#!/usr/bin/perl -w -- -*- mode: cperl -*-
# line 4
use strict;
our $Id = q$Id: binsearchaperl 270 2007-11-11 07:47:27Z k $;
our $APC;
our %Opt;
) or die Usage();
sub Usage {
--config=... # Configure options except --prefix; default none;
# if given, it is passed to buildaperl, otherwise
# buildaperl has its own default value
--apcdir=... # local path to the All Perl Changes archive;
# defaults to "APC" in the current directory
--bounds NNNN-NNNN # lower-upper bounds (script is tolerant and
# chooses alternative bounds if these don't exist)
--branch # Defaults to "perl" (//depot/perl)
--build # boolean option: if false, we do not build any perl
--cachefilter program # program that returns on shell level true or
# false; perls returning false are ignored
--die-on-error # do not try to continue if a perl can't be built
--exact-bounds NNNN-NNNN # as --bounds, but build the bounds if needed
--help # This help page
--maxbuild N # How many perls to build; then exit with 0 status
--prefix=... # prefix of the inst directory;
# defaults to "installed-perls" in current dir
--prep program # an optional perl script to run before the
# the comparison; can be used to e.g. install
# modules from CPAN
--prog program # the perl script to use to compare two perls
--show-cache # list all found perls sorted by patchlevel and exit
--switches switches
--version # show version and exit
binsearchaperl --verbose --bounds 14354-17507 --switches=-T --prog tests/chip_taint.pl --build
if ($Opt{h}) {
print Usage;
if ($Opt{version}) {
print "$Id\n";
sub allperls ($$);
sub buildnext ($);
sub findperl ($$);
sub findmiddleperl ($$);
sub findmiddlepatch ($$);
$Opt{prefix} ||= "installed-perls";
$Opt{branch} ||= "perl"; # needed for show-cache
my $legal_branch = qr[
unless ($Opt{branch} =~ $legal_branch) {
die "--branch option [$Opt{branch} does not match $legal_branch]; cannot continue";
my $exact = 0;
if ($Opt{"exact-bounds"}) {
$Opt{bounds} = $Opt{"exact-bounds"};
$exact = 1;
$Opt{bounds} ||= "1-9999999";
die "Illegal bounds argument, must match /^\\d+-\\d+\$/"
unless $Opt{bounds} =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/;
my($lower,$upper) = ($1,$2);
die "bounds argument illegal: lower[$lower] upper[$upper]" unless $lower <= $upper;
if ($Opt{"show-cache"}) {
print map { "$_->[1]\n" } allperls($lower,$upper);
$Opt{apcdir} ||= "APC";
die "Could not find directory $Opt{apcdir}" unless -d $Opt{apcdir};
die "Neither --prog nor --show-cache argument" unless $Opt{prog};
die "Could not find file '$Opt{prog}'" unless -f $Opt{prog};
$Opt{switches} ||= "";
die "Could not find file '$Opt{cachefilter}'"
if $Opt{cachefilter} && ! -f $Opt{cachefilter};
our $built = 0;
while ($upper - $lower > 0) {
my($lperl,$lid) = findperl($lower,$exact ? "=" : "<");
if ($lid) {
$lower = $lid;
} else {
my @offer = allperls(1,999999999);
if (@offer) {
warn "Lowest perl in cache is $offer[0][1], ".
"not suitable for lower bound $lower\n";
} else {
warn "Could not find a suitable perl for lower bound $lower\n";
my($uperl,$uid) = findperl($upper,$exact ? "=" : ">");
if ($uid) {
$upper = $uid;
} else {
my @offer = allperls(1,999999999);
if (@offer) {
if ($exact) {
warn "Highest perl in cache is $offer[-1][1], ".
"$upper is too large as a bounds parameter\n";
} else {
# /home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/pUUwdli/perl-5.8.0@30184/bin/perl
warn "Highest perl in cache is $offer[-1][1], will take that instead\n";
use Config;
local $/ = $^O eq "Win32" ? "\\" : "/";
my($n) = $offer[-1][1] =~ m|$/perl-[^$/]+\@(\d+)$/bin$/perl$|;
($uperl,$upper) = ($offer[-1][1],$n);
} else {
warn "Could not find a suitable perl for upper bound $upper\n";
unless ($lperl && $uperl) {
warn "Could not find a perl. Please try '--exact-bounds' to ".
