#!/bin/env perl
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# © Copyright 2003-2008 Alex Peeters [alex.peeters@citap.be]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2008/02/13, v3.000.016, generateChart.pl for ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::CGI
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings; # Must be used in test mode only. This reduces a little process speed
#use diagnostics; # Must be used in test mode only. This reduces a lot of process speed
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BEGIN { if ( $ENV{ASNMTAP_PERL5LIB} ) { eval 'use lib ( "$ENV{ASNMTAP_PERL5LIB}" )'; } }
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
use CGI;
use DBI;
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_Days Date_to_Text_Long Delta_Days);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
use lib ( "$CHARTDIRECTORLIB" );
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
$PROGNAME = "generateChart.pl";
my $prgtext = "Generate Chart";
my $version = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 3.000.016$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%03d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all on one line or MakeMaker will get confused.
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
my ($rv, $dbh, $sth, $sql, $sqlPeriode, $debugMessage, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString);
my ($background, $forGround, $axisColor, $numberOfDays, $numberOfLabels, $dummy, $trendvalue, $chartTitle);
my ($endDateIN, $i, $j, $yearFrom, $monthFrom, $dayFrom, $yearTo, $monthTo, $dayTo, $goodDate, $slaWindow);
my (@avg1, @avg2, @avg3, @data, @dataOK, @dataWarning, @dataCritical, @dataUnknown, @dataNoTest, @dataOffline);
my (@icons, @labels, @labels1, @labels2, @labels3, $applicationTitle1, $applicationTitle2, $applicationTitle3);
my ($currentYear, $currentMonth, $currentDay) = (((localtime)[5] + 1900), ((localtime)[4] + 1), (localtime)[3]);
$applicationTitle1 = $applicationTitle2 = $applicationTitle3 = '<NIHIL>';
my @arrMonths = qw(January Februari March April May June July August September October November December);
# Chart Parameters
my $width = 1000; # graph width
my $hight = 380; # graph height
my $xOffset = 74; # x offset grapharea
my $yOffset = 28; # y offset grapharea
my $AreaBOffset = 78;
my $trendZone = 0xFFFF99;
# URL Access Parameters
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $pagedir = (defined $cgi->param('pagedir')) ? $cgi->param('pagedir') : 'index'; $pagedir =~ s/\+/ /g;
my $pageset = (defined $cgi->param('pageset')) ? $cgi->param('pageset') : 'index-cv'; $pageset =~ s/\+/ /g;
my $debug = (defined $cgi->param('debug')) ? $cgi->param('debug') : 'F';
my $sessionID = (defined $cgi->param('CGISESSID')) ? $cgi->param('CGISESSID') : '';
my $selChart = (defined $cgi->param('chart')) ? $cgi->param('chart') : 'ErrorDetails';
my $uKey1 = (defined $cgi->param('uKey1')) ? $cgi->param('uKey1') : 'none';
my $uKey2 = (defined $cgi->param('uKey2')) ? $cgi->param('uKey2') : 'none';
my $uKey3 = (defined $cgi->param('uKey3')) ? $cgi->param('uKey3') : 'none';
my $startDateIN = (defined $cgi->param('startDate')) ? $cgi->param('startDate') : 'none';
my $inputType = (defined $cgi->param('inputType')) ? $cgi->param('inputType') : 'none';
my $selQuarter = (defined $cgi->param('quarter')) ? $cgi->param('quarter') : 0;
my $selMonth = (defined $cgi->param('month')) ? $cgi->param('month') : 0;
my $selWeek = (defined $cgi->param('week')) ? $cgi->param('week') : 0;
my $selYear = (defined $cgi->param('year')) ? $cgi->param('year') : 0;
my $timeperiodID = (defined $cgi->param('timeperiodID')) ? $cgi->param('timeperiodID') : 1;
my $pf = (defined $cgi->param('pf')) ? $cgi->param('pf') : 'off';
# set: endDate
$endDateIN = $cgi->param('endDate') if ( $cgi->param('endDate') ne '' );
# set: debug
if ( $debug eq 'T' ) {
$debugMessage = "chart: $selChart, uKey1: $uKey1, uKey2: $uKey2, uKey3: $uKey3, startDate: $startDateIN, endDate: $endDateIN, inputType: $inputType, selMonth: $selMonth, selWeek: $selWeek, selYear: $selYear.";
$AreaBOffset += 18;
# set: colors
if ($pf eq 'on') {
$background = 0xF7F7F7;
$forGround = 0x000000;
$axisColor = 0x0C0C0C;
} else {
$background = 0x000000;
$forGround = 0xF7F7F7;
$axisColor = 0x0000FF;
# set: forceIndex
my $forceIndex = "force index (key_startDate)"; $forceIndex = '';
# Init return value to true
$rv = 1;
# Chart specific settings
if ( $selChart eq "Status" ) {
$yOffset = 0;
$AreaBOffset = 0;
} elsif ( $selChart eq "ErrorDetails" ) {
$hight = 500;
$yOffset = 0;
$AreaBOffset = 0;
} elsif ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" ) {
my ($tmpStartDate, $tmpEndDate);
($goodDate, $tmpStartDate, $tmpEndDate, $numberOfDays) = get_sql_startDate_sqlEndDate_numberOfDays_test ($STRICTDATE, $FIRSTSTARTDATE, $inputType, $selYear, $selQuarter, $selMonth, $selWeek, $startDateIN, $endDateIN, $currentYear, $currentMonth, $currentDay, 0);
unless ( $goodDate ) {
$rv = 0; $errorMessage = "Wrong Startdate and/or Enddate";
} elsif ( $numberOfDays > 7 ) {
$rv = 0; $errorMessage = "Hourly Average Not Available";
} else {
($yearFrom, $monthFrom, $dayFrom) = split (/-/, $tmpStartDate) if (defined $tmpStartDate);
($yearTo, $monthTo, $dayTo) = split (/-/, $tmpEndDate) if (defined $tmpEndDate);
if ( $rv ) {
# open connection to database and query data
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$DATABASE:$SERVERNAMEREADONLY:$SERVERPORTREADONLY", "$SERVERUSERREADONLY", "$SERVERPASSREADONLY" ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("Cannot connect to the database", $debug, '', "", '', "", '', 0, '', $sessionID);
if ( $dbh and $rv ) {
if ( $uKey1 eq 'none' ) {
$rv = 0; $errorMessage = "URL Access Parameters Error: Application 1";
} else {
($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString, $applicationTitle1, $trendvalue, undef) = get_title( $dbh, $rv, $uKey1, $debug, 0, $sessionID );
if ( $rv ) { if ( $uKey2 ne 'none' ) { ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString, $applicationTitle2, undef, undef) = get_title( $dbh, $rv, $uKey2, $debug, 0, $sessionID ); } }
if ( $rv ) { if ( $uKey3 ne 'none' ) { ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString, $applicationTitle3, undef, undef) = get_title( $dbh, $rv, $uKey3, $debug, 0, $sessionID ); } }
if ( $rv ) {
if ( $uKey1 eq 'none' and $applicationTitle1 eq '<NIHIL>' ) {
$rv = 0; $errorMessage = "URL Access Parameters Error: Application 1: $applicationTitle1";
} else {
if ( $uKey2 eq 'none' and $applicationTitle2 eq '<NIHIL>' ) {
if ( $selChart eq "Status" ) {
$chartTitle = "Status";
} elsif ( $selChart eq "ErrorDetails" ) {
$chartTitle = "Error Details";
} elsif ( $selChart eq "Bar" ) {
$chartTitle = "Bar";
} elsif ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" ) {
$chartTitle = "Hourly Average";
} elsif ( $selChart eq "DailyAverage" ) {
$chartTitle = "Daily Average";
$chartTitle .= " for '$applicationTitle1' ";
} else {
$chartTitle = "Comparing '$applicationTitle1'";
if ( $uKey3 eq 'none' and $applicationTitle3 eq '<NIHIL>' ) {
$chartTitle .= " and '$applicationTitle2' ";
} else {
$chartTitle .= ", '$applicationTitle2' and '$applicationTitle3' ";
if ( $rv ) {
my $addAreaBOffset = 22;
$addAreaBOffset = 8 if ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" );
$addAreaBOffset = 36 if ( $selChart eq "DailyAverage" );
if ($inputType eq "fromto") {
if ( defined $endDateIN ) {
$chartTitle .= "from $startDateIN to $endDateIN";
} else {
$chartTitle .= "on $startDateIN";
} elsif ( $inputType eq "year" ) {
$chartTitle .= "for $selYear";
} elsif ( $inputType eq "quarter" ) {
$chartTitle .= "for $selYear quarter $selQuarter";
} elsif ( $inputType eq "month" ) {
$chartTitle .= "for ". $arrMonths[$selMonth -1] .' '. $selYear;
} elsif ( $inputType eq "week" ) {
$chartTitle .= "for $selYear week $selWeek";
} else {
$rv = 0; $errorMessage = "Whoops - title error! ($inputType)";
my ($sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate);
if ( $rv ) {
$AreaBOffset += $addAreaBOffset;
($goodDate, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, undef) = get_sql_startDate_sqlEndDate_numberOfDays_test ($STRICTDATE, $FIRSTSTARTDATE, $inputType, $selYear, $selQuarter, $selMonth, $selWeek, $startDateIN, $endDateIN, $currentYear, $currentMonth, $currentDay, 0);
if ( $goodDate ) {
$sqlPeriode = "AND startDate between '$sqlStartDate' AND '$sqlEndDate' ";
if ( $timeperiodID > 1 ) {
$sql = "select timeperiodName, sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday from $SERVERTABLTIMEPERIODS where timeperiodID = '$timeperiodID'";
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
($slaWindow, my ($sunday, $monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday, $saturday)) = $sth->fetchrow_array() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->fetchrow_array: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if ($sth->rows);
$sth->finish() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->finish", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
my $slaPeriode = create_sql_query_from_range_SLA_window ($sunday, $monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday, $saturday);
$chartTitle .= ", $slaWindow" if ( defined $slaWindow );
$sqlPeriode .= "$slaPeriode " if ( defined $slaPeriode );
} else {
$rv = 0; $errorMessage = "Wrong Startdate and/or Enddate";
if ( $rv and $uKey1 ne 'none' ) {
if ( $selChart eq "Status" ) {
my ($title, $status, $aantal, %problemSummary);
$sql = create_sql_query_events_from_range_year_month ($inputType, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, "select SQL_NO_CACHE title, status, count(status) as aantal", $forceIndex, "WHERE uKey = '$uKey1'", $sqlPeriode, "AND status !='OFFLINE'", "GROUP BY status", '', "", "ALL");
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
$sth->bind_columns( \$title, \$status, \$aantal ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->bind_columns: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
if ( $sth->rows ) {
my %labels = ();
while( $sth->fetch() ) {
if ($status eq '<NIHIL>') { $status = "UNKNOWN" }
if (exists $labels{$status}) {
$labels{$status} += $aantal;
} else {
$labels{$status} = $aantal;
foreach my $label (keys %labels) {
push (@labels, $label);
if ($label eq 'OK') {
push (@icons, "$IMAGESPATH/$ICONS{OK}");
$labels{$label} *= 8 if ($uKey1 eq 'KBO-WI-P-01'); # KBO-WI specific
} elsif ($label eq 'WARNING') {
push (@icons, "$IMAGESPATH/$ICONS{WARNING}");
$labels{$label} *= 8 if ($uKey1 eq 'KBO-WI-P-01'); # KBO-WI specific
} elsif ($label eq 'CRITICAL') {
push (@icons, "$IMAGESPATH/$ICONS{CRITICAL}");
} elsif ($label eq 'UNKNOWN') {
push (@icons, "$IMAGESPATH/$ICONS{UNKNOWN}");
} elsif ($label eq 'NO TEST') {
push (@icons, "$IMAGESPATH/$ICONS{'NO TEST'}");
} elsif ($label eq 'NO DATA') {
push (@icons, "$IMAGESPATH/$ICONS{'NO DATA'}");
} elsif ($label eq 'OFFLINE') {
push (@icons, "$IMAGESPATH/$ICONS{OFFLINE}");
push (@data, $labels{$label});
} else {
$hight = 380; $rv = 0; $errorMessage = "NO DATA FOR THIS PERIOD (1)";
$sth->finish() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->finish", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
} elsif ( $selChart eq "ErrorDetails" ) {
my ($title, $statusmessage, $aantal, %problemSummary);
$sql = create_sql_query_events_from_range_year_month ($inputType, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, "select SQL_NO_CACHE title, statusmessage, count(statusmessage) as aantal", $forceIndex, "WHERE uKey = '$uKey1'", $sqlPeriode, "AND status ='CRITICAL'", "GROUP BY statusmessage", '', "", "ALL");
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
$sth->bind_columns( \$title, \$statusmessage, \$aantal ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->bind_columns: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
if ( $sth->rows ) {
while( $sth->fetch() ) {
my ($dummy, $rest) = split(/:/, $statusmessage, 2);
$rest = $dummy unless ( $rest );
if ($rest) {
($rest, undef) = split(/\|/, $rest, 2); # remove performance data
($dummy, $rest) = split(/,/, $rest, 2);
$rest = $dummy unless ( $rest);
} else {
$rest = ' UNDEFINED';
if (exists $problemSummary{$rest}) {
$problemSummary{$rest} += $aantal;
} else {
$problemSummary{$rest} = $aantal;
foreach my $rest (sort {$problemSummary{$b} <=> $problemSummary{$a}} (keys(%problemSummary))) {
push (@data, $problemSummary{$rest});
push (@labels, substr($rest, 1, 38));
} else {
$hight = 380; $rv = 0; $errorMessage = "NO ERRORS FOR THIS PERIOD";
$sth->finish() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->finish", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
} elsif ( $selChart eq "Bar" ) {
my ($seconden, $duration, $startDate, $startTime, $status, $step);
my ($dataOK, $dataWarning, $dataCritical, $dataUnknown, $dataNoTest, $dataOffline);
$sql = create_sql_query_events_from_range_year_month ($inputType, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, "select SQL_NO_CACHE duration, startDate, startTime, status, step", $forceIndex, "WHERE uKey = '$uKey1'", $sqlPeriode, '', "", '', "order by startDate, startTime", "ALL");
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
$sth->bind_columns( \$duration, \$startDate, \$startTime, \$status, \$step ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->bind_columns: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
if ( $sth->rows ) {
my $counter = 0;
$numberOfLabels = ($sth->rows < 25) ? $sth->rows : 25;
my $labelCounter = int($sth->rows / $numberOfLabels);
my $limitTrendvalue = ($trendvalue) ? $trendvalue * 2.5 : 9000;
my $moreDays = (defined $endDateIN or $inputType eq "year" or $inputType eq "quarter" or $inputType eq "month" or $inputType eq "week") ? 1 : 0;
while( $sth->fetch() ) {
$dataOK = $dataWarning = $dataCritical = $dataUnknown = $dataNoTest = $dataOffline = "0";
$seconden = int(substr($duration, 6, 2)) + int(substr($duration, 3, 2)*60) + int(substr($duration, 0, 2)*3600);
$seconden += 0.5 if ($seconden == 0); # correction for to fast testresults
if ($status eq 'OK') {
$dataOK = ($seconden < $limitTrendvalue) ? $seconden : $limitTrendvalue;
} elsif ($status eq 'WARNING') {
$dataWarning = "-5";
} elsif ($status eq 'CRITICAL') {
$dataCritical = "-5";
} elsif ($status eq 'UNKNOWN') {
$dataUnknown = "-5";
} elsif ($status eq 'NO TEST') {
$dataNoTest = "-5";
} elsif ($status eq 'OFFLINE') {
$dataOffline = "-5";
push (@dataOK, $dataOK);
push (@dataWarning, $dataWarning);
push (@dataCritical, $dataCritical);
push (@dataUnknown, $dataUnknown);
push (@dataNoTest, $dataNoTest);
push (@dataOffline, $dataOffline);
if ($labelCounter == 1 or $labelCounter == $counter or ($counter == 0 and $labelCounter >= 2)) {
if ($moreDays) {
push (@labels, $startDate . " ~ " . substr($startTime, 0, 5));
} else {
push (@labels, substr($startTime, 0, 5));
$counter = 1;
} else {
push (@labels, "");
$AreaBOffset += 36 if ($moreDays);
} else {
$hight = 380; $rv = 0; $errorMessage = "NO DATA FOR THIS PERIOD (2)";
$sth->finish() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->finish", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
} elsif ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" or $selChart eq "DailyAverage" ) {
($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = getAverage( 1, $dbh, $rv, $uKey1, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, $sqlPeriode, $selChart, $debug );
if ( $rv and $uKey2 ne 'none' ) {
if ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" or $selChart eq "DailyAverage" ) {
($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = getAverage( 2, $dbh, $rv, $uKey2, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, $sqlPeriode, $selChart, $debug );
if ( $rv and $uKey3 ne 'none' ) {
if ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" or $selChart eq "DailyAverage" ) {
($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = getAverage( 3, $dbh, $rv, $uKey3, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, $sqlPeriode, $selChart, $debug );
if ( $rv ) {
if ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" ) {
my @refenentieLabels;
for($i = 0; $i < $numberOfDays; ++$i) {
for ($j = 0; $j <= 23; ++$j) {
my ($Tyear, $Tmonth, $Tday) = Add_Delta_Days($yearFrom, $monthFrom, $dayFrom, $i);
push (@refenentieLabels, "$Tyear-$Tmonth-$Tday:$j");
push (@labels, $j);
$width = ( $numberOfDays > 1 ) ? 24 * $numberOfDays * 25 : $width;
@avg1 = rebuildDataArrayHourlyAverage (\@refenentieLabels, \@labels1, \@avg1);
@avg2 = rebuildDataArrayHourlyAverage (\@refenentieLabels, \@labels2, \@avg2) if ($uKey2 ne 'none');
@avg3 = rebuildDataArrayHourlyAverage (\@refenentieLabels, \@labels3, \@avg3) if ($uKey3 ne 'none');
} elsif ( $selChart eq "DailyAverage" ) {
my $prev = "2003-10-12";
@labels = sort(@labels1, @labels2, @labels3);
@labels = grep($_ ne $prev && ($prev = $_), @labels);
$numberOfLabels = scalar(@labels);
$width = ( $numberOfLabels > 40 ) ? $numberOfLabels * 25 : $width;
@avg1 = rebuildDataArrayDailyAverage (\@labels, \@labels1, \@avg1);
@avg2 = rebuildDataArrayDailyAverage (\@labels, \@labels2, \@avg2) if ($uKey2 ne 'none');
@avg3 = rebuildDataArrayDailyAverage (\@labels, \@labels3, \@avg3) if ($uKey3 ne 'none');
$dbh->disconnect or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("Sorry, the database was unable to disconnect", $debug, '', "", '', "", '', 0, '', $sessionID);
my $c;
if ( $selChart eq "Status" or $selChart eq "ErrorDetails" ) {
# Create Piehart object with: width, hight, backgroundcolor, ...
$c = new PieChart($width, $hight, $background, -1, 0);
# Set the center of the pie at (<>, <>) and the radius to <> pixels
$c->setPieSize($width/2, $hight/2, 130);
# Draw the pie in 3D
} else {
# Create XYChart object with: width, hight, backgroundcolor, bordercolor, pxp-3d borden
$c = new XYChart($width, $hight, $background, $background, 0);
# Set the plotarea at (xOffset, yOffset) and of size $width - 95 x $hight - 78 pixels, with white background. Set border and grid line colors to 0xa08040.
$c->setPlotArea($xOffset, $yOffset, $width - 95, $hight - $AreaBOffset, 0xffffff, -1, 0xaCCCCCC, 0xaCCCCCC, 0xaCCCCCC);
# Set the axes width to 1 pixels
# Set the axis colors
# Add a title on the the y axis
my $yAxisTitle = ($selChart eq 'Bar') ? 'Response time' : 'Average response time';
$c->yAxis()->setTitle($yAxisTitle, "arial.ttf", 9, $forGround);
# Add a title on the the x axis
# Add a title box to the chart using 10 pts Arial Bold Italic font.
$chartTitle = "Error for '$prgtext'" unless ( defined $chartTitle and $rv );
$c->addText($width/2, 14, $chartTitle, "arialbi.ttf", 10, $forGround, 5, 0);
# Add debugMessage and errorMessage
$c->addText($width - 18, $hight - 33, $debugMessage, "arial.ttf", 8, $forGround, 6, 0) if ( defined $debugMessage );
$c->addText($width/2, (($hight - $yOffset - $AreaBOffset)/2) + $yOffset + 16, $errorMessage, "arial.ttf", 12, 0xFF0000, 5, 0) if ( defined $errorMessage );
$c->addText($width/2, (($hight - $yOffset - $AreaBOffset)/2) + $yOffset - 16, $dbiErrorCode, "arial.ttf", 10, 0xFF0000, 5, 0) if ( defined $dbiErrorCode );
$c->addText($width/2, (($hight - $yOffset - $AreaBOffset)/2) + $yOffset + 48, $dbiErrorString, "arial.ttf", 10, 0xFF0000, 5, 0) if ( defined $dbiErrorString );
# Add a custom CDML text at the bottom right of the plot area as the logo
$c->addText($width - 3, 92, $APPLICATION . " @ " . $BUSINESS, "arial.ttf", 8, $forGround, 6, 270);
$c->addText($width - 18, $hight - 18, $DEPARTMENT . " @ " . $BUSINESS . ", created on: " . scalar(localtime()) . ".", "arial.ttf", 8, $forGround, 6, 0);
if ( $rv ) {
if ( $selChart eq "Status" or $selChart eq "ErrorDetails" ) {
# use given color array as the data colors (sector colors)
if ( $selChart eq "Status" ) {
my (@colors);
foreach my $label (@labels) { push (@colors, $COLORSPIE {$label} ); }
$c->setColors2($perlchartdir::DataColor, \@colors);
# Add icons to the chart as a custom field
} elsif ( $selChart eq "ErrorDetails" ) {
my $colors = [0xb8bc9c, 0xecf0b9, 0x999966, 0x333366, 0xc3c3e6, 0x594330,0xa0bdc4];
$c->setColors2($perlchartdir::DataColor, $colors);
# Use the side label layout method
$c->setLabelStyle("tahoma.ttf", 8, $forGround)->setBackground($perlchartdir::Transparent, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0);
$c->setLabelFormat("<*block,valign=absmiddle*><*img={field0}*> {label} (#{value} - {percent}%)");
# Set the border color of the sector the same color as the fill color. Set the line color of the join line to forgroundcolor
$c->setLineColor($perlchartdir::SameAsMainColor, $forGround);
# Set the start angle to 135 degrees
# Set the pie data and the pie labels
$c->setData(\@data, \@labels);
} else {
# Set the labels on the x & y axis
my $fontAngel = ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" ) ? 0 : 45;
$c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial.ttf", 8, $forGround)->setFontAngle($fontAngel);
$c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial.ttf", 8, $forGround)->setFontAngle(0);
# Set the margins at the two ends of the axis during auto-scaling, and whether to start the axis from zero.
$c->yAxis()->setAutoScale(5, 10, 0);
# Add a mark line ore zone to the chart and add the first two data sets to the chart as a stacked bar group
if ( $uKey2 eq 'none' and $uKey3 eq 'none' ) {
$trendvalue = 3600 if ($trendvalue == 0);
$trendvalue += 0.05;
$c->yAxis()->addZone($trendvalue, 3600, $trendZone) if ($trendvalue != 0);
$c->yAxis()->addZone(0, -6, $trendZone);
my $layer;
if ( $selChart eq "Bar" ) {
# Add a line layer to the chart
$layer = $c->addBarLayer2($perlchartdir::Stack);
# Set the sub-bar gap to 0, so there is no gap between stacked bars with a group
$layer->setBarGap(-1.7E-100, 0);
# Add the first two data sets to the chart as a stacked bar group
$layer->addDataSet(\@dataOK, $layer->yZoneColor($trendvalue, $COLORSRRD {OK}, $COLORSRRD {TRENDLINE}), " Duration");
$layer->addDataSet(\@dataWarning, $COLORSRRD {WARNING}, " Warning");
$layer->addDataSet(\@dataCritical, $COLORSRRD {CRITICAL}, " Critical");
$layer->addDataSet(\@dataUnknown, $COLORSRRD {UNKNOWN}, " Unknown");
$layer->addDataSet(\@dataOffline, $COLORSRRD {OFFLINE}, " Offline");
$layer->addDataSet(\@dataNoTest, $COLORSRRD {"NO TEST"}, " No Test");
} elsif ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" or $selChart eq "DailyAverage" ) {
if ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" ) {
for($i = 1; $i < $numberOfDays; ++$i) { my $xMark1 = $c->xAxis()->addMark((24 * $i), 0x0000FF); }
my $xCorrectie = 95 - $xOffset;
for($i = 0; $i < $numberOfDays; ++$i) {
my $cdate = Date_to_Text_Long ( Add_Delta_Days($yearFrom, $monthFrom, $dayFrom, $i) );
my $x = ($numberOfDays > 1) ? ($i * 600) + 300 + $xCorrectie : ($width/2) + $xCorrectie;
$c->addText($x, 40, $cdate, "arialbi.ttf", 10, 0x000000, 5, 0);
# Add a line layer to the chart
$layer = $c->addSplineLayer();
# Add the first two data sets to the chart as a stacked bar group
$layer->addDataSet(\@avg1, 0xcf4040, "$applicationTitle1")->setDataSymbol($perlchartdir::DiamondSymbol, 8);
if ($uKey2 ne 'none') { $layer->addDataSet(\@avg2, 0x6699cc, "$applicationTitle2")->setDataSymbol($perlchartdir::DiamondSymbol, 8); }
if ($uKey3 ne 'none') { $layer->addDataSet(\@avg3, 0x009900, "$applicationTitle3")->setDataSymbol($perlchartdir::DiamondSymbol, 8); }
# Enable data label on the data points.
# Set the bar border to transparent
if ($pf eq 'on') {
$c->addLegend(2, $hight - 32, 0, "arial.ttf", 8)->setBackground($perlchartdir::Transparent);
} else {
$c->addLegend(2, $hight - 32, 0, "arial.ttf", 8)->setFontColor($forGround);
# Output the chart
print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
print $c->makeChart2($perlchartdir::PNG);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sub getAverage {
my ($number, $dbh, $rv, $uKey, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, $sqlPeriode, $selChart, $debug) = @_;
my ($sql, $sth, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString, $startDate, $hour, $average, @avg, @labels);
if ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" ) {
$sql = create_sql_query_events_from_range_year_month ($inputType, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, "select SQL_NO_CACHE startDate, hour(startTime) as hour, round(avg(time_to_sec(duration)), 2)", $forceIndex, "WHERE uKey = '$uKey'", $sqlPeriode, "AND status = 'OK'", "GROUP BY startDate, hour(startTime)", '', "order by startDate, hour", "ALL");
} else {
$sql = create_sql_query_events_from_range_year_month ($inputType, $sqlStartDate, $sqlEndDate, "select SQL_NO_CACHE startDate, round(avg(time_to_sec(duration)), 2)", $forceIndex, "WHERE uKey = '$uKey'", $sqlPeriode, "AND status = 'OK'", "GROUP BY startDate", '', "order by startDate", "ALL");
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" ) {
$sth->bind_columns( \$startDate, \$hour, \$average ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->bind_columns: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
} else {
$sth->bind_columns( \$startDate, \$average ) or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->bind_columns: $sql", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
if ( $sth->rows ) {
while( $sth->fetch() ) {
push (@avg, $average);
if ( $selChart eq "HourlyAverage" ) {
push (@labels, $startDate .":". $hour);
} else {
push (@labels, $startDate);
} else {
$hight = 380; $rv = 0; $errorMessage = "NO DATA FOR THIS PERIOD (3)";
$sth->finish() or ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString) = error_trap_DBI("", "Cannot sth->finish", $debug, '', "", '', "", 0, '', $sessionID);
if ( $number == 1 ) {
@avg1 = @avg; @labels1 = @labels;
} elsif ( $number == 2 ) {
@avg2 = @avg; @labels2 = @labels;
} elsif ( $number == 3 ) {
@avg3 = @avg; @labels3 = @labels;
return ($rv, $errorMessage, $dbiErrorCode, $dbiErrorString);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sub rebuildDataArrayHourlyAverage {
my ($arr_full, $arr_part, $arr_data) = @_;
my (@arr_res, $found, $cdate1, $time1, $cdate2, $time2, $year1, $month1, $day1, $year2, $month2, $day2);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$arr_full; $i++) {
($cdate1, $time1) = split(/:/, @$arr_full[$i]);
($year1, $month1, $day1) = split(/-/, $cdate1);
$found = 0;
for (my $j = 0; $j < @$arr_part; $j++) {
($cdate2, $time2) = split(/:/, @$arr_part[$j]);
($year2, $month2, $day2) = split(/-/, $cdate2);
if (($time1 == $time2) and ($day1 == $day2)) {
push (@arr_res, @$arr_data[$j]);
$found = 1;
push (@arr_res, 0.00) unless ( $found );
return @arr_res;
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sub rebuildDataArrayDailyAverage {
my ($arr_full, $arr_part, $arr_data) = @_;
my (@arr_res, $found);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$arr_full; $i++) {
$found = 0;
for (my $j = 0; $j < @$arr_part; $j++) {
if (@$arr_full[$i] eq @$arr_part[$j]) {
push (@arr_res, @$arr_data[$j]);
$found = 1;
push (@arr_res, 0.00) unless ( $found );
return @arr_res;
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -