# copied and rearranged from CGI::PSGI's psgi_headers.t
# Test that header generation is spec compliant.
# References:
use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
sub crlf { $CGI::CRLF }
package main;
# Set up a CGI environment
my $env;
$env->{QUERY_STRING} = 'game=chess&game=checkers&weather=dull';
$env->{PATH_INFO} = '/somewhere/else';
$env->{PATH_TRANSLATED} = '/usr/local/somewhere/else';
$env->{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi';
$env->{SERVER_PROTOCOL} = 'HTTP/1.0';
$env->{SERVER_PORT} = 8080;
$env->{SERVER_NAME} = 'the.good.ship.lollypop.com';
$env->{REQUEST_URI} = "$env->{SCRIPT_NAME}$env->{PATH_INFO}?$env->{QUERY_STRING}";
$env->{HTTP_LOVE} = 'true';
my $cgi = CGI::PSGI::Extended->new($env);
my ($status, $headers) = $cgi->psgi_header( -type => "text/html" );
is_deeply $headers, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1' ],
'known header, basic case: type => "text/html"';
eval { $cgi->psgi_header( -type => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF."evil: stuff" ) };
like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'invalid header blows up');
($status, $headers) = $cgi->psgi_header( -type => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF." evil: stuff " );
like $headers->[1],
qr#text/html evil: stuff#, 'known header, with leading and trailing whitespace on the continuation line';
eval { $cgi->psgi_header( -foobar => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF."evil: stuff" ) };
like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'unknown header with CRLF embedded blows up');
eval { $cgi->psgi_header( -foobar => "\nContent-type: evil/header" ) };
like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'header with leading newline blows up');
eval { $cgi->psgi_redirect( -type => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF."evil: stuff" ), };
like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'redirect with known header with CRLF embedded blows up');
eval { $cgi->psgi_redirect( -foobar => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF."evil: stuff" ) };
like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'redirect with unknown header with CRLF embedded blows up');
eval { $cgi->psgi_redirect( $CGI::CRLF.$CGI::CRLF."Content-Type: text/html") };
like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'redirect with leading newlines blows up');