"build the bounds\n";
local $| = 1;
if (my $prep = $Opt{prep}) {
for my $aperl ($lperl, $uperl) {
next unless defined $aperl;
warn "Running the prep script '$prep' for $aperl\n" if $Opt{verbose};
my $i = 0;
while () {
last if 0==system $aperl, $prep;
if ($i <= 3) {
warn "Warning: The '$prep' script failed run $i on $aperl; retrying\n";
} else {
die "Could not run the '$prep' script with $aperl in three tries";
warn "Running the prog '$Opt{prog}' for $lperl and $uperl\n" if $Opt{verbose};
if ($lperl) {
$lres = `$lperl $Opt{switches} $Opt{prog} 2>&1`;
$lret = $?;
} else {
$lres = "";
$lret = -1;
if ($uperl) {
$ures = `$uperl $Opt{switches} $Opt{prog} 2>&1`;
$uret = $?;
} else {
$ures = "";
$uret = -1;
my $maxl = 34;
my $prog;
if ($Opt{verbose}) {
open my $fh, $Opt{prog} or die;
local $/;
$prog = <$fh>;
my $ltrunk = length($lperl)>$maxl ? ("...".substr($lperl,-$maxl)) : $lperl;
my $utrunk = length($uperl)>$maxl ? ("...".substr($uperl,-$maxl)) : $uperl;
print <<END;
----Output of $ltrunk----
----EOF (\$?='$lret')----
----Output of $utrunk----
----EOF (\$?='$uret')----
die qq{both perls $lower and $upper produce same result and \$?; }.
qq{cannot continue.
lperl [$lperl]
uperl [$uperl]
if $lres eq $ures && $lret eq $uret; #};
warn "Need a perl between $lower and $upper\n";
$APC ||= Perl::Repository::APC->new($Opt{apcdir});
my $between = $APC->patch_range($Opt{branch},$lower,$upper);
my $between_expl;
shift @$between if $between->[0] eq $lower;
pop @$between if $between->[-1] eq $upper;
if (@$between > 3) {
$between_expl = sprintf "%d candidates", scalar @$between;
} else {
$between_expl = sprintf "%s", join(",",@$between);
$0 = "binsearchaperl: searching between $lower and $upper ($between_expl)";
for my $k (keys %NOSUCCESS) {
delete $NOSUCCESS{$k} if $k < $lower || $k > $upper;
warn sprintf "(but %s could not successfully be used to build perl)\n",
join(", ", sort {$a<=>$b} keys %NOSUCCESS);
if (my($middle) = findmiddleperl($lower,$upper)) {
my($number,$mperl) = @$middle;
warn "Found perl in the middle: number[$number]
if (my $prep = $Opt{prep}) {
warn "Running the prep script '$prep' for $mperl\n" if $Opt{verbose};
my $i = 0;
while () {
last if 0==system $mperl, $prep;
if ($i <= 3) {
warn "Warning: The '$prep' script failed run $i on $mperl; retrying\n";
} else {
die "Could not run the '$prep' script with $mperl in three tries";
warn "Running the prog '$Opt{prog}' for $mperl\n" if $Opt{verbose};
my $mres = `$mperl $Opt{switches} $Opt{prog} 2>&1`;
my $mret = $?;
if ($Opt{verbose}) {
my $mtrunk = length($mperl)>$maxl ? ("...".substr($mperl,-$maxl)) : $mperl;
print <<END;
----Output of $mtrunk----
----EOF (\$?='$mret')----
if ($mres eq $lres && $mret == $lret) {
$lower = $number;
warn "Will binsearch the upper half\n";
} else {
$upper = $number;
warn "Will binsearch the lower half\n";
} else {
my($next) = findmiddlepatch($lower,$upper);
unless ($next) {
warn "No useable patch available between $lower and $upper\n";
die sprintf "Patches %s could not successfully be used to build perl\n",
join(", ", sort {$a<=>$b} keys %NOSUCCESS);
} else {
die "No patch available between $lower and $upper\n";
# XXX Please verify configuration equivalence with
# perl bin/configdiff.pl $lperl $uperl\n";
local $| = 1;
redo FINDMIDDLE; # may need prep, may need another try
sub buildnext ($) {
my($next) = @_;
$APC ||= Perl::Repository::APC->new($Opt{apcdir});
my $branch = $Opt{branch};
my $lcheck = $APC->closest($branch,"<",$next);
unless ($lcheck == $next) {
my $rcheck = $APC->closest($branch,">",$next);
warn "Patch $next not part of branch $branch.\n";
warn "Closest left neighbor is $lcheck.\n" if $lcheck;
warn "Closest right neighbor is $rcheck.\n" if $rcheck;
my $perl = $APC->get_from_version($branch,$next);
my $pver = $APC->get_to_version($branch,$next);
my $config_opt = $Opt{config} ? " --config='$Opt{config}' " : "";
my $system = "buildaperl $config_opt --prefix='$Opt{prefix}' ".
"--apcdir='$Opt{apcdir}' --branch='$branch' --notest $perl\@$next";
if ($Opt{build}) {
if ($Opt{maxbuild}) {
if ($built >= $Opt{maxbuild}) {
printf "NOT running $system, --maxbuild[%d] reached\n", $Opt{maxbuild};
warn "Will run
if ( system($system)==0 ) {
# nothing to do?
warn " successful system[$system]\a\n";
} else {
if ($Opt{"die-on-error"}) {
die sprintf "Error on building %s\@%s, ".
"giving up due to 'die-on-error'", $perl, $next;
sleep 3;
} else {
die "No --build option set, giving up. Please run
sub findmiddleperl ($$) {
my($lower,$upper) = @_;
my @sorted = allperls($lower+1,$upper-1) or return;
my $switch = 0;
while (@sorted > 1) {
if ($switch ^= 1) {
pop @sorted;
} else {
shift @sorted;
return $sorted[0];
sub allperls ($$) {
my($lower,$upper) = @_;
my $bindir = "$Opt{prefix}/$Opt{branch}";
opendir DIR, $bindir or return;
DIRENT: for my $dirent (readdir DIR) {
next DIRENT unless $dirent =~ /^p/;
opendir DIR2, "$bindir/$dirent" or next;
DIRENT2: for my $dirent2 (readdir DIR2) {
next DIRENT2 unless $dirent2 =~ /^perl-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+|\d\.\d\d\d_\d\d|0)\@(\d+)/;
my $n = $2;
next DIRENT2 unless $n >= $lower && $n <= $upper;
next DIRENT2 unless -d "$bindir/$dirent/$dirent2";
next DIRENT2 if exists $NOSUCCESS{$n};
my $perl = "$bindir/$dirent/$dirent2/bin/perl";
if (-x $perl) {
if (my $filter = $Opt{cachefilter}) {
my $ret = system $perl, $filter;
next DIRENT2 unless $ret==0;
push @cand, [$n, $perl];
closedir DIR2;
closedir DIR;
return unless @cand;
my @sorted = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @cand;
sub findmiddlepatch ($$) {
my($lower,$upper) = @_;
$APC ||= Perl::Repository::APC->new($Opt{apcdir});
my(@range) = @{$APC->patch_range($Opt{branch},$lower,$upper)};
@range = grep { ! exists $NOSUCCESS{$_} } @range;
return unless @range;
pop @range;
return unless @range;
shift @range;
return unless @range;
warn "DEBUG: switching to random middlepoints between $lower and $upper (due to unsuccessful builds)";
return $range[rand @range];
my $switch = 0;
while (@range > 1) {
if ($switch ^= 1) {
pop @range;
} else {
shift @range;
return $range[0];
sub findperl ($$) {
my($id) = shift;
my($alt) = shift;
die "findperl called w/ illegal alt[$alt]" unless $alt =~ /^[<>=]$/;
if ($alt eq "=") {
$def_closest = $closest = "";
} elsif ($alt eq "<") {
$def_closest = $closest = 0;
} elsif ($alt eq ">") {
$def_closest = $closest = 999999999;
my $bindir = sprintf "%s/%s", $Opt{prefix}, $Opt{branch};
my @readdir;
if (opendir DIR, $bindir) {
@readdir = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
} else {
return unless $alt eq "=";
DIRENT: for my $dirent (@readdir) {
next unless $dirent =~ /^p/;
opendir DIR2, "$bindir/$dirent" or next;
DIRENT2: for my $dirent2 (readdir DIR2) {
next unless $dirent2 =~ /^perl-(0|\d+\.(?:\d+\.\d+|\d\d\d_\d\d))\@(\d+)/;
my $thisperl = $2;
next unless -d "$bindir/$dirent/$dirent2";
if (-x "$bindir/$dirent/$dirent2/bin/perl") {
$highest = $lowest = $thisperl unless defined $highest || defined $lowest;
$highest = $thisperl if $thisperl > $highest;
$lowest = $thisperl if $thisperl < $lowest;
if ($thisperl eq $id){
return "$bindir/$dirent/$dirent2/bin/perl", $id;
} elsif ($alt eq "=") {
# warn "DEBUG: thisperl[$thisperl] id[$id]";
next DIRENT2;
