# $Id: 08-import-specs.t 19 2012-08-29 06:19:44Z andrew $
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 9;
use blib;
add => { "\$" => 'DOLLAR',
"\x{00A3}" => 'POUND' },
remove => [ qw( % ) ];
diag('add/remove specified on \'use LaTeX::Encode\'');
is(latex_encode('$'), 'DOLLAR', '\'$\' => \'DOLLAR\' - mapping added on import');
is(latex_encode("\x{00A3}"), 'POUND', '\'£\' => \'POUND\' - mapping added on import');
is(latex_encode('%'), '%', '\'%\' => \'%\') - mapping removed on import');
diag('resetting and forgetting mappings specified on import');
is(latex_encode('$'), '\\$', '\'$\' => \'\\$\' - standard mapping restored on reset');
is(latex_encode("\x{00A3}"), '{\\textsterling}', '\'£\' => \'{\\textsterling}\' - standard mapping restored on reset');
is(latex_encode('%'), '\\%', '\'%\' => \'\\%\' - standard mapping restored on reset');
diag('resetting and remembering mappings specified on import');
is(latex_encode('$'), 'DOLLAR', '\'$\' => \'DOLLAR\' - our mapping restored on reset');
is(latex_encode("\x{00A3}"), 'POUND', '\'£\' => \'POUND\' - our mapping restored on reset');
is(latex_encode('%'), '%', '\'%\' => \'%\') - our mapping restored on reset');