# Administrative tool for mSQL.
# Author: Alex Tang <altitude@cic.net>
# Copyright 1996 CICNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package MsqlCGI;
require "sub.RecordSearchSetup";
require "sub.RecordActions";
require "sub.OperationsMenu";
require "sub.RecordCreateProcess";
require "sub.RecordCreateSetup";
require "sub.RecordDisplay";
require "sub.PreliminaryResults";
require "sub.RecordModifySetup";
require "sub.RecordModifyProcess";
require "sub.RecordDeleteProcess";
require "sub.Template";
require "sub.Error";
# GetTableConfig
# This reads the table config file and stores it in a bunch of arrays.
sub GetTableConfig {
my ( $file ) = $main::CONFIG_FILE;
$file = &MsqlCGI::ConvertFileName ( $file, $main::defaultTableDefDir );
open ( F, $file ) ||
&main::Error ( "Couldn't open file \"$file\". Perhaps it doesn't exist" );
$nCount = -1;
$nLine = 0;
# First Initialize some variables.
$tableInfo{'priKeyArrNum'} = -1;
while ( <F> ) {
next if ( ( $_ =~ /^\s*#/ ) || ( $_ =~ /^\s*$/ ) );
( $key, $value ) = split ( /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2 );
#&main::DPrint ( "\"$key\" = \"$value\"\n" );
# These are the table wide host variables
if ( $key =~ /^DBHost$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'DBHost'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^DBName$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'DBName'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^TableName$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'TableName'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^DBPort$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'DBPort'} = $value;
# Logical Section 2 as defined in the file
} elsif ( $key =~ /^AllowModify$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'AllowModify'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^AllowDelete$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'AllowDelete'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^AllowCreate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'AllowCreate'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^AllowSearch$/i ) {
} elsif ( $key =~ /^AllowDisplay$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'AllowDisplay'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
# Logical Section 3 as defined in the file
} elsif ( $key =~ /^TemplateDir$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'TemplateDir'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^HTMLFooterFile$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'HTMLFooterFile'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^OperationsMenuTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'OperationsMenuTemplate'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^RecordSearchTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'RecordSearchTemplate'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^RecordDisplayTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'RecordDisplayTemplate'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^PreliminaryResultsTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'PreliminaryResultsTemplate'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^ErrorTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'ErrorTemplate'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^RecordCreateSuccessTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'RecordCreateSuccessTemplate'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^RecordModifySuccessTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'RecordModifySuccessTemplate'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^RecordDeleteSuccessTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'RecordDeleteSuccessTemplate'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^RecordModifySetupTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'RecordModifySetupTemplate'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^RecordCreateSetupTemplate$/i ) {
$tableInfo{'RecordCreateSetupTemplate'} = $value;
# These are all variables that are keyed in for a field.
} elsif ( $key =~ /^newField$/i ) {
$nOption = 0;
# setup some defaults.
$element[$nCount]->{'displayEntry'} = "y";
$element[$nCount]->{'displayValue'} = "y";
} elsif ( $key =~ /^fieldName$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'fieldName'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^description$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'description'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^special$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'special'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^specialArgs$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'specialArgs'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^dispFieldWhenCreate$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'dispFieldWhenCreate'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^modFieldWhenCreate$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'modFieldWhenCreate'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^dispFieldWhenModify$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'dispFieldWhenModify'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^dispFieldWhenDisplay$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'dispFieldWhenDisplay'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^displayValue$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'displayValue'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^modFieldWhenModify$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'modFieldWhenModify'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^modFieldWhenCreate$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'modFieldWhenCreate'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^searchable$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'searchable'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^summary$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'summary'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^cgiType$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'cgiType'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^fieldType$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'fieldType'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^fieldSize$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'fieldSize'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^notNull$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'notNull'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^primaryKey$/i ) {
if ( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'primaryKey'} = 1;
$tableInfo{'priKeyArrNum'} = $nCount;
} else {
$element[$nCount]->{'primaryKey'} = 0;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^nonNull$/i ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'nonNull'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^cgiChecked$/ ) {
if ( ( $value ) &&
( $element[$nCount]->{cgiType} !~ /(checkbox|radio)/i ) ) {
&TError ( " can't have a checked flag. it's not a
checkbox or a radio button element" );
} else {
$element[$nCount]->{'cgiChecked'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^cgiSize$/ ) {
if ( ( $value ) &&
( $element[$nCount]->{'cgiType'} !~ /(text|password|select)/i ) ) {
&TError ( " can't have a cgiSize. it's not a
text or password element" );
} else {
$element[$nCount]->{'cgiSize'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^cgiMaxLength$/ ) {
if ( ( $value ) &&
( $element[$nCount]->{'cgiType'} !~ /(text|password)/i ) ) {
&TError ( " can't have a cgiSize. it's not a
text or password element" );
} else {
$element[$nCount]->{'cgiMaxLength'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^value$/ ) {
$element[$nCount]->{'value'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^cgiRows$/ ) {
if ( ( $value ) &&
( $element[$nCount]->{'cgiType'} !~ /textarea/i ) ) {
&TError ( " can't have a Rows tag. it's not a
TextArea element" );
} else {
$element[$nCount]->{'cgiRows'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^cgiCols$/ ) {
if ( ( $value ) &&
( $element[$nCount]->{'cgiType'} !~ /textarea/i ) ) {
&TError ( " can't have a Cols tag. it's not a
TextArea element" );
} else {
$element[$nCount]->{'cgiCols'} = $value;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^cgiMultiple$/ ) {
if ( ( $value ) &&
( $element[$nCount]->{'cgiType'} !~ /select/i ) ) {
&TError ( " can't have a cgiMultiple tag. it's not a
Select element" );
} else {
$element[$nCount]->{'cgiMultiple'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^cgiSelected$/ ) {
if ( ( $value ) &&
( $element[$nCount]->{'cgiType'} !~ /option/i ) ) {
&TError ( " can't have a cgiSelected tag. it's not a
Option element" );
} else {
$element[$nCount]->{'cgiSelected'} =
( ( $value =~ /^y/i ) || ( $value == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^option$/i ) {
( $optionValue, $optionName ) = split ( /:/, $value, 2 );
$element[$nCount]->{option}[$nOption]->{name} = $optionName;
$element[$nCount]->{option}[$nOption]->{value} = $optionValue;
} else {
&TError ( "the Key \"$key\" isn't recognized" );
&main::DPrint ( "There were $nCount entries in the table Def file." );
# More Error checking. We need to make sure these variables have
# been defined.
if ( $tableInfo{priKeyArrNum} == -1 ) {
&main::Error ( "Sorry, it appears that this table does not have a
Primary Key. MsqlCGI will not function on tables
that do not have a primary Key." );
return ( \%tableInfo, \@element );
# Just an error Wrapper.
sub TError {
( $msg ) = @_;
&main::Error ( "File: $file<br>Line $nLine<br>Element $nCount<p>$msg" );
# CreateCGIString
# This creates a CGI string. this function is getting pretty ugly. There
# are so many different combinations of type and "Display"/"Modify".
sub CreateCGIString {
( $pData, $type, $value ) = @_;
if ( $type !~ /^(SEARCH|MODIFY|CREATE)$/ ) {
&main::Error ( "The second parameter to CreateCGIString ($type) must
be one of SEARCH, MODIFY, or CREATE." );
#&main::DPrint ( "$pData, $type, $value, $pData->{'modFieldWhenModify'}" );
$modStr = "_MsqlCGI_modify-" . $pData->{'fieldName'};
#$strMod = <<EOF;
# <input type=radio name="$modStr" value="Yes"> Yes<br>
# <input type=radio name="$modStr" value="No" Checked> No
$strMod = "<input type=hidden name=\"$modStr\" value=\"Yes\">";
# Here's a tricky one. We want to parse $value for any HTML
# references (basically only http:// and ftp:// directives). But
# we can't just replace the $value string with the link becausae
# we don't want to do that when we edit the field. To cheat, The
# function "ConvertValue" will return the link string but we will
# only use it when we're not modifying the field.
$strConvValue = &ConvertValue ( $value, $pData );
# Here's where we're going to intercept the data flow to make room
# for the "Special" flags. If the element has a "special" flag,
# We MUST look for the sub.<name> file in the
# appropriate directory
if ( $pData->{'special'} ) {
# We're just creating the function name to call here.
$funcName = &GetSpecialFunctionName ( $pData, "CreateCGIString" );
( $strMod, $strCGI ) = &{$funcName}( $main::tableInfo, $pData, $type, $value );
