# -*-cperl-*-
use strict;
plan tests => 8;
my $cfg = Config::Simple->new("./example.cfg");
my $moo = Net::Moo->new('config' => $cfg);
my @postcards = (
'text' => [{'id' => 'main', 'string' => qq(I am the main box of text
I can have all kinds of things
going on in me!)},
{'id' => 'bottom', 'string' => qq(And I'm the text at the bottom)},
'text' => [{'id' => 'main', 'string' => qq(I am blue, center aligned and
bold text. Don't look at me, I'm
shy! I'm in the main text body), 'bold' => 'true', 'align' => 'center', 'font' => 'typewriter', 'colour' => '#0000ff'},
'text' => [{'id' => 'bottom', 'string' => qq(And I'm the text at the bottom.
I'm green and aligned right
), 'bold' => 'true', 'align' => 'right', 'colour' => '#00ff00'},
my $xml = $moo->builder('postcard', \@postcards);
# diag($xml);
my $digest = Digest::MD5->new();
my $hex = $digest->hexdigest();
cmp_ok($hex, 'eq', 'd0f4d0f47227d31072e86ed4deac168b', $hex);
local $TODO = "network connection may not be present";
my $valid = Net::Moo::Validate->new();
my $report = $valid->report($xml);
# diag(Dumper($report));
my $ok = $valid->is_valid_xml($report);
cmp_ok($ok, '==', 1, 'Valid XML');
my $res = $moo->execute_request($xml);
isa_ok($res, "HTTP::Response");
my $rsp = $moo->parse_response($res);
isa_ok($rsp, "XML::XPath::Node");
my $url = $rsp->findvalue("start_url");
ok($url, $url);