#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
A basic test harness for the Color model.
use Jifty::Test::Dist tests => 12;
# Make sure we can load the model
# Grab a system user
my $system_user = TestApp::Plugin::AppPluginHasModels::CurrentUser->superuser;
ok($system_user, "Found a system user");
# Try testing a create
my $o = TestApp::Plugin::AppPluginHasModels::Plugin::MyAppPlugin::Model::Color->new(current_user => $system_user);
my ($id) = $o->create();
ok($id, "Color create returned success");
ok($o->id, "New Color has valid id set");
is($o->id, $id, "Create returned the right id");
# Does it use a prefixed table
is($o->table, 'myappplugin_colors', 'custom plugin table name');
# And another
ok($o->id, "Color create returned another value");
isnt($o->id, $id, "And it is different from the previous one");
# Searches in general
my $collection = TestApp::Plugin::AppPluginHasModels::Plugin::MyAppPlugin::Model::ColorCollection->new(current_user => $system_user);
is($collection->count, 2, "Finds two records");
# Searches in specific
$collection->limit(column => 'id', value => $o->id);
is($collection->count, 1, "Finds one record with specific id");
# Delete one of them
is($collection->count, 0, "Deleted row is gone");
# And the other one is still there
is($collection->count, 1, "Still one left");