our $VERSION="0.008";
our ($fh_in,$fh_out,$xml);
our $mode=undef;
our $cacert=undef;
our $key=undef;
our $cert=undef;
our $in='stdin';
our $out='stdout';
my ($help,$man);
our %args=(
GetOptions(%args) or die "Error command line arguments\n";
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
unless(defined($mode)) {
die "-mode is a required option\n";
if($mode=~ m/^[Ss]/s) {
} elsif($mode=~ m/^[vV]/s) {
} else {
die "-mode=(s|v) is a required option\n";
sub setup_io {
$fh_out=$out ne 'stdout' ? IO::File->new($out,'w') : \*STDOUT;
$fh_in=$in ne 'stdin' ? IO::File->new($in,'r') : \*STDIN;
die "Failed to create output file: $out, error was $!\n" unless defined($fh_out);
die "-in=filename is a required option in verify mode\n" unless defined($fh_in);
select $fh_out;
$xml=join '',$fh_in->getlines;
sub sign {
die "-key=filename is a required option\n" unless defined($key) && -r $key;
my %args=(
$args{cert}=$cert if defined($cert) && -r $cert;
my $s=XML::Sig::OO->new(%args);
my $result=$s->sign;
die "failed to sign file: $in, error was: $result\n" unless $result;
print $result->get_data;
sub verify {
my %args=(
$args{cacert}=$cert if defined($cacert) && -r $cacert;
my $v=new XML::Sig::OO(%args);
# validate our xml
my $result=$v->validate;
if($result) {
print "Input xml passed validation\n";
} else {
foreach my $chunk (@{$result->get_data}) {
my ($nth,$signature,$digest)=@{$chunk}{qw(nth signature digest)};
print "Results for processing chunk $nth\n";
print "Signature State: ".($signature ? "OK\n" : "Failed, error was $signature\n");
print "Digest State: ".($digest ? "OK\n" : "Failed, error was $digest\n");
=head1 NAME
xmlsig - Command line interface to XML::SIG::OO
xmlsig -mode=(s|v)
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Prints a short help message and exists
=item B<-man>
Prints the full manpage
=item B<-mode=(s|v)>
Signature mode:
-mode=s -key=filename
Verify mode:
=item B<-in=filename>
When set, this acts as the input file. The default input file is stdin.
=item B<-out=filename>
When set, this becomes the output file. The default output file is stdout.
=item B<-key=filename>
The key used for signing. The file format expect is pem.
=item B<-cert=filename>
The cert file used for signing ( only used with rsa ). The file format expected is pem.
=item B<-cacert=filename>
The cacert used for validation, if not set the cacert is not checked. The file format expected is pem.
This is the command line interface to XML::Sig::OO. "xmsig" can be used to either sign or validate xml files from the command line.