#!/usr/bin/env perl
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# © Copyright 2003-2010 Alex Peeters [alex.peeters@citap.be]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2010/mm/dd, v3.002.001, crontabs.pl for ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::CGI
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings; # Must be used in test mode only. This reduces a little process speed
#use diagnostics; # Must be used in test mode only. This reduces a lot of process speed
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BEGIN { if ( $ENV{ASNMTAP_PERL5LIB} ) { eval 'use lib ( "$ENV{ASNMTAP_PERL5LIB}" )'; } }
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
use DBI;
use CGI;
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
$PROGNAME = "crontabs.pl";
my $prgtext = "Crontabs";
my $version = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 3.002.001$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%03d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all on one line or MakeMaker will get confused.
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# URL Access Parameters
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $pagedir = (defined $cgi->param('pagedir')) ? $cgi->param('pagedir') : '<NIHIL>'; $pagedir =~ s/\+/ /g;
my $pageset = (defined $cgi->param('pageset')) ? $cgi->param('pageset') : 'admin'; $pageset =~ s/\+/ /g;
my $debug = (defined $cgi->param('debug')) ? $cgi->param('debug') : 'F';
my $pageNo = (defined $cgi->param('pageNo')) ? $cgi->param('pageNo') : 1;
my $pageOffset = (defined $cgi->param('pageOffset')) ? $cgi->param('pageOffset') : 0;
my $orderBy = (defined $cgi->param('orderBy')) ? $cgi->param('orderBy') : 'lineNumber asc, uKey asc, groupName asc, title asc';
my $action = (defined $cgi->param('action')) ? $cgi->param('action') : 'listView';
my $CcatalogID = (defined $cgi->param('catalogID')) ? $cgi->param('catalogID') : $CATALOGID;
my $CcatalogIDreload = (defined $cgi->param('catalogIDreload')) ? $cgi->param('catalogIDreload') : 0;
my $ClineNumber = (defined $cgi->param('lineNumber')) ? $cgi->param('lineNumber') : '00';
my $CuKey = (defined $cgi->param('uKey')) ? $cgi->param('uKey') : 'none';
my $CcollectorDaemon = (defined $cgi->param('collectorDaemon')) ? $cgi->param('collectorDaemon') : 'none';
my $Carguments = (defined $cgi->param('arguments')) ? $cgi->param('arguments') : '';
my $Cminute = (defined $cgi->param('minute')) ? $cgi->param('minute') : '*';
my $Chour = (defined $cgi->param('hour')) ? $cgi->param('hour') : '*';
my $CdayOfTheMonth = (defined $cgi->param('dayOfTheMonth')) ? $cgi->param('dayOfTheMonth') : '*';
my $CmonthOfTheYear = (defined $cgi->param('monthOfTheYear')) ? $cgi->param('monthOfTheYear') : '*';
my $CdayOfTheWeek = (defined $cgi->param('dayOfTheWeek')) ? $cgi->param('dayOfTheWeek') : '*';
my $CnoOffline = (defined $cgi->param('noOffline')) ? $cgi->param('noOffline') : '';
my $Cactivated = (defined $cgi->param('activated')) ? $cgi->param('activated') : 'off';
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
my $htmlTitle = $APPLICATION;
# Init parameters
my ($rv, $dbh, $sth, $sql, $numberRecordsIntoQuery, $nextAction, $formDisabledAll, $formDisabledPrimaryKey, $submitButton, $uKeySelect);
# User Session and Access Control
my ($sessionID, $iconAdd, $iconDelete, $iconDetails, $iconEdit, $iconQuery, $iconTable, $errorUserAccessControl, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $subTitle) = user_session_and_access_control (1, 'admin', $cgi, $pagedir, $pageset, $debug, $htmlTitle, "Crontabs", undef);
# Serialize the URL Access Parameters into a string
my $urlAccessParameters = "pagedir=$pagedir&pageset=$pageset&debug=$debug&CGISESSID=$sessionID&pageNo=$pageNo&pageOffset=$pageOffset&orderBy=$orderBy&action=$action&catalogID=$CcatalogID&catalogIDreload=$CcatalogIDreload&lineNumber=$ClineNumber&uKey=$CuKey&collectorDaemon=$CcollectorDaemon&arguments=$Carguments&minute=$Cminute&hour=$Chour&dayOfTheMonth=$CdayOfTheMonth&monthOfTheYear=$CmonthOfTheYear&dayOfTheWeek=$CdayOfTheWeek&noOffline=$CnoOffline&activated=$Cactivated";
