provided are tested and working in the Charter Communcations production enviroment.
use 5.010001;
use strict;
use MIME::Base64 qw();
use JSON qw();
use URI::Encode qw(uri_encode);
our $VERSION=0.11;
use base qw(Net::SolarWinds::ConstructorHash Net::SolarWinds::LogMethods Net::SolarWinds::Helper);
use constant RESULT_CLASS=>'Net::SolarWinds::Result';
=over 4
=item * $Net::SolarWinds::REST::JSON
This is a JSON object with the following options endabled: JSON->new->allow_nonref->utf8
our $JSON=JSON->new->allow_nonref->utf8;
=item * my $json=$class->get_json;
Returns the class level JSON object.
sub get_json { return $JSON; }
=item * $Net::SolarWinds::REST::UA
This is a LWP::UserAgent used to talk to CPM servers
# Global UA object
our $UA=LWP::UserAgent->new;
# Turn off SSL Verification
SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE,
SSL_hostname => '',
verify_hostname => 0
=item * my $ua=$class->get_ua;
Returns the Class level UA object.
sub get_ua { return $UA; }
=head1 Class Constants
The following constants are accessable via: Net::SolarWinds::REST->CONSTANT
use constant DEFAULT_USER=>'admin';
use constant DEFAULT_PASS=>'ChangeMe';
use constant DEFAULT_SERVER=>'SolarWindsServer';
use constant DEFAULT_PORT=>17778;
use constant DEFAULT_PROTO=>'https';
use constant LOG_CLASS=>'Net::SolarWinds::Log';
=head2 OO Methods
This section covers the OO Methods of the class.
=over 4
=item * Object Constructor.
The object constructor takes key=>value pairs all aguments are optional, default values are pulled from the constants DEFAULT_*.
my $sw=new Net::SolarWinds::REST(
USER =>'User',
PASS =>'Passxxx',
SERVER =>'SolarwindsServer',
PORT =>17778,
PROTO =>'https',
# Logging is not enabled by default!
log=> Net::SolarWinds::Log->new('/var/log/Solarwinds.log')
sub new {
my ($class,%args)=@_;
foreach my $key (qw(USER PASS SERVER PORT PROTO)) {
my $method="DEFAULT_$key";
next if exists $args{$key};
my $self=$class->SUPER::new(%args);
Authorization=>'Basic '.MIME::Base64::encode_base64($self->{USER} . ':' . $self->{PASS}),
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
return $self;
=item * my $request=$self->build_request('GET|POST|PUT|DELETE',$path,undef|$ref);
Creates an HTTP::Request object with the default options set.
sub build_request {
my ($self,$method,$path,$data)=@_;
my $uri=sprintf $self->BASE_URI,@{$self}{qw(PROTO SERVER PORT )},$path;
my $content=undef;
my $headers=[@{$self->{header}}];
if(defined($data)) {
push @{$headers},'Content-Length'=>length($content);
my $request=HTTP::Request->new($method,$uri,$headers,$content);
return $request;
=item * my $result=$self->run_request($request);
Takes a given HTTP::Request object and runs it returing a Net::SolarWinds::Result object.
What the object contains is relative to the request run.. If the result code of the request
was not a 20x value then the object is false.
sub run_request {
my ($self,$request)=@_;
$self->log_debug("Sending: ",$request->as_string);
my $response=$self->get_ua->request($request);
$self->log_debug("Got back",$response->as_string);
my $content=$response->decoded_content;
if($response->is_success) {
if($content=~ /^\s*[\[\{]/s) {
my $data=eval {$self->get_json->decode($content)};
if($@) {
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_false("Code: [".$response->code."] JSON Decode error [$@] Content: $content",$response);
} else {
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true($data,$response);
} else {
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true($content,$response);
} else {
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_false("Code: [".$response->code."] http error [".$response->status_line."] Content: $content",$response);
=item * my $result=$self->DiscoverInterfacesOnNode($nodeId)
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object: When true it contains the results, when false it contains the error.
sub DiscoverInterfacesOnNode {
my ($self,$nodeId)=@_;
# force a string;
$nodeId .='';
my $request=$self->build_request('POST','Invoke/Orion.NPM.Interfaces/DiscoverInterfacesOnNode',[$nodeId]);
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->DiscoverInterfaceMap($nodeId);
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object:
When true it contains an anonymous hash that maps interface objects to interface names.