if ( ( ( $pData->{'special'} ) && ( $strCGI eq "_MsqlCGI_Defer" ) ) ||
( ! $pData->{'special'} ) ) {
# It's not a special field, so we're going to proceed as normal.
$strCGI = "";
if ( $pData->{'cgiType'} =~ /^(text|password)$/i ) {
if ( $type =~ /^modify$/i ) {
if ( $pData->{'modFieldWhenModify'} ) {
$strCGI .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"$pData->{'cgiType'}\" ";
$strCGI .= "NAME=\"$pData->{'fieldName'}\" ";
$strCGI .= "SIZE=$pData->{'cgiSize'} " if ( $pData->{'cgiSize'} );
$strCGI .= "MAXLENGTH=$pData->{'cgiMaxLength'} "
if ( $pData->{'cgiMaxLength'} );
$strCGI .= "VALUE=\"$value\" " if ( $value );
$strCGI .= ">";
} else {
$strCGI = $strConvValue;
$strMod = "&nbsp;";
} elsif ( $type =~ /^search$/i ) {
$strCGI .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"$pData->{'cgiType'}\" ";
$strCGI .= "NAME=\"$pData->{'fieldName'}\" ";
$strCGI .= "SIZE=$pData->{'cgiSize'} " if ( $pData->{'cgiSize'} );
$strCGI .= "MAXLENGTH=$pData->{'cgiMaxLength'} "
if ( $pData->{'cgiMaxLength'} );
$strCGI .= ">";
} elsif ( $type =~ /^create$/i ) {
if ( $pData->{'modFieldWhenCreate'} ) {
$strCGI .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"$pData->{'cgiType'}\" ";
$strCGI .= "NAME=\"$pData->{'fieldName'}\" ";
$strCGI .= "SIZE=$pData->{'cgiSize'} " if ( $pData->{'cgiSize'} );
$strCGI .= "MAXLENGTH=$pData->{'cgiMaxLength'} "
if ( $pData->{'cgiMaxLength'} );
$strCGI .= "VALUE=\"$value\" " if ( $value );
$strCGI .= ">";
} else {
$strCGI = "Not Modifiable.";
} #end of type text/password
} elsif ( $pData->{'cgiType'} =~ /^textarea$/i ) {
if ( $type =~ /^search/i ) {
$strCGI .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" ";
$strCGI .= "NAME=\"$pData->{'fieldName'}\" ";
$strCGI .= "SIZE=30>";
} elsif ( $type =~ /^create$/i ) {
if ( $pData->{'modFieldWhenCreate'} ) {
$strCGI .= "<TEXTAREA NAME=\"$pData->{'fieldName'}\" ";
$strCGI .= "ROWS=$pData->{'cgiRows'} "
if ( int ( $pData->{'cgiRows'} ) );
$strCGI .= "COLS=$pData->{'cgiCols'} "
if ( int ( $pData->{'cgiCols'} ) );
$strCGI .= ">$value</TEXTAREA>";
} else {
$strCGI = "Not Modifiable.";
} elsif ( $type =~ /^modify$/i ) {
if ( $pData->{'modFieldWhenModify'} ) {
$strCGI .= "<TEXTAREA NAME=\"$pData->{'fieldName'}\" ";
$strCGI .= "ROWS=$pData->{'cgiRows'} "
if ( int ( $pData->{'cgiRows'} ) );
$strCGI .= "COLS=$pData->{'cgiCols'} "
if ( int ( $pData->{'cgiCols'} ) );
$strCGI .= ">$value</TEXTAREA>";
} else {
$strCGI = $strConvValue;
$strMod = "&nbsp;";
} #end of type Textarea
} elsif ( $pData->{'cgiType'} =~ /^(radio|checkbox)$/i ) {
$typeStr = ( $type eq "search" ) ? "checkbox" : $pData->{'cgiType'};
for ( $i = 0; $i <= $#{$pData->{'option'}}; $i++ ) {
$strCGI .= <<EOF;
<input type="$typeStr"
if ( ( $type =~ /^modify$/i ) && ( $pData->{'modFieldWhenModify'} ) &&
( $value eq $pData->{'option'}[$i]->{'value'} ) ) {
$strCGI .= "Checked ";
$strCGI .= <<EOF;
} elsif ( $pData->{'cgiType'} =~ /^select$/i ) {
$strSize = "size=$pData->{'cgiSize'}" if ( $pData->{'cgiSize'} );
$strMult = "Multiple" if ( $pData->{'cgiMultiple'} );
$strCGI = <<EOF;
<SELECT name="$pData->{'fieldName'}"
$strSize $strMult>
if ( $type eq "search" ) {
$strCGI .= <<EOF;
for ( $i = 0; $i <= $#{$pData->{'option'}}; $i++ ) {
$strCGI .= "<option";
if ( ( $type =~ /^modify$/i ) && ( $pData->{'modFieldWhenModify'} ) &&
( $value eq $pData->{'option'}[$i]->{'value'} ) ) {
$strCGI .= " Selected";
$strCGI .= ">$pData->{'option'}[$i]->{'value'}\n";
$strCGI .= "</SELECT>\n";
return ( $strMod, $strCGI );
