#!/usr/bin/perl -s
# Give a list of files as command line arguments (i.e. use shell wildcards)
# The owners of each file is printed alphabetically, with owned files grouped
# by package. Files are also printed alphabetically.
# Pass the -q flag to only print the owning package names.
use ALPM::Conf qw(/etc/pacman.conf);
print STDERR "usage: ownzors [file paths]\n";
exit 2;
for my $pkg ($alpm->localdb->pkgs) {
$who_owns{$_->{'name'}} = $pkg->name for(@{$pkg->files});
push @{$results{$who_owns{$_}}}, $_
for(map { s{\A/}{}; $_ } map { File::Spec->rel2abs($_) } @ARGV);
## Happy A! \o/
print $_, "\n" for(sort keys %results);
exit 0;
for my $pkgname (sort keys %results){
print $pkgname, "\n", map { "\t/$_\n" } sort @{$results{$pkgname}};