# Single process regression tester for the PoCO::Proxy::TCP
# sets up system with server, proxy, one or more clients
# and tests to see if the clients get what they expect back from server.
# Andrew Purshottam Jun 2004
# This very preliminary, so please be patient with my errors and do tell
# about errors and improvements.
# Because of the way we use delays to simulate processing time and overlap
# proxy sessions, the test runs slowly in wallclock time:
# All tests successful.
# Files=2, Tests=5, 50 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU)
use strict;
sub POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT () { 1 }
use POE;
use POSIX;
use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use lib qw(inc);
my %opts;
getopts('d:', \%opts);
# shut up so test frame is not confused
$opts{'d'} = 0 unless defined($opts{'d'});
# create inital session
(inline_states =>
{ _start => sub {
my ( $kernel, $session, $heap ) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP];
my $status = $kernel->alias_set("main");
my $server = TestServer->new(Port => 5000);
$heap->{server} = $server;
$heap->{proxy} = POE::Component::Proxy::TCP->new
( Alias => "ProxyServerSessionAl",
Port => 4000,
OrigPort => 5000,
OrigAddress => "localhost",
DataFromClient => sub {
my $s = shift;
dbprint(3, "**from client $s");
DataFromServer => sub {
my $s = shift;
dbprint(3, "**from server $s");
# make sure
$kernel->delay_add( "start_client", 3);
client_done => sub {
my ( $kernel, $session, $heap ) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP];
if ($heap->{client_count} == $heap->{number_clients}) {
test_result => sub {
my ( $kernel, $session, $heap, $ok, $test_name ) =
ok($ok, $test_name);
start_client => sub {
my ( $kernel, $session, $heap ) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP];
$heap->{client_count} = 0; # so we know when to shut down
$heap->{number_clients} = 0;# number of test clients run below, counted as generated.
# test client #1
my $request_list_ref1 = [ClientRequest->new(Count => 15,
Text => "client #1 request #1!",
DelaySecs => 2),
ClientRequest->new(Count => 6,
Text => "Client #1 request #2",
DelaySecs => 4),
my $client1 = TestClient->new(Port => 4000,
RequestList => $request_list_ref1);
$heap->{client1} = $client1;
# test client #2
my $request_list_ref2 = [ClientRequest->new(Count => 5,
Text => "client #2 request #1!",
DelaySecs => 2),
ClientRequest->new(Count => 6,
Text => "client #2 request #2!",
DelaySecs => 4),
my $client2 = TestClient->new(Port => 4000,
RequestList => $request_list_ref2);
$heap->{client2} = $client2;
# Dummy states to prevent warnings.
_stop => sub { return 0 },
_child => sub { },
exit 0;