# ConvertValue
# This function creates a new string based on the parameter it's given.
# It looks for:
# * Special fields, and calls the associated "ConvertValue" function
# * "<" and ">" characters and replaces them with valid HTML ("&lt;"
# and "&gt;" respectively
# * hypertext link text (anything with "://") and converts it into a
# link of the form "<a href=...>text</a>"
# * returns (\n) and converts them to "<br>".
# * Converts radio and checkbox values into their 'name' components
sub ConvertValue {
local ( $newValue, $pData ) = @_;
# Here's where we're going to intercept the data flow to make room
# for the "Special" flags. If the element has a "special" flag,
# We MUST look for the sub.<name> file in the
# appropriate directory
if ( $pData->{'special'} ) {
$funcName = &GetSpecialFunctionName ( $pData, "ConvertValue" );
( $newValue, $bContinue ) = &{$funcName}( $newValue, $pData );
if ( ! $bContinue ) {
return $newValue;
# This loop converts a radio button "value" into it's associated
# "name".
if ( $pData->{'cgiType'} =~ /^(radio|checkbox)$/i ) {
for ( $i = 0; $i <= $#{$pData->{'option'}}; $i++ ) {
if ( $newValue eq $pData->{'option'}[$i]->{'value'} ) {
$newValue = $pData->{'option'}[$i]->{'name'};
$newValue =~ s/</&lt;/gi;
$newValue =~ s/>/&gt;/gi;
$newValue =~ s/\n/<br>\n/gi;
# look for a "://". If it is, make a link out of the value
$newValue =~ s/(\S*:\/\/\S*)/<a href=\"$1\">$1<\/a>/gi;
$newValue =~ s/(\S*@\S*)/<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1<\/a>/gi;
return $newValue;
# GetSpecialFunctionName
# This function returns the name of the "special" function. It takes the
# current Data Element and a string denoting the "type" of function.
# Currently, the only "type"s that are allowed are:
# * CreateCGIString: Convert a DB value to a cgi form element or set
# of form elements
# * ConvertValue: Convert from a db Value to a NON-Modifiable
# text string that will be displayed to the user.
# * CreateQueryPart_Create: Convert values passed back from the CGI form to
# a data element which can be put in the DB.
# This is used when Creating a New record.
# * CreateQueryPart_Modify: Convert values passed back from the CGI form to
# a data element which can be put in the DB
# This is used when Modifying a New record.
# Data Elem
sub GetSpecialFunctionName {
local ( $pData, $type ) = @_;
if ( $type !~ /^(CreateCGIString|ConvertValue|CreateQueryPart_Create|CreateQueryPart_Modify|CreateQueryPart_Search)$/ ) {
&main::Error ( "The Type: \"$type\" wasn't recognized in
GetSpecialFunctionName" );
&main::DPrint ( "In GetSpecialFunctionName, $type, $pData->{'fieldName'}" );
$specialName = $pData->{'special'};
$subFileName = $main::pluginDir . "/sub." . $specialName;
if ( -e $subFileName ) {
require "$subFileName";
} else {
&main::Error ( "The special subroutine file $subFileName doesn't
exist." );
$funcName =
$funcName = $specialName . "::" . $type;
return $funcName;
# Get ElementStruct
# This routine returns a hash reference to the form element structure
# who's fieldName matches the first argument. the second argument should
# be an array reference containing the array of element structs.
sub GetElementStruct {
( $key ) = @_;
for ( $nCount = 0; $nCount <= $#{$main::tData}; $nCount++ ) {
if ( $main::tData->[$nCount]->{'fieldName'} eq $key ) {
return $main::tData->[$nCount];
return undef;
# Get ElementStructNumber
# This routine returns the array number reference to the element structure
# who's fieldName matches the first argument. the second argument should
# be an array reference containing the array of element structs.
sub GetElementStructNumber {
( $key ) = @_;
for ( $nCount = 0; $nCount <= $#{$main::tData}; $nCount++ ) {
if ( $main::tData->[$nCount]->{'fieldName'} eq $key ) {
&main::DPrint ( "<b>Returning: $nCount</b>" );
return $nCount;
&main::DPrint ( "<b>Returning: undef</b>" );
return undef;