When false it contains why it failed.
sub DiscoverInterfaceMap {
my ($self,$node_id)=@_;
$self->log_info("starting node_id: $node_id");
my $result=$self->DiscoverInterfacesOnNode($node_id);
return $self->build_interface_result_map($result);
=item my $result=$self->build_interface_result_map($result);
Internals of DiscoverInterfaceMap
sub build_interface_result_map {
my ($self,$result)=@_;
unless($result) {
$self->log_error("failed to build interface map error was: $result");
return $result;
my $list=$result->get_data->{DiscoveredInterfaces};
my $map={};
foreach my $int (@{$list}) {
my $caption=$int->{Caption};
my @list=$self->InterfaceCaptionTranslation($caption);
foreach my $ifname (@list) {
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true($map,$list);
=item * my @names=$self->InterfaceCaptionTranslation($Caption);
Takes an interface caption and converts it to a list of valid interface names that should match what is on a given device.
sub InterfaceCaptionTranslation {
my ($self,$caption)=@_;
my @list;
if($caption=~ s/\s\\x\{b7\}.*$//s > 0) {
push @list,$caption;
} else {
push @list,split /\s+-\s+/,$caption;
return @list;
=item * my $result=$self->NodeInterfaceAddDefaultPollers($nodeId,$interfaec_ref);
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object: When true it contains the results, when false it contains the error.
$interface_ref represents object listed from the DiscoverInterfacesOnNode that need to be added to the default pollers.
sub NodeInterfaceAddDefaultPollers {
my ($self,$nodeId,$data)=@_;
# force a string;
$nodeId .='';
my $request=$self->build_request('POST','Invoke/Orion.NPM.Interfaces/AddInterfacesOnNode',[$nodeId,$data,'AddDefaultPollers']);
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->NodeAddInterface($node_id,[$interface]);
Adds an interface to the cpm for the node but does not add any pollers.
sub NodeAddInterface {
my ($self,$node_id,$data)=@_;
my $request=$self->build_request('POST','Invoke/Orion.NPM.Interfaces/AddInterfacesOnNode',[$node_id,$data,'AddNoPollers']);
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->NodeInterfaceCustomProperties($nodeId,$interfaceId,$hash_ref|undef);
Used to get or set custom properties of an interfaec on a node.
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object: When true it contains the results, when false it contains the error.
sub NodeInterfaceCustomProperties {
my ($self,$nodeId,$interfaceId,$data)=@_;
my $request;
if($data) {
} else {
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $query=$self->query_finder(@args);
Returns formatted SWQL query within a given function. It finds the corrisponding constant via the $self->LOG_CLASS->lookback(2) call back.
sub query_lookup {
my ($self,@args)=@_;
