#!/usr/bin/env perl
use feature ':5.10';
use strict;
use lib './lib';
use File::Basename qw/basename dirname/;
my $subcommand = shift @ARGV;
my $scriptname = basename $0;
my $methodargv = {};
my $hainekocmd = undef;
my $commandset = undef;
my $daemonargs = [ 'start', 'stop', 'reload', 'restart', 'status' ];
if( $subcommand ) {
$commandset = join( ' ', $scriptname, @ARGV );
if( grep { $subcommand eq $_ } @$daemonargs ) {
# _
# __| | __ _ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __
# / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \
# | (_| | (_| | __/ | | | | | (_) | | | |
# \__,_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|
my $scriptroot = Path::Class::Dir->new( dirname $0 );
my $serverroot = $scriptroot->parent->absolute();
my $procidfile = sprintf( "%s/run/haineko.pid", $serverroot );
$procidfile = '/tmp/haineko.pid' unless -w $serverroot.'/run';
$methodargv = {
'command' => $commandset,
'pidfile' => $procidfile,
$hainekocmd = Haineko::CLI::Daemon->new( %$methodargv );
if( $subcommand eq 'start' ) {
# Start haineko server, run as a wrapper of ``plackup'' command.
$SIG{'INT'} = sub {
} else {
# Sub command except ``start''
if( $subcommand =~ m/(?:stop|reload|restart)/ ) {
# ``stop'' or ``restart''
$hainekocmd->ctrl( $subcommand );
} else {
# ``status'' sub command displays process id
my $p = $hainekocmd->readpf;
printf( STDERR "pid = %d\n", $p ) if defined $p;
} else {
# Sub commands except daemon mode
if( $subcommand eq 'help' || $subcommand eq '--help' ) {
# ``help'' sub command
require Haineko::CLI;
my $climodules = [ 'Daemon', 'Setup', 'Password' ];
$methodargv = { 'command' => $commandset };
$hainekocmd = Haineko::CLI::Help->new( %$methodargv );
for my $e ( @$climodules, '' ) {
my $c = 'Haineko::CLI';
$c .= '::'.$e if length $e;
Module::Load::load( $c );
$hainekocmd->add( $c->help('subcommand'), 'subcommand' );
} elsif( $subcommand eq 'version' ) {
# version
require Haineko::CLI;
} elsif( $subcommand =~ m/(?:pw|passwd|password)/ ) {
# Generate a new password for BASIC-Authentication
$methodargv = { 'command' => $commandset };
$hainekocmd = Haineko::CLI::Password->new( %$methodargv );
print $hainekocmd->make;
print "\n";
} elsif( $subcommand eq 'setup' || $subcommand eq 'make-setup-data' ) {
# Initialize: Distribute files for Haineko to current directory
# or specified directory.
$methodargv = { 'command' => $commandset };
$hainekocmd = Haineko::CLI::Setup->new( %$methodargv );
if( $subcommand eq 'setup' ) {
} else {
} else {
# Unknown sub command
printf( STDERR "Unknown sub command: %s\n", $subcommand );
} else {
printf( STDERR "Try %s help\n", basename $scriptname );
sub help {
printf( STDERR "Try '%s SUBCOMMAND --help'\n", $scriptname );
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
hainekoctl - Controls haineko server and utilities.
hainekoctl is a controller script for haineko server and have some utilities.
$ hainekoctl --help # Help message of the script
$ hainekoctl start --help # Help message of "start" sub command
$ hainekoctl setup # Setting up files for haineko to current directory
$ hainekoctl start -d # Start haineko server on development mode
$ hainekoctl pw # Generate a new password for Basic Authentication
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 2
=item *
L<Haineko::CLI> - Base class for Haineko command line tools
=head1 AUTHOR
azumakuniyuki E<lt>perl.org [at] azumakuniyuki.orgE<gt>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.