#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# line 4
use strict;
use Carp;
use File::Spec ();
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree);
our %Opt;
our $Id = q$Id: buildaperl 294 2008-02-22 10:42:30Z k $;
my $DEFAULT_CONFIG = "-Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Uversiononly -Doptimize=-g ".
"-des -Duse64bitint -Dusedevel";
) or die Usage();
if ($Opt{h}) {
print Usage();
if ($Opt{version}) {
print $Id, "\n";
@ARGV == 1 or die Usage();
sub Usage {
qq{"Usage: $0 [options] version
[--config=...] # Configure options except --prefix; default:
[--apcdir=...] # where to find APC; defaults to "APC"
[--branch=...] # where to install: perl, maint-5.6, etc.
[--h] # this help message
[--noconfigure!] # Run without ./Configure
[--notest] # Run without make test
[--noinstall] # Run without ./installperl
[--prefix=...] # prefix of the inst directory; default ./installed-perls
[--remo] # remove source dir at the end
[--start] # start argument to patchaperlup
[--target=...] # e.g. miniperl
[--verbose] # noise
[--writedotpatch!] # write the .patch file for PERL_PATCHLEVEL
Version may be '\@', '5.7.0\@', '5.7.0\@7100', '\@7100', etc.
}; #
sub mysystem ($);
$Opt{branch} ||= "perl";
$Opt{apcdir} ||= "APC";
use Cwd;
my $pwd = cwd;
$Opt{prefix} ||= "$pwd/installed-perls";
$Opt{config} ||= $DEFAULT_CONFIG;
my($arg) = shift;
unless ($arg && $arg =~ /\@/) {
die "$0: argument must contain an \@";
my($baseperl,$patchlevel) = $arg =~ /^([^\@]*)@(\d*)$/;
die "baseperl not defined" unless defined $baseperl;
die "patchlevel not defined" unless defined $patchlevel;
die "patchlevel not > 0" if length $patchlevel && ! $patchlevel > 0;
my $apc = Perl::Repository::APC->new($Opt{apcdir});
# determine simultaneously $baseperl and $patchlevel
my $diffdir;
my $bap = Perl::Repository::APC::BAP->new($apc);
# This may die:
($baseperl,my $nextperl,my $firstpatch,$patchlevel,my $dir)=$bap->translate($Opt{branch},$baseperl,$patchlevel);
warn "Info: Target $baseperl\@$patchlevel, firstpatch $firstpatch, nextperl $nextperl, ".
"branch $Opt{branch}\n";
if ($dir =~ /-diffs$/) {
$diffdir = "$Opt{apcdir}/$dir";
} else {
$diffdir = "$Opt{apcdir}/$dir/diffs";
my $upto_arg = " --upto='$patchlevel'";
my($branch_letter) = substr($Opt{branch},0,1);
my $target_dir = "perl-$branch_letter-$baseperl\@$patchlevel";
die "Directory $target_dir exists but would be needed for building. Giving up "
if -e $target_dir;
my $ptempdir = tempdir( "psrc-XXXX", DIR => ".", CLEANUP => 1);
if ($baseperl eq "0") {
$src = "";
$bdir = File::Spec->catdir($ptempdir,"emptydir");
mkdir $bdir or die "Could not create $bdir: $!";
$start_arg = " --start='0'";
} else {
my $tarball = $apc->tarball($baseperl) or die "Could not determine tarball for $baseperl";
if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($tarball)
-e $tarball
) {
$src = $tarball;
} else {
# before Perl::Repository::APC 1.276 we only returned the basename
$src = "$Opt{apcdir}/$baseperl/$tarball";
die "src[$src] not found" unless -f $src;
open my $TAR, "tar -tzf $src |" or die;
my $exbdir = <$TAR>;
chomp $exbdir;
$exbdir =~ s|^\./||;
$exbdir =~ s|/.*$||;
close $TAR;
$bdir = File::Spec->catdir($ptempdir,$exbdir);
my $apcsrc = File::Spec->abs2rel($src);
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
chdir $ptempdir or die "Could not chdir to '$ptempdir': $!";
my $relsrc = File::Spec->catdir($cwd,$apcsrc);
mysystem "tar -xzf $relsrc";
chdir $cwd or die "Could not chdir to '$cwd': $!";
$start_arg = $Opt{start} ? " --start='$Opt{start}'" : " --start='$firstpatch'";
my $verbose_switch = $Opt{verbose} ? "--verbose " : "";
my $branch_arg = " --branch='$Opt{branch}'";
my $writedotpatch_switch = $Opt{writedotpatch} ? " --writedotpatch" : "";
$0 = "buildaperl:$branch_arg$upto_arg$start_arg";
mysystem "patchaperlup $verbose_switch$branch_arg$writedotpatch_switch".