# use the logging class look back to find our method.
my $hash=$self->LOG_CLASS->lookback(2);
my $method=$hash->{sub};
$method=~ s/^.*::([^:]+)/$1/s;
$self->log_debug("Starting look up of query: $method");
my $query=$self->get_query($method);
$self->log_debug("Finished look up of query: $method");
$self->log_debug("Preparing query: $method Args: [",join(',',map { defined($_) ? qq{"$_"} : '""' } @args),']');
my $swql=$self->prepare_query($query,@args);
$self->log_debug("Preparing query: $method Looks like: $swql");
return $swql;
=item * my $prepared=$self->prepare_query($query,@args);
Just a wrapper for: sprintf $query,@args
sub prepare_query {
my ($self,$query,@args)=@_;
return sprintf $query,@args;
=item * my $raw_query=$self->get_query($method);
Does an internal method lookup of SWQL_$method and returns the results of the method
sub get_query {
my ($self,$method)=@_;
my $constant="SWQL_$method";
return 'QUERY NOT FOUND' unless $self->can($constant);
return $self->$constant;
=item * my $result=$self->getInterfacesOnNode($NodeID);
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object
when true: Gets the interfaces from the node
when false: returns why it failed
sub getInterfacesOnNode {
my ($self,$node_id)=@_;
my $query=$self->query_lookup($node_id);
$self->log_info("starting $node_id");
my $result=$self->Query($query);
return $result unless $result;
my $list=$result->get_data->{results};
my $ints={};
foreach my $int (@{$list}) {
my @list=$self->InterfaceCaptionTranslation($int->{Caption});
foreach my $ifname (@list) {
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true($ints);
=item * my $result=$self->NodeCustomProperties($nodeId,$interfaceId,$hash_ref|undef);
Used to get or set custom properties of an interfaec on a node.
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object: When true it contains the results, when false it contains the error.
sub NodeCustomProperties {
my ($self,$nodeId,$data)=@_;
my $request;
if($data) {
$self->log_info("starting node_id: $nodeId mode: POST");
} else {
$self->log_info("starting node_id: $nodeId mode: GET");
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->Query($sql);
Used to run an sql query against CPM.
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object: When true it contains the results, when false it contains the error.
sub Query {
my ($self,$sql)=@_;
my $path='Query?query='.uri_encode($sql);
my $request=$self->build_request('GET',$path);
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->getNodesByIp($ip);
Find a list of nodes by a given ip.
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object: When true it contains an array ref of the results, when false it contains the error.
sub getNodesByIp {
my ($self,$ip)=@_;
$self->log_info("starting $ip");
my $query=$self->query_lookup($ip);
my $result=$self->Query($query);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->getNodesByDisplayName($hostname);
Find a list of nodes by a given hostname.
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object: When true it contains an array ref of the results, when false it contains the error.
sub getNodesByDisplayName {
my ($self,$ip)=@_;
$self->log_info("starting $ip");
my $query=$self->query_lookup($ip,$ip);
my $result=$self->Query($query);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->getNodesByID($nodeid);
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object that contains a list of objects that matched that nodeid
sub getNodesByID {
my ($self,$id)=@_;
my $query=$self->query_lookup($id);
my $result=$self->Query($query);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->createNode(key=>value);
Creates a node.
Returns a Carter::Result Object: Retuns a data structure on sucess returns why it faield on false.
sub createNode {
my ($self,%args)=@_;
# Caption
ObjectSubType SNMP
EntityType Orion.Nodes
DynamicIP false
EngineID 1
Status 1
UnManaged false
Allow64BitCounters true
ObjectSubType SNMP
SNMPVersion 2
Community public
VendorIcon 8072.gif
NodeDescription Hardware
MachineType=>"net-snmp - Linux",
unless(exists $args{IPAddress}) {
$self->log_error("IPAddress must be set");
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_false("IPAddress must be set");
# start building our required but often times missing key value pairs
$args{IPAddressGUID}=$self->ip_to_gui($args{IPAddress}) unless exists $args{IPAddressGUID};
$args{Caption}=$self->ip_to_reverse_hex($args{IPAddress}) unless exists $args{Caption};
my $path='Create/Orion.Nodes';
my $request=$self->build_request('POST',$path,{%args});
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
unless($result) {
$self->log_error("Failed to create node error was: $result");
return $result;
my $swis=$result->get_data;
$swis=~ s/(?:^"|"$)//sg;
my ($node_id)=$swis=~ /(\d+)$/s;
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true({Uri=>$swis,NodeID=>$node_id});
=item * my $result=$self->getNodeUri($node_id);
When true the Net::SolarWinds::Result object contains the node uri.
