our $VERSION = 0.001;
use Algorithm::Diff qw(LCS);
new_with_init => 'new',
get_set =>
qw /
sub init {
my ($self,%args) = @_;
(String => $args{Contents});
sub ExtractMajorPatterns {
my ($self,%args) = @_;
print "Extracting major patterns\n" if $self->Verbose;
my $occurances = $self->GetAllSubstringsLengthLessThanSize
(Size => 10,
String => $args{String});
my $res = $self->ExtractMostUsefulTerms
(Occurances => $occurances);
# now spot a major item, do a spot check and print out repeating lists
# convert to the list format
my $order = {};
foreach my $k1 (keys %$occurances) {
foreach my $k2 (keys %{$occurances->{$k1}}) {
$order->{$k2}->{$k1} = 1;
# now we have the list, so select a random instance of a
# popular token, and then extract the next instance
my $token;
my $counter = 10;
do {
$token = $res->{List}->[int rand $counter];
} while (length($token) < 5 or $token =~ /^\s*$/);
# $token = "Begin4";
print "Chose token: ".Dumper($token)."\n" if $self->Verbose;
my $l = [sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$occurances->{$token}}];
my $listsize = scalar @$l;
my $i = int rand $listsize;
print "Selected instance $i of $listsize\n" if $self->Verbose;
# print the remaining cycles
my $cycles = [];
for (my $cycle = 0; $cycle < 10; ++$cycle) {
$cycles->[$cycle] = [];
for (my $j = $l->[$i+$cycle]; $j < $l->[$i+1+$cycle]; ++$j) {
if (exists $order->{$j}) {
my $neworder;
foreach my $k (keys %{$order->{$j}}) {
if (length($k) > 1) {
my $tmp = $res->{Ilist}->{$k};
if (defined $tmp) { # and $tmp < 450) {
$neworder->{$k} = $j;
push @{$cycles->[$cycle]}, $neworder if $neworder;
# remove tokens that are not common to all three
my $cyclecount = 0;
my $seen = {};
foreach my $cycle (@$cycles) {
foreach my $hash (@$cycle) {
foreach my $k (keys %$hash) {
$seen->{$k}->{$cyclecount} = 1;
my $keep = {};
foreach my $k (keys %$seen) {
if (scalar keys %{$seen->{$k}} == $cyclecount) {
$keep->{$k} = 1;
# now reconstruct the cycles using the keep predicate
my $newcycles = [];
foreach my $cycle (@$cycles) {
my $newcycle = [];
foreach my $hash (@$cycle) {
my $newhash = {};
foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
if (exists $keep->{$key}) {
$newhash->{$key} = $hash->{$key};
if (scalar keys %$newhash) {
push @$newcycle, $newhash;
push @$newcycles, $newcycle;
my $regex = $self->ExtractRegexFromCycles
Index => $i,
Cycles => $newcycles,
TokenList => $l,
# clean the regular expression
$regex =~ s/(\(\.\*\))+/(.*)/g;
$regex =~ s/^(\(\.\*\))//;
$regex =~ s/(\(\.\*\))$//;
my @seeks = $regex =~ /(\(\.\*\))/g;
my $size = scalar @seeks;
print Dumper($regex)."\n" if $self->Verbose;
my @elements = $args{String} =~ /$regex/g;
my @entries;
while (@elements) {
push @entries, [splice(@elements,0,$size)];
print "Extracted ".(scalar @entries)." records\n" if $self->Verbose;
print Dumper(\@entries);
sub min {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
if ($a < $b) {
return $a;
return $b;
sub GetAllSubstringsLengthLessThanSize {
my ($self,%args) = @_;
my $occurances = {};
# now we want to efficiently generate this
# hash H->{STRING}->{OFFSET} = 1;
# then repetition frequency is just counting the scalar keys of H->{STRING}
# to efficiently compute this list we can do simple iteration
my @l = split //, $args{String};
print "Length: ".(scalar @l)."\n" if $self->Verbose;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @l; ++$i) {
if (!($i % 1000)) {
print "." if $self->Verbose;
if (!($i % 50000)) {
print "\n" if $self->Verbose;
for (my $j = $i + 1; $j <= min($i + $args{Size},scalar @l); ++$j) {
$occurances->{substr($args{String},$i,$j-$i)}->{$i} = 1;
print "\n" if $self->Verbose;
return $occurances;
sub ExtractMostUsefulTerms {
my ($self,%args) = @_;
print "Extracting most useful terms\n" if $self->Verbose;
my $occurances = $args{Occurances};
my $res;
my $usefulness = {};
my @list;
foreach my $k1 (keys %$occurances) {
if (scalar keys %{$occurances->{$k1}} > 1) {
$res->{$k1} = $occurances->{$k1};
my $count = 0;
my $ilist = {};
foreach my $k1 (sort {
(scalar keys %{$res->{$b}}) * length($b) <=>
(scalar keys %{$res->{$a}}) * length($a)}
keys %$res) {
my $x = (scalar keys %{$res->{$k1}})*length($k1);
# print $x."\t{{{".$k1."}}}\n";
push @list, $k1;
$ilist->{$k1} = $count++;
$usefulness->{$k1} = $x;
return {List => \@list,
Ilist => $ilist,
Usefulness => $usefulness};
# how to extract valid patterns
# the longer the pattern in terms of numbers of entries the better
# the more often the pattern repeats
# we can search over pattern space, pruning by the various factors
# a pattern consists of a repeating sequence of tokens
# first search by the largest and most useful tokens
# detecting repeating subsequences optimized over sequence value
# frequency window (prune by frequency for starters)
# lower bound
# upper bound
# sequence
# detect all repeating subsequences of 2 items,
# merge
sub GenerateRegexFromCycle {
my ($self,%args) = @_;
# print Dumper(\%args);
# exit(0);
my @string;
my $last;
foreach my $hash (@{$args{Cycle}}) {
foreach my $string (keys %$hash) {
my $x = 0;
foreach my $char (split //,$string) {
$string[$hash->{$string} - $args{TokenList}->[$args{Index}] + $x++] = $char;
$last = $hash->{$string};
# splice off anything after last
splice(@string,$last - $args{TokenList}->[$args{Index}] + 1);
# print Dumper(\@string);
my @constant;
my $r = [];
my $undefperiod = 0;
foreach my $element (@string) {
if (! defined $element) {
if ($undefperiod) {
# just move along
} else {
$undefperiod = 1;
if (@constant) {
my @cp = @constant;
push @$r,\@cp;
@constant = ();
push @$r,undef;
} else {
$undefperiod = 0;
push @constant, $element;
if (@constant) {
my @cp = @constant;
push @$r, \@cp;
# now print this structure
# print Dumper($r);
my $regex;
foreach my $list (@$r) {
if (defined $list) {
my $constant = join("",@$list);
$constant =~ s/
$constant =~ s/([^\w\s\n])/\\$1/g;
# $constant =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
$regex .= $constant;
} else {
$regex .= "(.*)";
return $regex;
sub ExtractRegexFromCycles {
my ($self,%args) = @_;
# take the cycles, extract longest common subsequences check rest of the sequences
# take 3 random cycles
my $size = scalar @{$args{Cycles}};
my @l = 0..($size - 1);
my @n;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) {
my $index = int rand scalar @l;
push @n, $l[$index];
$l[$index] = $l[scalar @l - 1];
pop @l;
# now for each of these cycles
# compute the lengths of the cycles and exit
my @regexes;
foreach my $index (@n) {
# print $index."\n";
my $newhash = {};
foreach my $hash (@{$args{Cycles}->[$index]}) {
foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
$newhash->{$key} = $hash->{$key};
my $length = (scalar keys %$newhash);
my $regex = $self->GenerateRegexFromCycle
Cycle => $args{Cycles}->[$index],
TokenList => $args{TokenList},
Index => $args{Index},
# print $regex."\n\n\n";
push @regexes, $regex;
print Dumper(\@regexes);
my $regex = shift @regexes;
while (@regexes) {
my $r2 = shift @regexes;
$regex = join("",LCS([split //,$regex], [split //,$r2]));
$regex =~ s/\\{1}//g; # IS THIS REALLY NECESSARY?
return $regex;