" --perldir='$bdir' --diffdir='$diffdir'$upto_arg$start_arg";
# concurrency disallowed intentionally: it makes no sense that two
# processes build the exact same perl (yes, there may be exceptions
# and then we will have to revisit this)
rename $bdir, $target_dir or die "Could not rename to $target_dir";
rmdir $ptempdir or die "Could not remove temporary directory '$ptempdir': $!";
system "chmod -R u+w $target_dir";
chdir $target_dir or die "Could not chdir to $target_dir";
if ($Opt{branch} eq "perl" &&
-e "patchlevel.h" &&
$patchlevel >= 18749
) {
) or die;
unless ($Opt{noconfigure}) {
my $absprefix = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($Opt{prefix}) ?
$Opt{prefix} : File::Spec->catfile($pwd,$Opt{prefix});
mkpath "$absprefix/$Opt{branch}";
my $tempdir = tempdir( "pXXXXXX", DIR => "$absprefix/$Opt{branch}");
chmod 0755, $tempdir or die "Could not chmod to mode 0755 on directory '$tempdir': $!";
# too many versions come without a wince/perl.ico:
if (open my $fh, "MANIFEST") {
my @manifest = <$fh>;
if (grep { /^wince\/perl\.ico\s/ } @manifest
and not -f "wince/perl.ico") {
close $fh;
chmod 0644, "MANIFEST" or die "Could not chmod 0644 MANIFEST: $!";
open $fh, ">", "MANIFEST" or die "Could not open >MANIFEST: $!";
print $fh grep { ! /^wince\/perl\.ico\s/ } @manifest;
close $fh;
# here we do not need $target_dir, because branch is visible in directory
mysystem "sh Configure -Dprefix=$tempdir/perl-$baseperl\@$patchlevel $Opt{config}";
my $target = "";
if ($Opt{target}) {
$target = " $Opt{target}";
my $makeout = "";
open my($make), "make$target 2>&1 |" or die;
while (<$make>) {
$makeout .= $_;
unless (close $make) {
my $ret = $?;
# if ($makeout =~ /No rule to make target.*built-in/) {
if ($makeout =~ /(?:no rule to make target|don't know how to make).*built-in/i) {
print "\aWARNING: Running 'make' failed. It produced the infamous
<built-in> error that old perls have with new gccs. I'll work around this
in the makefiles now and retry. If you do not like that, hit ^C and FIXME.
Sleeping 5 seconds...\n";
sleep 5;
local @ARGV = qw( makefile x2p/makefile);
local $^I = "~";
while (<>) {
print unless /<(built-in|command line)>/;
mysystem "make$target";
} else {
die "make failed with ret[$ret]";
mysystem "make test" unless $Opt{notest};
mysystem "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./perl installperl" unless $Opt{noinstall};
if ($Opt{remo}){
chdir $pwd;
my $rmtree = $target_dir;
warn "Removing $rmtree\n";
rmtree $rmtree;
sub mysystem ($) {
my $system = shift;
warn "Running $system\n";
my $start = time;
$ENV{LANG} = "C"; # we rely on system messages!
my $ret = system($system);
unless ($ret==0) {
my $cwd = cwd;
Carp::confess("system[$system] failed with ret[$ret] in cwd[$cwd]");
push @SYSTEMTIMES, $system, time-$start;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @SYSTEMTIMES; $i+=2){
printf "%3d secs for[%s]\n", @SYSTEMTIMES[$i+1, $i];
=head1 NAME
buildaperl - Build an arbitrary perl version from APC
buildaperl 5.7.0@7100
buildaperl 5.8.0@
buildaperl @
buildaperl --h
This script builds the sources for any perl version between 5.004 and
The --h option displays all available options.
The argument consists of C<PERL_VERSION@PATCHNUMBER>. The C<@> is
mandatory, both C<PERL_VERSION> and C<PATCHNUMER> are optional.
If C<PERL_VERSION> is missing, the script picks the most recent
version in the branch. If the C<PATCHNUMBER> is missing, all available
patches for a given base will be applied. There is one important
restriction: the script can not iterate over more than one APC
directory when patching. This means you cannot build 5.6.0@18000. If
you want @18000, just specify @18000 as the argument. If the --branch
argument and the version@patch argument do not fit together,
C<buildaperl> dies.
The most convenient setup to run this script is to start it in a
directory that contains a single subdirectory: APC. APC should be a
full or partial mirror (***partial mirror is untested***) of I<
Archive of Perl Changes >. APC is located at
Make sure you are at least mirroring C<additional_tarballs>, the
C<5.*>, and the c</perl-*-diffs> directories.
Beware that you will need about a gigabyte of storage if you want to
rsync all of the archive.
Buildaperl uses a temporary directory to build a perl and then renames
this directory to
perl-X-PERL_VERSION@PATCHNUMBER (e.g. perl-p-5.7.2@15915)
\ \ \
\ \ `-> e.g. 15915
\ `-> e.g. 5.7.2
`-> either "p" for trunk or "m" for a maintenance branch
and lets it lying around (unless the --remo switch is used). This is
considered a feature: if buildaperl tries to build a perl that has
already been built, it will recognize the fact from seeing the
associated directory name. It builds a perl only if this directory
does not yet exist, otherwise it will die.
Other files and directories will also be created by default, namely
the directory to install all created perls into (unless the
--noinstall option is given), C< installed-perls >.
Same prerequisites as mentioned in patchaperlup.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andreas Koenig <andk@cpan.org>