When false it contains why it failed.
sub getNodeUri {
my ($self,$node_id)=@_;
#my $query="Select Uri from Orion.Nodes where NodeId=$node_id";
my $query=$self->query_lookup($node_id);
my $result=$self->Query($query);
unless($result) {
$self->log_error("could not get node uri error was: $result");
return $result;
unless($#{$result->get_data->{results}} >-1) {
$self->log_error("NodeId: $node_id not found!");
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_false("NodeId: $node_id not found!")
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true($result->get_data->{results}->[0]->{Uri});
=item * my $result=$self->deleteSwis($uri);
Returns a charter result object showing status.
sub deleteSwis {
my ($self,$uri)=@_;
my $request=$self->build_request('DELETE',$uri);
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->deleteNode($node_id);
Deletes a given node.
sub deleteNode {
my ($self,$node_id)=@_;
my $path;
if(my $result=$self->getNodeUri($node_id)) {
} else {
$self->log_error("Failed to delete node: $node_id error was: $result");
return $result;
my $request=$self->build_request('DELETE',$path);
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->getApplicationTemplate(@names);
This is a wrapper for the Query interface. Returns the results that match applications by this name.
sub getApplicationTemplate {
my ($self,@names)=@_;
my $append=join ' OR ',map { sprintf q{Name='%s'},$_ } @names;
my $query=$self->query_lookup($append);
my $result=$self->Query($query);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->addTemplateToNode($node_id,$template_id);
=item * my $result=$self->addTemplateToNode($node_id,$template_id,$cred_id);
Adds a monitoring template with the default credentals to the node.
Returns true on success false on failure.
sub addTemplateToNode {
my ($self,$node_id,$template_id,$cred_id)=@_;
$cred_id=-4 unless defined($cred_id);
$self->log_info("starting node_id: $node_id template_id: $template_id credential_id: $cred_id");
my $request=$self->build_request(
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
unless($result) {
$self->log_error("Failed to addTemplateToNode error was: $result");
return $result;
if($result->get_data == -1) {
my $msg="TemplateID: $template_id all ready exists on node";
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_false($msg);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->getTemplatesOnNode($node_id);
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object
When true it contains the templates on the node
when false it contains why it failed.
sub getTemplatesOnNode {
my ($self,$node_id)=@_;
my $query=$self->query_lookup($node_id);
my $result=$self->Query($query);
unless($result) {
$self->log_error("failed to getTemplatesOnNode");
return $result;
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true($result->get_data->{results});
=item * my $result=$self->UpdateNodeProps($nodeID,key=>values);
Has 2 use cases Read/Write: When called with just the $nodeID the result object is populated with the node properties. When called with a hash the given values are pushed to the node. Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object: true on success false on failure.
sub UpdateNodeProps {
my ($self,$nodeID,%args)=@_;
$self->log_info("starting node_id: $nodeID");
my $request;
if(scalar(keys(%args))==0) {
$self->log_info("called in Read mode");
} else {
$self->log_info("called in Write mode");
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
$self->log_info("stopping $nodeID");
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->AddPollerToNode($nodeID,$Poller);
Adds a poller to a node.
sub AddPollerToNode {
my ($self,$node_id,$poller)=@_;
$self->log_info("starting node_id: $node_id poller: $poller");
my $result=$self->add_poller($node_id,'N',$poller);
$self->log_info("stopping node_id: $node_id poller: $poller");
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->add_poller($node_id,$t,$poller)
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object when true it returns the result information that shows the results of the poller being added.
sub add_poller {
my ($self,$node_id,$t,$poller)=@_;
$self->log_info("starting object_id: $node_id type: $t poller: $poller");
my $json={
my $request=$self->build_request('POST','Create/Orion.Pollers',$json);
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
unless($result) {
$self->log_error("failed to add poller to node_id: $node_id type: $t poller: $poller error was: $result");
return $result;
my $url=$result->get_data;
$url=~ s/(?:^"|"$)//g;
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true($url);
=item * my $result=$self->add_volume(key=>value);
Creates a volume given the arguments passed in.