# GetElementValue
# This routine returns a value of a certain part of a record structure.
# The field name is the first parameter.
sub GetElementValue {
( $fieldName, $param ) = @_;
$pData = &GetElementStruct ( $fieldName, $main::tData );
return $pData->{$param};
# SetupMsqlConnection
# This just sets up the msql connection with the proper host and whatnot.
# it returns a database handle.
sub SetupMsqlConnection {
$DBHost = $main::tableInfo->{'DBHost'};
$DBPort = $main::tableInfo->{'DBPort'};
$DBName = $main::tableInfo->{'DBName'};
if ( $DBHost =~ /^localhost$/i ) {
&main::DPrint ( "Connecting to db (local)" );
$dbh = Msql->Connect() ||
&main::Error ( "Couldn't connect to the Database. $Msql::db_errstr" );
} else {
&main::DPrint ( "Connecting to db $DBHost on port $DBPort" );
$dbh = Msql->Connect ( $DBHost ) ||
&main::Error ( "Couldn't connect to db Host $DBHost on Port
$DBPort" );
&main::DPrint ( "Selecting db: $DBName" );
$dbh->SelectDB ( $DBName ) ||
&main::Error ( "Couldn't Select db $DBName" );
return $dbh;
# StrToQueryStr
# This function takes a regular text string, the field type, and the type
# of query we're modifying as it's arguments. If the type is "char" it
# makes a valid Msql Search string out of it. If it's "int" or "real", it
# makes sure that the number is valid. It returns the new value.
sub StrToQueryStr {
local ( $strValue, $fieldType, $queryType ) = @_;
&main::DPrint ( "<b>$strValue, $fieldType</b>" );
if ( $queryType !~ /^(SEARCH|CREATE|MODIFY)$/ ) {
&main::Error ( "Programmer Error: in StrToQueryStr, queryType must
be either 'SEARCH', 'MODIFY', or 'CREATE'" );
if ( $fieldType eq "char" ) {
# We need to do some extra escaping if the type is a character and
# the query type is "search"
if ( ( $queryType eq "SEARCH" ) ||
( $queryType eq "MODIFY" ) ) {
if ( $strValue =~ /[\%\\\^]/ ) {
&main::Error ( "Sorry, you cannot use the characters <pre>
% \\ ^ </pre> in your query" );
#$strValue =~ s/([\$\(\)?\[\|\]])/[$1]/gi;
#$strValue =~ s/([\$?\[\|\]])/[$1]/gi;
#$strValue =~ s/([_])/\\\\$1/gi;
&main::DPrint ( "<b>$strValue</b>" );
$strValue =~ s/(['])/\\$1/gi;
&main::DPrint ( "<b>$strValue</b>" );
$strValue = "'$strValue'";
if ( $strValue eq "''" ) {
$strValue = "NULL";
} elsif ( $fieldType eq "int" ) {
if ( $strValue =~ /\D/ ) {
&main::Error ( "You must enter only a number in the numeric fields.");
} elsif ( $fieldType eq "real" ) {
if ( $strValue !~ /[\d\.]/ ) {
&main::Error ( "You must enter only a Real Numbers in the real
number fields.");
return $strValue;
# ConvertFileName
# Just do expansions on a file name.
# First see if the first character is a "/" or a "~". If it's not
# either, prepend the DefDir variable on to it.
# Then see if the first character is a "~". If so, substitute the name
# with a the directory as returned by "getpwnam";
sub ConvertFileName {
my ( $fileName, $defDir ) = @_;
&main::DPrint ( "In ConvertFileName, file is; $fileName, defDir is $defDir" );
$fileName = $defDir . "/" . $fileName
if ( ( substr ( $fileName, 0, 1 ) ) !~ /[~\/]/ ) ;
&main::DPrint ( "After first substitution: $fileName" );
$fileName =~ s/^~(\w*)/
if ( $1 ) {
($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$shell) =
getpwnam ( $1 ); $dir
} else {
($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$shell) =
getpwuid ( $< ); $dir
&main::DPrint ( "After second substitution. Returning: $fileName" );
return $fileName;
# DPrint
# A Debug print mechanism. If the variable "main::debug" is turned on, it
# will print.
sub main::DPrint {
if ( $main::debug == 1 ) {
print "DEBUG: $_[0]<br>\n";