=head1 NAME
Net::SolarWinds::Result - Result class
use Net::SolarWinds::Result;
my $res=new_true Net::SolarWinds::Result('some data');
print $res->get_data if($res);
$res->set_false('some error');
die $res unless $res;
This package acts as a general result class, it allows for returing of state and objects within a single context using encapsulation.
use strict;
The following methods have been overloaded
# an instance when set to false will test as false
# an instance when called in a string context will return
# the error message given if any
bool => \&is_ok,
fallback => 1;
=head1 OO Methods
=over 4
=item * Objec Construcotr(s)
Multiple objec constructors have been provided.
new Net::SolarWinds::Result(
# true false state
# data for the $self->get_data command
msg=>'human readable string',
# message for the '""' op or $self->get_msg
# extra paylod ( helpful in debugging )
sub new {
my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
my $self = bless {%args}, $class;
return $self;
new_true Net::SolarWinds::Result($data,$extra)
Returns a new true object
sub new_true {
my ( $self, $data, $extra ) = @_;
return $self->new( bool => 1, data => $data, extra => $extra );
new_false Net::SolarWinds::Result($msg,$extra)
Returns a new false instance
sub new_false {
my ( $self, $msg, $extra ) = @_;
return $self->new( bool => 0, msg => $msg, extra => $extra );
new_error Net::SolarWinds::Result($msg,$extra);
Returns a new false instance
sub new_error {
my ( $self, $data, $extra ) = @_;
return $self->new( bool => 1, data => $data, extra => $extra );
new_ok Net::SolarWinds::Result($data,$extra);
Returns a new true instance
sub new_ok {
my ( $self, $data, $extra ) = @_;
return $self->new( bool => 1, data => $data, extra => $extra );
=item * if($self->is_ok) {...}
Returns true if the instance is true.
sub is_ok {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{bool_cb}->() if exists $self->{bool_cb} and defined($self->{bool_cb}) and ref($self->{bool_cb}) and ref($self->{bool_cb}) eq 'CODE';
return $self->{bool};
=item * my $data=$self->get_data
Returns the object from the data field
sub get_data {
my ($self) = @_;
# calls is_ok in a void context;
return $self->{data};
=item * my $extra=$self->get_extra
Returns the object from the extra field
sub get_extra {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{extra};
=item * $self->set_true($data,$extra)
Sets the current argument to true, overloading the current $data and $extra objects
sub set_true {
my ( $self, $data, $extra ) = @_;
$self->{bool} = 1;
$self->{data} = $data;
$self->{msg} = undef;
$self->{extra} = $extra;
=item * my $error=$self->get_error
Returns the current msg value
sub get_error {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{msg};
=item * my $msg=$self->get_msg
Returns the current msg value, if undef it returns ''
sub get_msg {
my ($self) = @_;
return defined($self->{msg}) ? $self->{msg} : '';
=item * $self->set_false($msg,$extra)
Sets the object to a false state, this will destroy an objects in the $data field.
sub set_false {
my ( $self, $msg, $extra ) = @_;
$self->{bool} = 0;
$self->{data} = undef;
$self->{msg} = $msg;
$self->{extra} = $extra;
=item * $self->set_boolean_cb(sub { 0 } );
Special case: allows for setting call backs for the boolean state.
sub set_boolean_cb {
my ($self,$cb)=@_;
delete $self->{bool_cb} unless defined($cb);
=item * $self->DESTROY()
Used for cleaning up the object internals
my ($self)=@_;
return unless $self;
delete @{$self}{qw(bool data bool_cb extra)};
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Shipper