# ABSTRACT: Convert ANSI color codes to IRC
our $VERSION = '0.02'; # VERSION
use strict;
my %irccolors = (
black => 1,
red => 5,
green => 3,
yellow => 7,
blue => 2,
magenta => 6,
cyan => 10,
white => 14,
bright_black => 15,
bright_red => 4,
bright_green => 9,
bright_yellow => 8,
bright_blue => 12,
bright_magenta => 13,
bright_cyan => 11,
bright_white => 0,
sub convert {
my ($text) = @_;
my $ret = "";
my $ansi = Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny->new;
my $data = $ansi->parse($text);
my (%foregrounds, %backgrounds);
$foregrounds{$_} = 1 for $ansi->foreground_colors;
$backgrounds{$_} = 1 for $ansi->background_colors;
my ($foreground, $background, $underline, $bold) = (undef, undef, 0, 0);
for my $chunk (@$data) {
my ($attrs, $text) = @$chunk;
my ($fg) = grep $foregrounds{$_}, @$attrs;
my ($bg) = grep $backgrounds{$_}, @$attrs;
my $bb = (grep $_ eq 'bold', @$attrs) ? 1 : 0;
my $u = (grep $_ eq 'underline', @$attrs) ? 1 : 0;
my $set_color;
if ($fg) {
$foreground = ($b ? 'bright_' : '') . $fg;
$set_color = "\cC$irccolors{$foreground}";
$bb = 0;
if ($bg) {
$background = $bg;
$set_color = "\cC" . $irccolors{$foreground || "black"} . ",$irccolors{$background}";
if (!$fg && !$bg && ($foreground || $background)) {
undef $foreground;
undef $background;
if ($text =~ /^\d/) {
# Use "reset all" to clear color to avoid a following number
# being interpreted as a color code
$set_color = "\cO";
undef $underline;
undef $bold;
} else {
$set_color = "\cC";
$ret .= $set_color if length $set_color;
if ($bb ^ $bold) {
$bold = $bb;
$ret .= "\cB";
if ($u ^ $underline) {
$underline = $u;
$ret .= "\c_";
if ($ret =~ /\D\d$/ && $text =~ /^\d/) {
# Avoid a 1-digit color code (e.g. ^C1 or ^C12,3 running into a following
# digit that's supposed to be part of the literal text, by making it two-digit.
substr($ret, -1, 0, '0');
$ret .= $text;
return $ret;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
IRC::FromANSI::Tiny - Convert ANSI color codes to IRC
=head1 VERSION
version 0.02
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew Rodland <arodland@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Andrew Rodland.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.