} else {
my $diff = $id - $thisperl;
if ($alt eq "<" && $diff > 0) {
if ($id-$closest > $diff) {
$closest = $thisperl;
} elsif ($alt eq ">" && $diff < 0) {
if ($id-$closest < $diff) {
$closest = $thisperl;
} else {
# we must not die in this case. If there are concurrently
# running instances of binsearchaperl, this is quite likely
# to happen. We warn instead and
warn "\n\n+++ Found dirent $bindir/$dirent/$dirent2 ".
"but no perl for it +++\n\n";
sleep 2;
closedir DIR2;
if ($alt eq "=") {
if ($must_fit) {
warn "No success in trying to build perl for $id" for 0..4;
sleep 5;
return (undef,$id);
} else {
} else {
return if $closest eq $def_closest;
$closest = $highest if $closest > $highest;
$closest = $lowest if $closest < $lowest;
warn "Could not find a perl for patch ID $id, trying $closest.
Hint: to prevent version tolerance on initial test, try --exact-bounds.\n";
$id = $closest;
=head1 NAME
binsearchaperl - binary search perl versions that exhibit changing behaviour
binsearchaperl --bounds 17000-18000 --prog testscript.pl --build
binsearchaperl --show-cache
binsearchaperl --h
This script is built upon the buildaperl script and the
Perl::Repository::APC module and I< All Perl Changes >. You pass with
the --bounds or --exact-bounds option an interval of patch numbers and
with the --prog option a test script that exhibits some change in the
behaviour of perl. The script then does a binary search to determine
when exactly the change in behaviour occurred. It dies when it cannot
find or build any working perl anymore. This means, normal end of
operation is dieing. Only operations that are documented to C<exit>,
return a zero status to the shell.
The --h option displays all available options.
The most convenient setup to run this script is described in the
buildaperl manpage.
Test programs are ideally written in a simple style that outputs "ok"
or "not ok", but you did know that already.
=head2 Cache resulting perls in the install directory
Per default the underlying buildaperl script installs all resulting
perls for later perusal. binsearchaperl searches in the tree of
installed perls and uses them if they seem useful for a comparison.
The upside of this is faster execution, but the downside is that
binsearchaperl just looks at the branch and the patch number to
determine the usefulness of a cached perl. In case you work with the
C< --config > option and change these options sometimes, the result of
binsearchaperl may be wrong. It may happen that a difference in
behaviour is due to different config options and not merely to the
patch level. When in doubt, remove your whole installed-perls
directory or remove all perls compiled with irrelevant config options.
To help maintaining the cache, binsearchaperl can be given the
--show-cache option. With this option a list of all perls in the cache
is printed to STDOUT, sorted ascending by patch number, then the
script exits. A convenient usage of this list is these shell scripts:
binsearchaperl --show-cache | while read p ; do
echo $p;
$p -V:usethreads
for p in `binsearchaperl --bounds 18700-99999 --show-cache` ; do
echo $p;
$p -V:config_args
Same prerequisites as mentioned in patchaperlup
=head1 AUTHOR
Andreas Koenig <andk@cpan.org>