#!/usr/bin/perl -w
Schlage Perl Directories im /usr/local/ Directory zum Loeschen vor.
Based on Distance between neighbors. Born out of duenneresdone.pl
use strict;
use List::Util qw(reduce);
our %Opt;
GetOptions(\%Opt, qw(max=i));
use Config;
my $max = 0;
my $root = shift or die "Usage: $0 directory";
die "Directory $root not found" unless -d $root;
my %no;
my %never_delete = map { $_ => undef }
1,41,170,273,379,496, # this area needs manual intervention thus is precious
266,267, # Ilya's Jumbo patch
9654, # 5.6.1
16904,16905, # Locale::TextDomain
17637, # according to CoreList this is 5.008
17705, # currently my oldest 5.9.0
17706, # tentatively my oldest 5.9.0 with threads
17724,17725, # pseudo hashes
18047,18048, # threads only: Devel::Caller
18352, # 5.008
19608, 19610, # wrong line number
19391,19392, # maybe connected to Mail::Box, tests/nicholas-46463.pl
20002, # 5.009, easy to remember and well populated
20556,20559, # DBI 1.58 (was a bug in perl)
20939, # 5.008001 debugging
21377, # according to CoreList this is 5.008001
21670, # according to CoreList this is 5.008002
21727, # 5.006001, Module::CoreList::patchlevel for 5.6.2 built with 'buildaperl --branch maint-5.6/perl-5.6.2 @21727'; installed as /home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/maint-5.6/perl-5.6.2/p2dBQ7e/perl-5.6.1@21727/bin/perl
22314,22315, # B::Generate 1.06 without debugging, B::Generate 1.11 with debugging, Brackup
22491, # 5.009001
22552, # 5.008003 THREAD
22739,22741, # Devel::Profile 1.05
22841,22842, # Encode::IMAPUTF7
23004, # 5.008004 THREAD
23023, # 5.009002, easy to remember and well populated
23390, # 5.008005 THREAD
23767,23768, # Readonly::XS
23963,23964, # Hatena::Keyword
24009,24010, # Unicode::RecursiveDowngrade
24448, # 5.008006 THREAD
24541,24542, # Math::Pari
24659,24660, # Class::constr
25567,25568, # srezic-rx-problem
25805,25808, # Text::Query
25985,25986, # Mail::Box
26369,26370, # Class::MOP 0.40
26454,26465, # Term::ReadPassword 0.07 (proxysubs; No useable patch between)
26486,26487, # SQL::Translator; Class::MOP ?
26876, # 5.008007 THREAD
27002, # 5.009003
27263,27264, # JSON 1.12
27704,27705, # Thread.pm emulation: Net::Daemon
28358,28359, # encoding::source
28966, # 5.009004
29025,29026, # DBIx::Class(?), Authen::Htpasswd
29317,29318, # String::Multibyte
30487,30488, # Devel::Cover 0.61
30609,30610, # Sepia
30677,30678, # TAP::Parser 0.52
30952,30953, # Thread.pm emulation: Net::Daemon
30979,30980, # mro, Best 0.11, Class::Inner, Class::Prototyped
31025,31027, # Regexp::Assemble
31162, # 5.008008, my maint 5.8 installation under which I run Jifty
31223, # 5.008008 THREAD
31251,31252, # Data::Alias,Devel::EvalContext
31940,31941, # Tcl (debugging perls)
32147, # my first bleadperl to run Jifty (yay!)
32367, # 5.10.0-RC1
32491, # 5.10.0-RC2
32642, # 5.10.0
ENDLESS: while () {
my @dirs;
find(sub {
my $mname = $File::Find::name;
$mname =~ s|\Q$root\E||;
$File::Find::prune++ if $mname =~ tr[/][] > 2;
return unless /perl.+\@(\d+)/;
my $patch = $1;
return if exists $never_delete{$patch};
push @dirs, $File::Find::name if $mname;
}, $root);
my %n;
# read them and give them a value
warn "Found ". scalar @dirs ." deleteable perls";
for my $dirent (@dirs) {
next unless $dirent =~ m|/perl.+\@(\d+)|;
next if exists $no{$dirent};
$n{$dirent} = $1;
# sort them by value
my @n = sort { $n{$a} <=> $n{$b} } keys %n;
# we do not want to delete first and last one
pop @n; shift @n;
# group them by the difference to the next lower
my %diff;
for my $n (1..$#n) {
my $diff = $n{$n[$n]} - $n{$n[$n-1]};
$max = $diff if $diff > $max;
$diff{$diff}{$n[$n]} = undef;
my $done;
local($|) = 1;
OUTER: for (my $i = 0; $i <= $max; $i++) {
$done++ if $i == $max;
next OUTER unless exists $diff{$i};
# for my $d (sort { $n{$a} <=> $n{$b} } keys %{$diff{$i}}) {
INNER: for my $d (reduce { $n{$a} < $n{$b} ? $a : $b } keys %{$diff{$i}}) {
printf "unlink %s (distance %d) [Nyq]? ", $d, $i;
my $ans;
if ($Opt{max}) {
sleep 1;
if (@dirs > $Opt{max}) {
$ans = "y";
} else {
$ans = "q";
print $ans, "\n";
sleep 1;
} else {
$ans = <>;
if ($ans =~ /^y/i) {
require File::Path;
File::Path::rmtree($d) or die "Could not remove $d";
if (-d $d) {
die "ALERT: rmtree did not remove $d";
} else {
print "$d rmtreeed\n";
} elsif ($ans =~ /^q/i) {
} else {
print "Nothing done.\n";
$no{$d} = undef;
last INNER;
last OUTER;
last ENDLESS if $done;