# Debug information
print "<pre>pagedir : $pagedir<br>pageset : $pageset<br>debug : $debug<br>CGISESSID : $sessionID<br>page no : $pageNo<br>page offset : $pageOffset<br>order by : $orderBy<br>action : $action<br>catalog ID : $CcatalogID<br>catalog ID reload : $CcatalogIDreload<br>lineNumber : $ClineNumber<br>uKey : $CuKey<br>collectorDaemon : $CcollectorDaemon<br>arguments : $Carguments<br>minute : $Cminute<br>hour : $Chour<br>dayOfTheMonth : $CdayOfTheMonth<br>monthOfTheYear : $CmonthOfTheYear<br>dayOfTheWeek : $CdayOfTheWeek<br>noOffline : $CnoOffline<br>activated : $Cactivated<br>URL ... : $urlAccessParameters</pre>" if ( $debug eq 'T' );
if ( defined $sessionID and ! defined $errorUserAccessControl ) {
my ($catalogIDSelect, $collectorDaemonSelect, $matchingCrontabs, $navigationBar);
my $urlWithAccessParameters = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} . "?pagedir=$pagedir&amp;pageset=$pageset&amp;debug=$debug&amp;CGISESSID=$sessionID&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID";
# open connection to database and query data
$rv = 1;
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$DATABASE:$SERVERNAMEREADWRITE:$SERVERPORTREADWRITE", "$SERVERUSERREADWRITE", "$SERVERPASSREADWRITE" ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot connect to the database", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ($dbh and $rv) {
$formDisabledAll = $formDisabledPrimaryKey = '';
if ($action eq 'duplicateView' or $action eq 'insertView') {
$htmlTitle = "Insert Crontab";
$submitButton = "Insert";
$nextAction = "insert" if ($rv);
$CcatalogID = $CATALOGID if ($action eq 'insertView');
} elsif ($action eq 'insert') {
$htmlTitle = "Check if Crontab $ClineNumber, $CuKey from $CcatalogID exist before to insert";
$sql = "select collectorDaemon from $SERVERTABLCRONTABS WHERE catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and lineNumber='$ClineNumber' and uKey='$CuKey'";
($rv, $numberRecordsIntoQuery) = do_action_DBI ($rv, $dbh, $sql, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, $sessionID, $debug);
if ( $numberRecordsIntoQuery ) {
$htmlTitle = "Crontab $ClineNumber, $CuKey from $CcatalogID exist already";
$nextAction = "insertView";
} else {
$htmlTitle = "Crontab $ClineNumber, $CuKey from $CcatalogID inserted";
my $dummyActivated = ($Cactivated eq 'on') ? 1 : 0;
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' .$SERVERTABLCRONTABS. ' SET catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '", lineNumber="' .$ClineNumber. '", uKey="' .$CuKey. '", collectorDaemon="' .$CcollectorDaemon. '", arguments="' .$Carguments. '", minute="' .$Cminute. '", hour="' .$Chour. '", dayOfTheMonth="' .$CdayOfTheMonth. '", monthOfTheYear="' .$CmonthOfTheYear. '", dayOfTheWeek="' .$CdayOfTheWeek. '", noOffline="' .$CnoOffline. '", activated="' .$dummyActivated. '"';
$dbh->do ( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->do: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$nextAction = "listView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'crontabView') {
$htmlTitle = "Selected crontabs to be listed";
$submitButton = "Crontabs";
$nextAction = "crontab" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'deleteView') {
$formDisabledPrimaryKey = $formDisabledAll = 'disabled';
$htmlTitle = "Delete crontab $ClineNumber, $CuKey from $CcatalogID";
$submitButton = "Delete";
$nextAction = "delete" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'delete') {
$htmlTitle = "Crontab $ClineNumber, $CuKey from $CcatalogID deleted";
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' .$SERVERTABLCRONTABS. ' WHERE catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '" and lineNumber="' .$ClineNumber. '" and uKey="' .$CuKey. '"';
$dbh->do ( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->do: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$nextAction = "listView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'displayView') {
$formDisabledPrimaryKey = $formDisabledAll = 'disabled';
$htmlTitle = "Display crontab $ClineNumber, $CuKey from $CcatalogID";
$nextAction = "listView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'editView') {
$formDisabledPrimaryKey = 'disabled';
$htmlTitle = "Edit crontab $ClineNumber, $CuKey from $CcatalogID";
$submitButton = "Edit";