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object:
When false it contains why it failed
When true it returns a swis uri
sub add_volume {
my ($self,%args)=@_;
my $json={
VolumeType=>"Fixed Disk",
my $request=$self->build_request('POST','Create/Orion.Volumes',$json);
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->getVolumeTypeMap;
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object
When true Returns the volume type map.
When false it returns why it failed.
sub getVolumeTypeMap {
my ($self)=@_;
my $query=$self->SWQL_getNodesByIp;
my $result=$self->Query($query);
unless($result) {
$self->log_error("Failed to get getVolumeTypeMap error was: $result");
return $result;
my $list=$result->get_data->{results};
my $map={};
foreach my $type (@{$list}) {
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true($map);
=item * my $result=$self->getEngines;
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object:
When true it contains the list of poller engins.
When false it contains why it failed.
sub getEngines {
my ($self)=@_;
my $result=$self->Query($self->SWQL_getEngines);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->getEngine($engine);
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object:
When true it contains the list of matching engines.
When false it cointains why it failed.
Notes: if no matching engines were found the result object can be true.. but will not contain any data.
sub getEngine {
my ($self,$engine)=@_;
my $result=$self->Query($self->query_lookup($engine,$engine));
return $result unless $result;
=item * my $result=$self->getVolumeMap($nodeID);
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object:
When true it contains a hash that maps volumes to objects.
When false it returns why it failed.
sub getVolumeMap {
my ($self,$node_id)=@_;
my $query=$self->query_lookup($node_id);
my $result=$self->Query($query);
unless($result) {
$self->log_error("Failed to get getVolumeMap for node_id: $node_id error was: $result");
return $result;
my $list=$result->get_data->{results};
my $map={};
# set our max volume index to 1 if we don't have any volumes on this node
my $MaxVolumeIndex=$#{$list} > -1 ? $list->[0]->{VolumeIndex} : 1;
foreach my $vol (@{$list}) {
# assume no duplicates..
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true({'map'=>$map,MaxVolumeIndex=>$MaxVolumeIndex});
=item * my $result=$self->getSwisProps($uri);
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object:
When true it the uri is set in the result hash
when false the explanation as to why it failed is gven.
sub getSwisProps {
my ($self,$uri)=@_;
my $request=$self->build_request('GET',$uri);
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
return $result;
=item * my $result=$self->GetNodePollers($node_id,"N|V|I");
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object that contains the nodes when true when false it contains why it failed.
sub GetNodePollers {
my ($self,$node_id,$type)=@_;
$type='N' unless defined($type);
$self->log_info("starting node_id: $node_id type: $type");
my $query=$self->query_lookup($node_id,$type);
my $result=$self->Query($query);
unless($result) {
$self->log_error("Failed to GetNodePollers on node_id: $node_id type: $type");
return $result;
my $list=$result->get_data->{results};
my $pollers=[];
foreach my $poller (@{$list}) {
my $result=$self->getSwisProps('swis://localhost/Orion/Orion.Pollers/PollerID='.$poller->{PollerID});
return unless $result;
push @{$pollers},$result->get_data;
return $self->RESULT_CLASS->new_true($pollers);
=item my $result=$self->UpdateUri($uri,%args);
Read/Write Interface used update or get the contents of $uri. Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object. Write Mode is used when %args contains values Read Mode is used when %args is empty
sub UpdateUri {
my ($self,$uri,%args)=@_;
$self->log_info("starting Uri: $uri");
my $request;
if(scalar(keys(%args))==0) {
$self->log_info("called in Read mode");
} else {
$self->log_info("called in Write mode");
my $result=$self->run_request($request);
$self->log_info("stopping Uri $uri");
return $result;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Shipper
Copyright (C) 2016 by Mike Shipper
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.