use v5.10.0;
# ABSTRACT: the kind of sentence you get in reply to a setFoos call
use Moo;
my ($self, $args) = @_;
if (ref $args && ref $args eq 'ARRAY') {
return {
name => $args->[0],
arguments => $args->[1],
client_id => $args->[2],
return $self->SUPER::BUILDARGS($args);
has name => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has arguments => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has client_id => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
sub new_state { $_[0]->arguments->{newState} }
sub old_state { $_[0]->arguments->{oldState} }
sub created { $_[0]->arguments->{created} }
sub created_id {
my ($self, $creation_id) = @_;
return unless my $props = $self->created->{$creation_id};
return $props->{id};
sub created_creation_ids {
keys %{ $_[0]->created }
sub created_ids {
map {; $_->{id} } values %{ $_[0]->created }
sub updated_ids { @{ $_[0]{arguments}{updated} } }
sub destroyed_ids { @{ $_[0]{arguments}{destroyed} } }
# Is this the best API to provide? I dunno, maybe. Usage will tell us whether
# it's right. -- rjbs, 2016-04-11
sub not_created_ids { keys %{ $_[0]{arguments}{notCreated} } }
sub not_destroyed_ids { keys %{ $_[0]{arguments}{notDestroyed} } }
sub not_updated_ids { keys %{ $_[0]{arguments}{notUpdated} } }
sub create_errors { $_[0]{arguments}{notCreated} }
sub destroy_errors { $_[0]{arguments}{notDestroyed} }
sub update_errors { $_[0]{arguments}{notUpdated} }