$nextAction = "edit" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'edit') {
$htmlTitle = "Crontab $ClineNumber, $CuKey from $CcatalogID updated";
my $dummyActivated = ($Cactivated eq 'on') ? 1 : 0;
$sql = 'UPDATE ' .$SERVERTABLCRONTABS. ' SET catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '", lineNumber="' .$ClineNumber. '", uKey="' .$CuKey. '", collectorDaemon="' .$CcollectorDaemon. '", arguments="' .$Carguments. '", minute="' .$Cminute. '", hour="' .$Chour. '", dayOfTheMonth="' .$CdayOfTheMonth. '", monthOfTheYear="' .$CmonthOfTheYear. '", dayOfTheWeek="' .$CdayOfTheWeek. '", noOffline="' .$CnoOffline. '", activated="' .$dummyActivated. '" WHERE catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '" and lineNumber="' .$ClineNumber. '" and uKey="' .$CuKey. '"';
$dbh->do ( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->do: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$nextAction = "listView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'listView' or $action eq 'crontab') {
my ($sqlWhereCount, $sqlWhereList, $urlWithAccessParametersQuery);
$sqlWhereCount = $sqlWhereList = $urlWithAccessParametersQuery = '';
if ( $CcatalogIDreload ) {
$pageNo = 1;
$pageOffset = 0;
if ($action eq 'crontab') {
$htmlTitle = "All selected crontabs listed";
$nextAction = "crontab";
$sqlWhereCount = "where $SERVERTABLCRONTABS.activated=";
$sqlWhereCount .= ($Cactivated eq 'on') ? '1' : '0';
$sqlWhereCount .= " and $SERVERTABLCRONTABS.catalogID='$CcatalogID'";
$sqlWhereCount .= " and $SERVERTABLCRONTABS.uKey='$CuKey'" if ($CuKey ne 'none');
$sqlWhereCount .= " and $SERVERTABLCRONTABS.collectorDaemon='$CcollectorDaemon'" if ($CcollectorDaemon ne 'none');
$sqlWhereList = "$SERVERTABLCRONTABS.activated=";
$sqlWhereList .= ($Cactivated eq 'on') ? '1' : '0';
$sqlWhereList .= " and $SERVERTABLCRONTABS.catalogID='$CcatalogID'";
$sqlWhereList .= " and $SERVERTABLCRONTABS.uKey='$CuKey'" if ($CuKey ne 'none');
$sqlWhereList .= " and $SERVERTABLCRONTABS.collectorDaemon='$CcollectorDaemon'" if ($CcollectorDaemon ne 'none');
$sqlWhereList .= " and";
$urlWithAccessParametersQuery = "&amp;activated=$Cactivated&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID&amp;uKey=$CuKey&amp;collectorDaemon=$CcollectorDaemon";
} else {
$htmlTitle = "All crontabs listed";
$nextAction = "listView";
$sqlWhereCount = "where $SERVERTABLCRONTABS.catalogID='$CcatalogID'";
$sqlWhereList = " $SERVERTABLCRONTABS.catalogID='$CcatalogID' and";
$urlWithAccessParametersQuery = "&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID";
$sql = "select catalogID, catalogName from $SERVERTABLCATALOG where not catalogID = '$CATALOGID' and activated = '1' order by catalogName asc";
($rv, $catalogIDSelect, undef) = create_combobox_from_DBI ($rv, $dbh, $sql, 1, '', $CcatalogID, 'catalogID', $CATALOGID, '-Parent-', '', 'onChange="javascript:submitForm();"', $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, $sessionID, $debug);
$sql = "select SQL_NO_CACHE count(lineNumber) from $SERVERTABLCRONTABS $sqlWhereCount";
($rv, $numberRecordsIntoQuery) = do_action_DBI ($rv, $dbh, $sql, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, $sessionID, $debug);
$navigationBar = record_navigation_bar ($pageNo, $numberRecordsIntoQuery, $RECORDSONPAGE, $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} . "?pagedir=$pagedir&amp;pageset=$pageset&amp;debug=$debug&amp;CGISESSID=$sessionID&amp;action=$nextAction&orderBy=$orderBy$urlWithAccessParametersQuery");
$navigationBar .= record_navigation_bar_alpha ($rv, $dbh, $SERVERTABLCRONTABS, 'uKey', "catalogID = '$CcatalogID'", $numberRecordsIntoQuery, $RECORDSONPAGE, $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} . "?pagedir=$pagedir&amp;pageset=$pageset&amp;debug=$debug&amp;CGISESSID=$sessionID&amp;action=listView&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID", $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, $sessionID, $debug);
my ($catalogID, $lineNumber, $uKey, $groupName, $minute, $hour, $dayOfTheMonth, $monthOfTheYear, $dayOfTheWeek, $noOffline, $activated, $title);
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
$sth->bind_columns( \$catalogID, \$lineNumber, \$uKey, \$groupName, \$minute, \$hour, \$dayOfTheMonth, \$monthOfTheYear, \$dayOfTheWeek, \$noOffline, \$activated, \$title ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->bind_columns: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
my $actionPressend = ($iconAdd or $iconDelete or $iconDetails or $iconEdit) ? 1 : 0;
my $actionHeader = ($actionPressend) ? "<th>Action</th>" : '';
$urlWithAccessParameters = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} . "?pagedir=$pagedir&amp;pageset=$pageset&amp;debug=$debug&amp;CGISESSID=$sessionID&amp;pageNo=1&amp;pageOffset=0&amp;action=$nextAction$urlWithAccessParametersQuery";
$matchingCrontabs = "\n <table align=\"center\" border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 bgcolor='$COLORSTABLE{TABLE}'>\n <tr><th><a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=catalogID desc, lineNumber asc, uKey asc, groupName asc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{up}\" ALT=\"Up\" BORDER=0></a> Primary Key <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=catalogID asc, lineNumber asc, uKey asc, groupName asc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{down}\" ALT=\"Down\" BORDER=0></a></th><th><a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=groupName desc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{up}\" ALT=\"Up\" BORDER=0></a> Collector Daemon <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=groupName asc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{down}\" ALT=\"Down\" BORDER=0></a></th>";
$matchingCrontabs .= "<th><a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=title desc, groupName asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{up}\" ALT=\"Up\" BORDER=0></a> Title <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=title asc, groupName asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{down}\" ALT=\"Down\" BORDER=0></a></th><th><a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=uKey asc, groupName asc, minute desc, hour desc, dayOfTheMonth desc, monthOfTheYear desc, dayOfTheWeek desc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{up}\" ALT=\"Up\" BORDER=0></a> Crontab <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=uKey asc, groupName asc, minute asc, hour asc, dayOfTheMonth asc, monthOfTheYear asc, dayOfTheWeek asc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{down}\" ALT=\"Down\" BORDER=0></a></th><th><a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=noOffline desc, groupName desc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{up}\" ALT=\"Up\" BORDER=0></a> noOffline <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=noOffline desc, groupName asc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{down}\" ALT=\"Down\" BORDER=0></a></th><th><a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=activated desc, groupName asc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{up}\" ALT=\"Up\" BORDER=0></a> Activated <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=activated asc, groupName asc, title asc\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{down}\" ALT=\"Down\" BORDER=0></a></th>$actionHeader</tr>\n";
$urlWithAccessParameters = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} . "?pagedir=$pagedir&amp;pageset=$pageset&amp;debug=$debug&amp;CGISESSID=$sessionID&amp;pageNo=$pageNo&amp;pageOffset=$pageOffset";
if ( $sth->rows ) {
while( $sth->fetch() ) {
my $actionSkip = ( ( $catalogID eq $CATALOGID ) ? 0 : 1 );
my $actionItem = ($actionPressend) ? "<td align=\"left\">&nbsp;" : '';
my $urlWithAccessParametersAction = "$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID&amp;lineNumber=$lineNumber&amp;uKey=$uKey&amp;orderBy=$orderBy&amp;action";
$actionItem .= "<a href=\"$urlWithAccessParametersAction=displayView\"><img src=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{details}\" title=\"Display Crontabs\" alt=\"Display Crontabs\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;" if ($iconDetails);
$actionItem .= "<a href=\"$urlWithAccessParametersAction=duplicateView\"><img src=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{duplicate}\" title=\"Duplicate Crontabs\" alt=\"Duplicate Crontabs\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;" if ($iconAdd);
unless ( $actionSkip ) {
$actionItem .= "<a href=\"$urlWithAccessParametersAction=editView\"><img src=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{edit}\" title=\"Edit Crontabs\" alt=\"Edit Crontabs\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;" if ($iconEdit);
$actionItem .= "<a href=\"$urlWithAccessParametersAction=deleteView\"><img src=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{delete}\" title=\"Delete Crontabs\" alt=\"Delete Crontabs\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;" if ($iconDelete);
$actionItem .= "</td>" if ($actionPressend);
$matchingCrontabs .= " <tr bgcolor=\"$COLORSTABLE{STARTBLOCK}\"><td>$catalogID-$lineNumber-$uKey</td><td>$groupName</td><td>$title</td><td>$minute $hour $dayOfTheMonth $monthOfTheYear $dayOfTheWeek</td><td>$noOffline</td><td>$activated</td>$actionItem</tr>\n";
$urlWithAccessParameters = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} . "?pagedir=$pagedir&amp;pageset=$pageset&amp;debug=$debug&amp;CGISESSID=$sessionID&amp;pageNo=1&amp;pageOffset=0&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID";
} else {
$matchingCrontabs .= " <tr><td colspan=\"7\">No records found for any crontab</td></tr>\n";
$matchingCrontabs .= " <tr><td colspan=\"7\">$navigationBar</td></tr>\n" if ($navigationBar);
$matchingCrontabs .= " </table>\n";
$sth->finish() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->finish: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ($action eq 'deleteView' or $action eq 'displayView' or $action eq 'duplicateView' or $action eq 'editView') {
$sql = "select catalogID, lineNumber, uKey, collectorDaemon, arguments, minute, hour, dayOfTheMonth, monthOfTheYear, dayOfTheWeek, noOffline, activated from $SERVERTABLCRONTABS where catalogID='$CcatalogID' and lineNumber='$ClineNumber' and uKey='$CuKey'";
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
($CcatalogID, $ClineNumber, $CuKey, $CcollectorDaemon, $Carguments, $Cminute, $Chour, $CdayOfTheMonth, $CmonthOfTheYear, $CdayOfTheWeek, $CnoOffline, $Cactivated) = $sth->fetchrow_array() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot $sth->fetchrow_array: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if ($sth->rows);
$CcatalogID = $CATALOGID if ($action eq 'duplicateView');
$Cactivated = ($Cactivated == 1) ? 'on' : 'off';
$sth->finish() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->finish: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ($action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'deleteView' or $action eq 'displayView' or $action eq 'duplicateView' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'crontabView') {
if ($CuKey eq 'none' or $action eq 'duplicateView') {
$sql = "select uKey, concat( title, ' (', $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT.label, ')' ) as optionValueTitle from $SERVERTABLPLUGINS, $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT where catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and $SERVERTABLPLUGINS.environment = $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT.environment order by optionValueTitle";
} else {
$sql = "select uKey, concat( title, ' (', $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT.label, ')' ) from $SERVERTABLPLUGINS, $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT where uKey = '$CuKey' and catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and $SERVERTABLPLUGINS.environment = $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT.environment";
($rv, $uKeySelect, $htmlTitle) = create_combobox_from_DBI ($rv, $dbh, $sql, 1, $nextAction, $CuKey, 'uKey', 'none', '-Select-', $formDisabledPrimaryKey, '', $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, $sessionID, $debug);
$sql = "select collectorDaemon, groupName from $SERVERTABLCLLCTRDMNS where catalogID = '$CcatalogID' order by groupName";
($rv, $collectorDaemonSelect, undef) = create_combobox_from_DBI ($rv, $dbh, $sql, 1, '', $CcollectorDaemon, 'collectorDaemon', 'none', '-Select-', $formDisabledAll, '', $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, $sessionID, $debug);
$dbh->disconnect or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Sorry, the database was unable to add your entry.", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ( $rv ) {
# HTML - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if ($action eq 'duplicateView' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'crontabView') {
print_header (*STDOUT, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', 'F', '', $sessionID);
my $crontabFormatDigits = '(?:[0-9]{1,2})';
my $crontabValueDigitsMin = '(?:[0-9]|[1-5][0-9])';
my $crontabValueDigitsHour = '(?:[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])';
my $crontabValueDigitsDayOfMonth = '(?:[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])';
my $crontabValueDigitsMonthOfYear = '(?:[1-9]|1[0-2])';
my $crontabValueDigitsDayOfWeek = '(?:[0-6])';
print <<HTML;
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
function validateForm() {
var objectRegularExpressionLineNumberFormat = /\^\\d\\d\$/;
// example: 1,2,5-9,12-16/n,19|*|*/n
var objectRegularExpressionCrontabFormat = /\^(?:(?:\\*\\/$crontabFormatDigits){1,1}|$crontabFormatDigits(?:[,-]$crontabFormatDigits(?:\\/$crontabFormatDigits)?)\*){1,1}\$/;
// min (0-59)
var objectRegularExpressionMinuteValue = /\^(?:(?:\\*\\/$crontabValueDigitsMin){1,1}|$crontabValueDigitsMin(?:[,-]$crontabValueDigitsMin(?:\\/$crontabValueDigitsMin)?)\*){1,1}\$/;
// hour (0-23)
var objectRegularExpressionHourValue = /\^(?:(?:\\*\\/$crontabValueDigitsHour){1,1}|$crontabValueDigitsHour(?:[,-]$crontabValueDigitsHour(?:\\/$crontabValueDigitsHour)?)\*){1,1}\$/;
// day of month (1-31)
var objectRegularExpressionDayOfTheMontValue = /\^(?:(?:\\*\\/$crontabFormatDigits){1,1}|$crontabFormatDigits(?:[,-]$crontabFormatDigits(?:\\/$crontabFormatDigits)?)\*){1,1}\$/;
// month of year (1-12)
var objectRegularExpressionMontOfTheYearValue = /\^(?:(?:\\*\\/$crontabValueDigitsMonthOfYear){1,1}|$crontabValueDigitsMonthOfYear(?:[,-]$crontabValueDigitsMonthOfYear(?:\\/$crontabValueDigitsMonthOfYear)?)\*){1,1}\$/;
// day of week (0-6)
var objectRegularExpressionDayOfTheWeekValue = /\^(?:(?:\\*\\/$crontabValueDigitsDayOfWeek){1,1}|$crontabValueDigitsDayOfWeek(?:[,-]$crontabValueDigitsDayOfWeek(?:\\/$crontabValueDigitsDayOfWeek)?)\*){1,1}\$/;
if ( $action ne 'crontabView' ) {
print <<HTML;
if ( document.crontabs.collectorDaemon.options[document.crontabs.collectorDaemon.selectedIndex].value == 'none' ) {
alert('Please create/select a crontab collectorDaemon!');
return false;
if ($action eq 'duplicateView' or $action eq 'insertView') {
print <<HTML;
if ( document.crontabs.lineNumber.value == null || document.crontabs.lineNumber.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter a line number!');
return false;
} else {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionLineNumberFormat.test(document.crontabs.lineNumber.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter line number: Bad line number format!');
return false;
if( document.crontabs.uKey.options[document.crontabs.uKey.selectedIndex].value == 'none' ) {
alert('Please create/select one of the applications!');
return false;
if ( $action ne 'crontabView' ) {
print <<HTML;
if ( document.crontabs.minute.value == null || document.crontabs.minute.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter minute!');
return false;
} else {
if ( document.crontabs.minute.value != '*' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionCrontabFormat.test(document.crontabs.minute.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter minute: Bad minute format!');
return false;
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionMinuteValue.test(document.crontabs.minute.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter minute: Bad minute value!');
return false;
if ( document.crontabs.hour.value == null || document.crontabs.hour.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter hour!');
return false;
} else {
if ( document.crontabs.hour.value != '*' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionCrontabFormat.test(document.crontabs.hour.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter hour: Bad hour format!');
return false;
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionHourValue.test(document.crontabs.hour.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter hour: Bad hour value!');
return false;
if ( document.crontabs.dayOfTheMonth.value == null || document.crontabs.dayOfTheMonth.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter day of the month!');
return false;
} else {
if ( document.crontabs.dayOfTheMonth.value != '*' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionCrontabFormat.test(document.crontabs.dayOfTheMonth.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter day of the month: Bad day of the month format!');
return false;
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDayOfTheMontValue.test(document.crontabs.dayOfTheMonth.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter day of the month: Bad day of the month value!');
return false;
if ( document.crontabs.monthOfTheYear.value == null || document.crontabs.monthOfTheYear.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter month of the year!');
return false;
} else {
if ( document.crontabs.monthOfTheYear.value != '*' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionCrontabFormat.test(document.crontabs.monthOfTheYear.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter month of the year: Bad month of the year format!');
return false;
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionMontOfTheYearValue.test(document.crontabs.monthOfTheYear.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter month of the year: Bad month of the year value!');
return false;
if ( document.crontabs.dayOfTheWeek.value == null || document.crontabs.dayOfTheWeek.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter day of the week!');
return false;
} else {
if ( document.crontabs.dayOfTheWeek.value != '*' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionCrontabFormat.test(document.crontabs.dayOfTheWeek.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter day of the week: Bad day of the week format!');
return false;
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDayOfTheWeekValue.test(document.crontabs.dayOfTheWeek.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter day of the week: Bad day of the week value!');
return false;
print <<HTML;
return true;
<form action="$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}" method="post" name="crontabs" onSubmit="return validateForm();">
} elsif ($action eq 'listView') {
print_header (*STDOUT, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', 'F', '', $sessionID);
print <<HTML;
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
function submitForm() {
document.crontabs.catalogIDreload.value = 1;
return true;
<form action="$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}" method="post" name="crontabs">
} elsif ($action eq 'deleteView') {
print_header (*STDOUT, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', 'F', '', $sessionID);
print "<form action=\"" . $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} . "\" method=\"post\" name=\"crontabs\">\n";
$pageNo = 1; $pageOffset = 0;
} else {
print_header (*STDOUT, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', 'F', '', $sessionID);
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<input type="hidden" name="catalogIDreload" value="0">
} else {
print "<br>\n";
if ($formDisabledPrimaryKey ne '' and $action ne 'displayView') {
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"catalogID\" value=\"$CcatalogID\">\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"uKey\" value=\"$CuKey\">\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lineNumber\" value=\"$ClineNumber\">\n";
} elsif ($action eq 'crontabView') {
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"catalogID\" value=\"$CcatalogID\">\n";
print <<HTML;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr align="center"><td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>
if ( $iconAdd ) {
print <<HTML;
<td class="StatusItem"><a href="$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;pageNo=1&amp;pageOffset=0&amp;action=insertView&amp;orderBy=$orderBy">[Insert new crontab]</a></td>
<td class="StatusItem">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
print <<HTML;
<td class="StatusItem"><a href="$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;pageNo=1&amp;pageOffset=0&amp;action=listView&amp;orderBy=$orderBy">[List all crontabs]</a></td>
<td class="StatusItem">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class="StatusItem"><a href="$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;pageNo=1&amp;pageOffset=0&amp;action=crontabView&amp;orderBy=$orderBy">[List selected crontabs]</a></td>
if ($action eq 'deleteView' or $action eq 'displayView' or $action eq 'duplicateView' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'crontabView') {
my $activatedChecked = ($Cactivated eq 'on') ? ' checked' : '';
print <<HTML;
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td><b>Catalog ID: </b></td><td>
<input type="text" name="catalogID" value="$CcatalogID" size="5" maxlength="5" disabled>
<tr><td><b>Collector Daemon: </b></td><td>
<tr><td><b>Application: </b></td><td>
if ( $action ne 'crontabView' ) {
print <<HTML;
<tr><td><b>Line Number: </b></td><td>
<input type="text" name="lineNumber" value="$ClineNumber" size="2" maxlength="2" $formDisabledPrimaryKey>&nbsp;&nbsp;format/value: 00-99
if ( $action ne 'crontabView' ) {
my $noOfflineSelect = create_combobox_from_keys_and_values_pairs ('=>|noOFFLINE=>noOFFLINE|multiOFFLINE=>multiOFFLINE|noTEST=>noTEST', 'K', 0, $CnoOffline, 'noOffline', '', '', $formDisabledAll, '', $debug);
print <<HTML;
<tr><td><b>Arguments: </b></td><td>
<input type="text" name="arguments" value="$Carguments" size="100" maxlength="1024" $formDisabledAll>
<tr><td><b>Minute: </b></td><td>
<input type="text" name="minute" value="$Cminute" size="100" maxlength="167" $formDisabledAll>&nbsp;&nbsp;format: 0,1,2-29,30-58/2,59|*|*/n&nbsp;&nbsp;value: 0-59
<tr><td><b>Hour: </b></td><td>
<input type="text" name="hour" value="$Chour" size="61" maxlength="61" $formDisabledAll>&nbsp;&nbsp;format: 0,1,2-11,12-22/2,23|*|*/n&nbsp;&nbsp;value: 0-23
<tr><td><b>Day of the Month: </b></td><td>
<input type="text" name="dayOfTheMonth" value="$CdayOfTheMonth" size="83" maxlength="83" $formDisabledAll>&nbsp;&nbsp;format: 1,2,3-15,16-30/2,31|*|*/n&nbsp;&nbsp;value: 1-31
<tr><td><b>Month of the Year: </b></td><td>
<input type="text" name="monthOfTheYear" value="$CmonthOfTheYear" size="26" maxlength="26" $formDisabledAll>&nbsp;&nbsp;format: 1,2,2-6,7-11/2,12|*|*/n&nbsp;&nbsp;value: 1-12
<tr><td><b>Day of the Week: </b></td><td>
<input type="text" name="dayOfTheWeek" value="$CdayOfTheWeek" size="13" maxlength="13" $formDisabledAll>&nbsp;&nbsp;format: 0,1,2-3,4-5/2,6|*|*/n&nbsp;&nbsp;value: 0-6, 0: Sunday
<tr><td><b>no Offline: </b></td><td>
print <<HTML;
<tr><td><b>Activated: </b></td><td>
<input type="checkbox" name="activated" $activatedChecked $formDisabledAll>
print " <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><br>Please enter all required information before committing the required information. Required fields are marked in bold.</td></tr>\n" if ($action eq 'duplicateView' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'insertView');
print " <tr align=\"left\"><td align=\"right\"><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"$submitButton\"></td><td><br><input type=\"reset\" value=\"Reset\"></td></tr>\n" if ($action ne 'displayView');
print " </table>\n";
} elsif ($action eq 'delete' or $action eq 'edit' or $action eq 'insert') {
print " <tr><td align=\"center\"><br><br><h1>Unique Key: $htmlTitle</h1></td></tr>";
print " <tr><td align=\"center\">$matchingCrontabs</td></tr>" if (defined $matchingCrontabs and $matchingCrontabs ne '');
} else {
print " <tr><td><br><table align=\"center\" border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 bgcolor='#333344'><tr><td align=\"left\"><b>Catalog ID: </b></td><td>$catalogIDSelect</td></tr></table></td></tr>" if ($action ne 'crontab');
print " <tr><td align=\"center\"><br>$matchingCrontabs</td></tr>";
print " </table>\n";
if ($action eq 'deleteView' or $action eq 'duplicateView' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'crontabView' or $action eq 'listView') {
print "</form>\n";
} else {
print "<br>\n";
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
print_legend (*STDOUT);
print '</BODY>', "\n", '</HTML>', "\n";
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -