use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
schema_class => 'OpusVL::Preferences::Schema',
traits => 'Testpostgresql',
}, 'TestOwner';
my $schema = TestOwner->result_source->schema;
my $c = OpusVL::SimpleCrypto->GenerateKey;
my $fields = TestOwner->prf_defaults;
ok $fields->create({
name => 'pin',
encrypted => 1,
searchable => 0,
default_value => '',
ok $fields->create({
name => 'email',
encrypted => 1,
searchable => 1,
default_value => '',
ok my $o = TestOwner->create({ name => 'test' });
$o->prf_set('pin' => '10013211');
$o->prf_set('email' => '');
is $o->prf_get('pin'), '10013211', 'Check we get the correct pin back';
is $o->prf_get('email'), '', 'Check we get the value back correctly';
# should be able to search by email, not pin.
ok my $results = TestOwner->with_fields({
email => '',
is $results->count, 1;
# but partial searches should fail.
ok $results = TestOwner->with_fields({
email => { -ilike => '' },
is $results->count, 0, 'Partial searches should fail on encrypted fields';
# but we'll kinda fudge it for a partial search of the exact value
ok $results = TestOwner->with_fields({
email => { -ilike => '' },
is $results->count, 1, 'Except when we could fudge it because you were entered the exact value';
ok $results = TestOwner->with_fields({
pin => '10013211',
# FIXME: how should we let the dev know about this?
is $results->count, 0, 'Search by pin should return 0 results because not using searchable crypto';
eq_or_diff {
email => '',
pin => 10013211,
}, $o->safe_prefs_to_hash;
# FIXME: test unique fields.
# default values
# also auditing