use Test::More tests => 25;
BEGIN { require_ok ( 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP' ) };
BEGIN { use_ok ( 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP' ) };
BEGIN { use_ok ( 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP', qw(:ALL) ) };
BEGIN { use_ok ( 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP', qw(&get_soap_request) ) };
use ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins qw(:PLUGINS);
my $objectPlugins = ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins->new (
_programName => 'SOAP.t ',
_programDescription => "Testing ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP",
_programVersion => '3.000.016',
_programGetOptions => ['proxy:s', 'trendline|T:i'],
_timeout => 30,
_debug => 0);
isa_ok( $objectPlugins, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins' );
can_ok( $objectPlugins, qw(programName programDescription programVersion getOptionsArgv getOptionsValue debug dumpData printRevision printRevision printUsage printHelp) );
can_ok( $objectPlugins, qw(appendPerformanceData browseragent SSLversion clientCertificate pluginValue pluginValues proxy timeout setEndTime_and_getResponsTime write_debugfile call_system exit) );
my $namespace = '';
my $methodName = 'hi';
my $method = SOAP::Data->name($methodName)->attr( {xmlns => $namespace} );
my %soapService_Register_NS = (
my $xmlContent;
my $params;
my ($returnCode, $xml, $errorStatus);
skip 'Missing ASNMTAP_PROXY', 8 if ( defined $ASNMTAP_PROXY and ( $ASNMTAP_PROXY eq '' or $ASNMTAP_PROXY eq '' ) );
if ( defined $ASNMTAP_PROXY ) {
no warnings 'deprecated';
$objectPlugins->{_getOptionsArgv}->{proxy} = $ASNMTAP_PROXY;
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t'
ok ($returnCode == 0, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): normal');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
custom => \&actionOnSoapResponse,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t'
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 0 && ! defined $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('result'));
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): with custom');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
custom => \&actionOnSoapResponse,
customArguments => 1,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t'
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 0 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('result') eq 'SCALAR');
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): with custom and customArguments, scalar');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
custom => \&actionOnSoapResponse,
customArguments => [1, 2, 3],
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t'
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 0 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('result') eq 'ARRAY');
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): with custom and customArguments, array');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
custom => \&actionOnSoapResponse,
customArguments => {a=>1, b=>2, c=>3},
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t'
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 0 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('result') eq 'HASH');
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): with custom and customArguments, hash');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
custom => \&actionOnSoapResponse,
customArguments => \1,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t'
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 0 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('result') eq 'REF SCALAR');
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): with custom and customArguments, ref scalar');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
custom => \&actionOnSoapResponse,
customArguments => \[1, 2, 3],
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t'
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 0 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('result') eq 'REF ARRAY');
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): with custom and customArguments, ref array');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
custom => \&actionOnSoapResponse,
customArguments => \{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3},
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t'
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 0 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('result') eq 'REF HASH');
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): with custom and customArguments, ref hash');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QMissing SOAP parameter proxy\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): Missing SOAP parameter proxy');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QMissing SOAP parameter namespace\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): Missing SOAP parameter namespace');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QMissing SOAP parameter method\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): Missing SOAP parameter method');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => '%soapService_Register_NS'
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QMissing SOAP parameter registerNamespace\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): Missing SOAP parameter registerNamespace');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
readable => 2
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QSOAP parameter readable must be 0 or 1\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): SOAP parameter readable must be 0 or 1');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
readline => 1,
cookies => 2
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QSOAP parameter cookies must be 0 or 1\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): SOAP parameter cookies must be 0 or 1');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
cookies => 1
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QMissing SOAP parameter perfdataLabel\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): Missing SOAP parameter perfdataLabel');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t',
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QSOAP parameter PATCH_HTTP_KEEPALIVE must be 0 or 1\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): SOAP parameter PATCH_HTTP_KEEPALIVE must be 0 or 1');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t',
WSRF => 2
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QSOAP parameter WSRF must be 0 or 1\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): SOAP parameter WSRF must be 0 or 1');
($returnCode, $xml) = get_soap_request (
asnmtapInherited => \$objectPlugins,
proxy => $proxy,
namespace => $namespace,
registerNamespace => \%soapService_Register_NS,
method => $method,
xmlContent => $xmlContent,
params => $params,
cookies => 1,
perfdataLabel => 'SOAP.t',
$errorStatus = ($returnCode == 3 && $objectPlugins->pluginValue ('error') =~ /\QSOAP parameter TYPE_ERROR_RETURN must be [REPLACE|APPEND|INSERT|COMMA_APPEND|COMMA_INSERT]\E/);
ok ($errorStatus, 'ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::SOAP::get_soap_request(): SOAP parameter TYPE_ERROR_RETURN must be [REPLACE|APPEND|INSERT|COMMA_APPEND|COMMA_INSERT]');
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sub actionOnSoapResponse {
my ($asnmtapInherited, $som, $arguments) = @_;
my $result;
if (defined $arguments) {
for ( ref $arguments ) {
/^REF$/ &&
do {
for ( ref $$arguments ) {
/^ARRAY$/ &&
do { $result = 'REF ARRAY'; last; };
/^HASH$/ &&
do { $result = 'REF HASH'; last; };
/^ARRAY$/ &&
do { $result = 'ARRAY'; last; };
/^HASH$/ &&
do { $result = 'HASH'; last; };
/^SCALAR$/ &&
do { $result = 'REF SCALAR'; last; };
$result = 'SCALAR';
my $returnCode = $ERRORS{OK};
$asnmtapInherited->pluginValues ( { stateValue => $returnCode, result => $result }, $TYPE{APPEND} );
return ($returnCode);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -