#!/usr/bin/env perl
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# © Copyright 2003-2010 Alex Peeters [alex.peeters@citap.be]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2010/mm/dd, v3.002.001, comments.pl for ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications::CGI
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings; # Must be used in test mode only. This reduces a little process speed
#use diagnostics; # Must be used in test mode only. This reduces a lot of process speed
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BEGIN { if ( $ENV{ASNMTAP_PERL5LIB} ) { eval 'use lib ( "$ENV{ASNMTAP_PERL5LIB}" )'; } }
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
use CGI;
use DBI;
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_Days);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
use vars qw($PROGNAME);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
$PROGNAME = "comments.pl";
my $prgtext = "Comments";
my $version = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 3.002.001$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%03d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all on one line or MakeMaker will get confused.
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
my $localYear = sprintf ("%04d", (localtime)[5] );
my $localMonth = sprintf ("%02d", (localtime)[4] );
my $currentYear = sprintf ("%04d", (localtime)[5] + 1900 );
my $currentMonth = sprintf ("%02d", (localtime)[4] + 1 );
my $currentDay = sprintf ("%02d", (localtime)[3] );
my $currentHour = sprintf ("%02d", (localtime)[2] );
my $currentMin = sprintf ("%02d", (localtime)[1] );
my $currentSec = sprintf ("%02d", (localtime)[0] );
# URL Access Parameters
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $pagedir = (defined $cgi->param('pagedir')) ? $cgi->param('pagedir') : 'index'; $pagedir =~ s/\+/ /g;
my $pageset = (defined $cgi->param('pageset')) ? $cgi->param('pageset') : 'index-cv'; $pageset =~ s/\+/ /g;
my $debug = (defined $cgi->param('debug')) ? $cgi->param('debug') : 'F';
my $pageNo = (defined $cgi->param('pageNo')) ? $cgi->param('pageNo') : 1;
my $pageOffset = (defined $cgi->param('pageOffset')) ? $cgi->param('pageOffset') : 0;
my $action = (defined $cgi->param('action')) ? $cgi->param('action') : 'listView';
my $CcatalogID = (defined $cgi->param('catalogID')) ? $cgi->param('catalogID') : $CATALOGID;
my $Cid = (defined $cgi->param('id')) ? $cgi->param('id') : '';
my $CuKey = (defined $cgi->param('uKey')) ? $cgi->param('uKey') : 'none';
my $Ctitle = (defined $cgi->param('title')) ? $cgi->param('title') : '';
my $Cinstability = (defined $cgi->param('instability')) ? $cgi->param('instability') : 'off';
my $Cpersistent = (defined $cgi->param('persistent')) ? $cgi->param('persistent') : 'off';
my $Cdowntime = (defined $cgi->param('downtime')) ? $cgi->param('downtime') : 'off';
my $CactivationDate = (defined $cgi->param('activationDate')) ? $cgi->param('activationDate') : '';
my $CactivationTime = (defined $cgi->param('activationTime')) ? $cgi->param('activationTime') : '';
my $CsuspentionDate = (defined $cgi->param('suspentionDate')) ? $cgi->param('suspentionDate') : '';
my $CsuspentionTime = (defined $cgi->param('suspentionTime')) ? $cgi->param('suspentionTime') : '';
my $CproblemSolved = (defined $cgi->param('problemSolved')) ? $cgi->param('problemSolved') : 0;
my $CremoteUser = (defined $cgi->param('remoteUser')) ? $cgi->param('remoteUser') : 'none';
my $CcommentData = (defined $cgi->param('commentData')) ? $cgi->param('commentData') : '';
$CcommentData =~ s/"/'/g;
my ($pageDir, $environment) = split (/\//, $pagedir, 2);
$environment = 'P' unless (defined $environment);
my $htmlTitle = $APPLICATION .' - '. $ENVIRONMENT{$environment};
# User Session and Access Control
my ($sessionID, $iconAdd, $iconDelete, $iconDetails, $iconEdit, $iconQuery, $iconTable, $errorUserAccessControl, $remoteUserLoggedOn, undef, undef, $givenNameLoggedOn, $familyNameLoggedOn, undef, undef, $userType, undef, undef, undef, $subTitle) = user_session_and_access_control (1, 'guest', $cgi, $pagedir, $pageset, $debug, $htmlTitle, "Comments", "catalogID=$CcatalogID&uKey=$CuKey");
unless ( defined $errorUserAccessControl ) {
unless ( defined $userType ) {
print_header (*STDOUT, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', 'F', '', $sessionID);
print "<br>\n<table WIDTH=\"100%\" border=0><tr><td class=\"HelpPluginFilename\">\n<font size=\"+1\">$errorUserAccessControl</font>\n</td></tr></table>\n<br>\n";
} else {
$action = "listView" if ( $userType == 0 and ($action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'insert' or $action eq 'deleteView' or $action eq 'delete' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'edit' or $action eq 'updateView' or $action eq 'update' ) );
my $urlWithAccessParameters = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} ."?pagedir=$pagedir&amp;pageset=$pageset&amp;debug=$debug&amp;CGISESSID=$sessionID";
my ($CactivationTimeslot, $CsuspentionTimeslot, $tsec, $tmin, $thour, $tday, $tmonth, $tyear);
if ($CactivationDate ne '' and $CactivationTime ne '') {
($tyear, $tmonth, $tday) = split(/\-/, $CactivationDate);
$tyear -= 1900; $tmonth--;
($thour, $tmin, $tsec) = split(/:/, $CactivationTime);
$CactivationTimeslot = timelocal($tsec, $tmin, $thour, $tday, $tmonth, $tyear);
} else {
$CactivationTimeslot = '';
if ($CsuspentionDate ne '' and $CsuspentionTime ne '') {
($tyear, $tmonth, $tday) = split(/\-/, $CsuspentionDate);
$tyear -= 1900; $tmonth--;
($thour, $tmin, $tsec) = split(/:/, $CsuspentionTime);
$CsuspentionTimeslot = timelocal($tsec, $tmin, $thour, $tday, $tmonth, $tyear);
} else {
$CsuspentionTimeslot = '';
my ($CentryDate, $CentryTime, $CentryTimeslot, $CsolvedDate, $CsolvedTime, $CsolvedTimeslot);
if ($action eq 'historyView' or $action eq 'history') {
$CentryDate = ($cgi->param('entryDate') or '');
$CentryTime = ($cgi->param('entryTime') or '');
if ($CentryDate ne '' and $CentryTime ne '') {
($tyear, $tmonth, $tday) = split(/\-/, $CentryDate);
$tyear -= 1900; $tmonth--;
($thour, $tmin, $tsec) = split(/:/, $CentryTime);
$CentryTimeslot = timelocal($tsec, $tmin, $thour, $tday, $tmonth, $tyear);
} else {
$CentryTimeslot = '';
$CsolvedDate = ($cgi->param('solvedDate') or '');
$CsolvedTime = ($cgi->param('solvedTime') or '');
if ($CsolvedDate ne '' and $CsolvedTime ne '') {
($tyear, $tmonth, $tday) = split(/\-/, $CsolvedDate);
$tyear -= 1900; $tmonth--;
($thour, $tmin, $tsec) = split(/:/, $CsolvedTime);
$CsolvedTimeslot = timelocal($tsec, $tmin, $thour, $tday, $tmonth, $tyear);
} else {
$CsolvedTimeslot = '';
} else {
$CentryDate = ($cgi->param('entryDate') or "$currentYear-$currentMonth-$currentDay");
$CentryTime = ($cgi->param('entryTime') or "$currentHour:$currentMin:$currentSec");
$CentryTimeslot = ($cgi->param('entryTimeslot') or timelocal($currentSec, $currentMin, $currentHour, $currentDay, $localMonth, $localYear));
if ($CproblemSolved) {
$CsolvedDate = ($cgi->param('solvedDate') or "$currentYear-$currentMonth-$currentDay");
$CsolvedTime = ($cgi->param('solvedTime') or "$currentHour:$currentMin:$currentSec");
$CsolvedTimeslot = ($cgi->param('solvedTimeslot') or timelocal($currentSec, $currentMin, $currentHour, $currentDay, $localMonth, $localYear));
} else {
$CsolvedDate = ($cgi->param('solvedDate') or "0000-00-00");
$CsolvedTime = ($cgi->param('solvedTime') or "00:00:00");
$CsolvedTimeslot = ($cgi->param('solvedTimeslot') or '');
# Init parameters
my ($rv, $dbh, $sth, $sql, $numberRecordsIntoQuery, $uKey, $title, $dummy, $submitButton, $nextAction, $commentText, $commentData, $uKeySelect, $matchingComments, $navigationBar, $remoteUsersSelect);
$nextAction = '';
# Serialize the URL Access Parameters into a string
my $urlAccessParameters = "pagedir=$pagedir&pageset=$pageset&debug=$debug&CGISESSID=$sessionID&pageNo=$pageNo&pageOffset=$pageOffset&action=$action&catalogID=$CcatalogID&id=$Cid&uKey=$CuKey&title=$Ctitle&entryDate=$CentryDate&entryTime=$CentryTime&entryTimeslot=$CentryTimeslot&activationDate=$CactivationDate&activationTime=$CactivationTime&suspentionDate=$CsuspentionDate&suspentionTime=$CsuspentionTime&instability=$Cinstability&persistent=$Cpersistent&downtime=$Cdowntime&problemSolved=$CproblemSolved&solvedDate=$CsolvedDate&solvedTime=$CsolvedTime&solvedTimeslot=$CsolvedTimeslot&remoteUser=$CremoteUser&commentData=$CcommentData";
# Debug information
print "<pre>pagedir : $pagedir<br>pageset : $pageset<br>debug : $debug<br>CGISESSID : $sessionID<br>page no : $pageNo<br>page offset : $pageOffset<br>action : $action<br>catalog ID : $CcatalogID<br>id : $Cid<br>uKey : $CuKey<br>title : $Ctitle<br>entryDate : $CentryDate<br>entryTime : $CentryTime<br>entryTimeslot : $CentryTimeslot<br>activationDate: $CactivationDate<br>activationTime: $CactivationTime<br>suspentionDate: $CsuspentionDate<br>suspentionTime: $CsuspentionTime<br>instability : $Cinstability<br>persistent : $Cpersistent<br>downtime : $Cdowntime<br>problemSolved : $CproblemSolved<br>solvedDate : $CsolvedDate<br>solvedTime : $CsolvedTime<br>solvedTimeslot: $CsolvedTimeslot<br>remoteUser : $CremoteUser<br>commentData : $CcommentData<br>URL ... : $urlAccessParameters</pre>" if ( $debug eq 'T' );
# open connection to database and query data
$rv = 1;
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$DATABASE:$SERVERNAMEREADONLY:$SERVERPORTREADONLY", "$SERVERUSERREADONLY", "$SERVERPASSREADONLY" ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot connect to the database", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ($dbh and $rv) {
if ($action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'historyView') {
if ($CuKey eq 'none') {
$sql = "select uKey, concat( LTRIM(SUBSTRING_INDEX(title, ']', -1)), ' (', $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT.label, ')' ) as optionValueTitle from $SERVERTABLPLUGINS, $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT where catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and $SERVERTABLPLUGINS.environment = '$environment' and pagedir REGEXP '/$pageDir/' and production = '1' and activated = 1 and $SERVERTABLPLUGINS.environment = $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT.environment order by optionValueTitle";
} else {
$sql = "select uKey, concat( LTRIM(SUBSTRING_INDEX(title, ']', -1)), ' (', $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT.label, ')' ) from $SERVERTABLPLUGINS, $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT where uKey = '$CuKey' and catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and $SERVERTABLPLUGINS.environment = $SERVERTABLENVIRONMENT.environment";
($rv, $uKeySelect, $htmlTitle) = create_combobox_from_DBI ($rv, $dbh, $sql, 0, 'insert', $CuKey, 'uKey', 'none', '-Select-', '', '', $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, $sessionID, $debug);
if ($rv) {
$nextAction = ($action eq 'insertView') ? 'insert' : 'history';
} else {
($rv, $Ctitle) = get_title( $dbh, $rv, $CcatalogID, $CuKey, $debug, -1, $sessionID );
$Ctitle = $CuKey if (! defined $Ctitle or $Ctitle eq '');
if ($action eq 'insert') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: id $Cid inserted";
$nextAction = "listView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'deleteView') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: delete id $Cid ?";
$commentText = "Solution comment";
$commentData = '';
$submitButton = "Solved";
$nextAction = "delete" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'delete') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: id $Cid solved";
$nextAction = "listView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'editView') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: edit id $Cid ?";
$commentText = "Edit comment";
$commentData = '';
$submitButton = "Edit";
$nextAction = "edit" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'edit') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: id $Cid edited";
$nextAction = "listView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'listView') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: active id's listed";
$nextAction = "listView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'listAllView') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: all active id's listed";
$nextAction = "listAllView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'updateView') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: update id $Cid ?";
$commentText = "Update comment";
$commentData = '';
$submitButton = "Update";
$nextAction = "update" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'update') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: id $Cid updated";
$nextAction = "listView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'solvedView') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: solved id's listed";
$nextAction = "solvedView" if ($rv);
} elsif ($action eq 'history') {
$htmlTitle = "$Ctitle: history id's listed";
$nextAction = "history" if ($rv);
$dbh->disconnect or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Sorry, the database was unable to add your entry.", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ( $rv ) {
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$DATABASE:$SERVERNAMEREADWRITE:$SERVERPORTREADWRITE", "$SERVERUSERREADWRITE", "$SERVERPASSREADWRITE" ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot connect to the database", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ($action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'historyView') {
my ($remoteUser, $givenName, $familyName);
if ($action eq 'insertView' and defined $remoteUserLoggedOn) {
$CremoteUser = $remoteUserLoggedOn;
$sql = "select remoteUser, email from $SERVERTABLUSERS where catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and remoteUser = '$CremoteUser'";
} else {
my $andActivated = ($action eq 'insertView') ? "and activated = 1" : '';
$sql = "select remoteUser, email from $SERVERTABLUSERS where catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and pagedir REGEXP '/$pageDir/' and remoteUser <> 'admin' and remoteUser <> 'sadmin' $andActivated order by email";
($rv, $remoteUsersSelect, undef) = create_combobox_from_DBI ($rv, $dbh, $sql, 0, '', $CremoteUser, 'remoteUser', 'none', '-Select-', '', '', $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, $sessionID, $debug);
} else {
if ($dbh and $rv) {
if ($action eq 'insert') {
if ($CactivationDate eq '' or $CactivationTime eq '') {
$CactivationDate = $CentryDate;
$CactivationTime = $CentryTime;
$CactivationTimeslot = $CentryTimeslot;
if ($CsuspentionDate eq '' or $CsuspentionTime eq '') {
$CsuspentionDate = "0000-00-00";
$CsuspentionTime = "00:00:00";
$CsuspentionTimeslot = "9999999999";
my $dummyInstability = ($Cinstability eq 'on') ? 1 : 0;
my $dummyPersistent = ($Cpersistent eq 'on') ? 1 : 0;
my $dummyDowntime = ($Cdowntime eq 'on') ? 1 : 0;
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' .$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS. ' SET catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '", uKey="' .$CuKey. '", replicationStatus="I", title="' .$Ctitle. '", entryDate="' .$CentryDate. '", entryTime="' .$CentryTime.'", entryTimeslot="' .$CentryTimeslot. '", instability="' .$dummyInstability. '", persistent="' .$dummyPersistent. '", downtime="' .$dummyDowntime. '", problemSolved="' .$CproblemSolved. '", solvedDate="' .$CsolvedDate. '", solvedTime="' .$CsolvedTime. '", solvedTimeslot="' .$CsolvedTimeslot. '", remoteUser="' .$CremoteUser. '", commentData="' .$CcommentData. '", activationDate="' .$CactivationDate. '", activationTime="' .$CactivationTime. '", activationTimeslot="' .$CactivationTimeslot. '", suspentionDate="' .$CsuspentionDate. '", suspentionTime="' .$CsuspentionTime. '", suspentionTimeslot="' .$CsuspentionTimeslot. '"';
$dbh->do ( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->do: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ( $dummyDowntime ) {
my $tDebug = ($debug eq 'T') ? 2 : 0;
my ($Tpagedirs, $Temail, $Tpagedir, $sendEmailTo);
$sql = "select pagedir from $SERVERTABLPLUGINS where catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and uKey = '$CuKey' order by uKey";
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
($Tpagedirs) = $sth->fetchrow_array() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot $sth->fetchrow_array: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sth->finish() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->finish: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sql = "select email, pagedir from $SERVERTABLUSERS where catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and activated = 1 and downtimeScheduling = 1 and userType > 0";
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
$sth->execute() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
$sth->bind_columns( \$Temail, \$Tpagedir ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->bind_columns: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
while( $sth->fetch() ) {
chop $Tpagedir;
my (undef, @pagedirs) = split (/\//, $Tpagedir);
foreach my $pagedirs (@pagedirs) {
if ($Tpagedirs =~ /\/$pagedirs\//) {
$sendEmailTo .= "$Temail,";
$sth->finish() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->finish: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
my $header = "Downtime scheduling for $Ctitle from $CactivationDate $CactivationTime until ";
$header .= ($CsuspentionDate eq '0000-00-00') ? '????-??-?? ??:??:??' : "$CsuspentionDate $CsuspentionTime.";
my $subject = "$BUSINESS / $DEPARTMENT / $APPLICATION / $header";
my $message = "Geachte, Cher,\n\n$header\n\n$CcommentData\n\n-- $givenNameLoggedOn $familyNameLoggedOn\n\n$APPLICATION\n$DEPARTMENT\n$BUSINESS\n";
if (defined $sendEmailTo) {
my $returnCode = sending_mail ( $SERVERLISTSMTP, $sendEmailTo, $SENDMAILFROM, $subject, $message, $tDebug );
print "Problem sending email to the '$APPLICATION' members\n" unless ( $returnCode );
} elsif ($action eq 'delete') {
$sql = 'SELECT commentData from ' .$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS. ' where catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '" and id="' .$Cid. '"';
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
($commentData) = $sth->fetchrow_array() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot $sth->fetchrow_array: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, 'Logon', 3600, '', $sessionID) if ( $rv and $sth->rows);
$commentData = "$commentData\n<hr>$CcommentData\n\nClosed by: $givenNameLoggedOn, $familyNameLoggedOn ($remoteUserLoggedOn) on $CsolvedDate $CsolvedTime";
$sql = 'UPDATE ' .$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS. ' SET replicationStatus="U", problemSolved="' .$CproblemSolved. '", solvedDate="' .$CsolvedDate. '", solvedTime="' .$CsolvedTime. '", solvedTimeslot="' .$CsolvedTimeslot. '", commentData="' .$commentData. '" where catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '" and id="' .$Cid. '"';
$dbh->do ( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->do: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
} elsif ($action eq 'editView') {
$sql = 'SELECT commentData from ' .$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS. ' where catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '" and id="' .$Cid. '"';
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
($commentData) = $sth->fetchrow_array() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot $sth->fetchrow_array: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, 'Logon', 3600, '', $sessionID) if ( $rv and $sth->rows);
} elsif ($action eq 'edit') {
my $commentData = "$CcommentData\n\nEdited by: $givenNameLoggedOn, $familyNameLoggedOn ($remoteUserLoggedOn) on $CentryDate $CentryTime";
$sql = 'UPDATE ' .$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS. ' SET replicationStatus="U", commentData="' .$commentData. '" where catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '" and id="' .$Cid. '"';
$dbh->do ( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->do: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
} elsif ($action eq 'update') {
$sql = 'SELECT commentData from ' .$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS. ' where catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '" and id="' .$Cid. '"';
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
($commentData) = $sth->fetchrow_array() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot $sth->fetchrow_array: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, 'Logon', 3600, '', $sessionID) if ( $rv and $sth->rows);
$commentData = "$commentData\n<hr>$CcommentData\n\nUpdated by: $givenNameLoggedOn, $familyNameLoggedOn ($remoteUserLoggedOn) on $CentryDate $CentryTime";
$sql = 'UPDATE ' .$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS. ' SET replicationStatus="U", commentData="' .$commentData. '" where catalogID="' .$CcatalogID. '" and id="' .$Cid. '"';
$dbh->do ( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->do: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ($action eq 'deleteView' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'updateView') {
my ($id, $uKey, $title, $givenName, $familyName, $instability, $persistent, $downtime, $entryDate, $entryTime, $activationDate, $activationTime, $suspentionDate, $suspentionTime, $commentData);
$sql = "select id, uKey, title, $SERVERTABLUSERS.givenName, $SERVERTABLUSERS.familyName, instability, persistent, downtime, entryDate, entryTime, activationDate, activationTime, suspentionDate, suspentionTime, commentData from $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS, $SERVERTABLUSERS where $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and id = '$Cid' and $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.catalogID = $SERVERTABLUSERS.catalogID and $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.remoteUser = $SERVERTABLUSERS.remoteUser";
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
$sth->bind_columns( \$id, \$uKey, \$title, \$givenName, \$familyName, \$instability, \$persistent, \$downtime, \$entryDate, \$entryTime, \$activationDate, \$activationTime, \$suspentionDate, \$suspentionTime, \$commentData ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->bind_columns: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
$matchingComments = "\n <table align=\"center\" border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 bgcolor='$COLORSTABLE{TABLE}'>\n <tr><th colspan=\"9\">Catalog ID: $CcatalogID</th><th></th></tr>\n <tr><th>Id</th><th>Title</th><th>Remote User</th><th>Entry Date/Time</th><th>Activation Date/Time</th><th>Suspention Date/Time</th><th>Instability</th><th>Persistent</th><th>Downtime</th></tr>\n";
if ( $sth->rows ) {
while( $sth->fetch() ) {
$commentData = encode_html_entities('C', $commentData);
$commentData =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
$matchingComments .= " <tr bgcolor=\"$COLORSTABLE{STARTBLOCK}\"><td rowspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\">$id</td><td>$title</td><td>$givenName, $familyName</td><td>$entryDate \@ $entryTime</td><td>$activationDate \@ $activationTime</td><td>$suspentionDate \@ $suspentionTime</td><td>$instability</td><td>$persistent</td><td>$downtime</td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"$COLORSTABLE{ENDBLOCK}\"><td colspan=\"8\">$commentData</td></tr>\n";
} else {
$matchingComments .= " <tr><td colspan=9>No records found for catalog ID: $CcatalogID & id: $Cid</td></tr>\n";
$matchingComments .= " </table>";
$sth->finish() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->finish: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
} else {
my ($sqlUKey, $sqlUKeyRows, $sqlWhere, $actionColspan, $actionHeader, $ActionItem, $navigationBarSqlWhere);
if ($action eq 'solvedView' or $action eq 'historyView' or $action eq 'history') {
$actionColspan = 1;
$actionHeader = "<th>Solved Date/Time</th>";
$sqlUKey = "$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and uKey = '$CuKey' and";
$sqlUKeyRows = "catalog ID: $CcatalogID & uKey: $CuKey";
$sqlWhere = '';
if ($action eq 'history') {
$sqlWhere .= "and $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.remoteUser = '$CremoteUser' " if ($CremoteUser ne 'none');
$sqlWhere .= "and entryTimeslot >= $CentryTimeslot " if ($CentryTimeslot ne '');
$sqlWhere .= "and solvedTimeslot <= $CsolvedTimeslot " if ($CsolvedTimeslot ne '');
$navigationBarSqlWhere = "$sqlWhere and problemSolved = '1'";
$sqlWhere .= "and problemSolved = '1' order by solvedTimeslot desc limit $pageOffset, $RECORDSONPAGE";
} else {
if ($action eq 'listAllView') {
$actionHeader = '';
$sqlUKey = "$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and";
$sqlUKeyRows = "all plugins from catalog ID: $CcatalogID";
} else {
$actionHeader = "<th>Action</th>" if ( $userType != 0 );
$sqlUKey = "$SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.catalogID = '$CcatalogID' and uKey = '$CuKey' and";
$sqlUKeyRows = "catalog ID: $CcatalogID & uKey: $CuKey";
$actionColspan = 0;
$navigationBarSqlWhere = "and problemSolved = '0'";
$sqlWhere = "and problemSolved = '0' order by entryTimeslot limit $pageOffset, $RECORDSONPAGE";
$sql = "select SQL_NO_CACHE count(id) from $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS, $SERVERTABLUSERS where $sqlUKey $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.catalogID = $SERVERTABLUSERS.catalogID and $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.remoteUser = $SERVERTABLUSERS.remoteUser $navigationBarSqlWhere";
($rv, $numberRecordsIntoQuery) = do_action_DBI ($rv, $dbh, $sql, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, $sessionID, $debug);
$navigationBar = record_navigation_bar ($pageNo, $numberRecordsIntoQuery, $RECORDSONPAGE, "$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID&amp;uKey=$CuKey&amp;action=$nextAction");
my ($id, $uKey, $title, $givenName, $familyName, $instability, $persistent, $downtime, $entryDate, $entryTime, $activationDate, $activationTime, $suspentionDate, $suspentionTime, $solvedDate, $solvedTime, $commentData);
$sql = "select id, uKey, title, $SERVERTABLUSERS.givenName, $SERVERTABLUSERS.familyName, instability, persistent, downtime, entryDate, entryTime, activationDate, activationTime, suspentionDate, suspentionTime, solvedDate, solvedTime, commentData from $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS, $SERVERTABLUSERS where $sqlUKey $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.catalogID = $SERVERTABLUSERS.catalogID and $SERVERTABLCOMMENTS.remoteUser = $SERVERTABLUSERS.remoteUser $sqlWhere";
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot dbh->prepare: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$sth->execute() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->execute: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
$sth->bind_columns( \$id, \$uKey, \$title, \$givenName, \$familyName, \$instability, \$persistent, \$downtime, \$entryDate, \$entryTime, \$activationDate, \$activationTime, \$suspentionDate, \$suspentionTime, \$solvedDate, \$solvedTime, \$commentData ) or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->bind_columns: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID) if $rv;
if ( $rv ) {
$matchingComments = "\n <table align=\"center\" border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 bgcolor='$COLORSTABLE{TABLE}'>\n <tr><th colspan=\"". (10 + $actionColspan) ."\">Catalog ID: $CcatalogID</th></tr>\n <tr><th>Id</th><th>Title</th><th>Remote User</th><th>Entry Date/Time</th><th>Activation Date/Time</th><th>Suspention Date/Time</th><th>Instability</th><th>Persistent</th><th>Downtime</th>$actionHeader</tr>\n";
if ( $sth->rows ) {
while( $sth->fetch() ) {
$commentData = encode_html_entities('C', $commentData);
$commentData =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
if ($action eq 'solvedView' or $action eq 'historyView' or $action eq 'history') {
$ActionItem = "<td>$solvedDate \@ $solvedTime</td>";
} elsif ($action eq 'listAllView') {
$ActionItem = '';
} else {
my $urlWithAccessParametersAction = "$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;id=$id&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID&amp;uKey=$uKey";
if ( $userType != 0 ) {
$ActionItem = "<td align=\"center\" rowspan=\"2\" valign=\"middle\">";
$ActionItem .= "<a href=\"$urlWithAccessParametersAction&amp;action=editView&amp;problemSolved=0\"><img src=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{edit}\" title=\"Edit Problem\" alt=\"Edit Problem\" border=\"0\"></a>" if ( $userType >= 4 );
$ActionItem .= "<a href=\"$urlWithAccessParametersAction&amp;action=updateView&amp;problemSolved=0\"><img src=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{duplicate}\" title=\"Update Problem\" alt=\"Update Problem\" border=\"0\"></a>" if ( $userType >= 1 );
$ActionItem .= "<a href=\"$urlWithAccessParametersAction&amp;action=deleteView&amp;problemSolved=1\"><img src=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{delete}\" title=\"Problem Solved\" alt=\"Problem Solved\" border=\"0\"></a>";
$ActionItem .= "</td>";
$matchingComments .= " <tr bgcolor=\"$COLORSTABLE{STARTBLOCK}\"><td rowspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\">$id</td><td>$title</td><td>$givenName, $familyName</td><td>$entryDate \@ $entryTime</td><td>$activationDate \@ $activationTime</td><td>$suspentionDate \@ $suspentionTime</td><td>$instability</td><td>$persistent</td><td>$downtime</td>$ActionItem</tr><tr bgcolor=\"$COLORSTABLE{ENDBLOCK}\"><td colspan=\"". (8 + $actionColspan) ."\">$commentData</td></tr>\n";
} else {
$matchingComments .= " <tr><td colspan=\"". (10 + $actionColspan) ."\">No records found for $sqlUKeyRows</td></tr>\n";
$matchingComments .= " <tr><td colspan=\"". (10 + $actionColspan) ."\">$navigationBar</td></tr>\n" if ($navigationBar);
$matchingComments .= " </table>\n";
$sth->finish() or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Cannot sth->finish: $sql", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
$dbh->disconnect or $rv = error_trap_DBI(*STDOUT, "Sorry, the database was unable to add your entry.", $debug, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', $sessionID);
if ( $rv ) {
# HTML - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if ($action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'deleteView' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'historyView' or $action eq 'updateView' ) {
print_header (*STDOUT, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', 'F', "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"$HTTPSURL/TimeParserValidator.js\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"$HTTPSURL/AnchorPosition.js\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"$HTTPSURL/CalendarPopup.js\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"$HTTPSURL/date.js\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"$HTTPSURL/PopupWindow.js\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\">document.write(getCalendarStyles());</script>", $sessionID);
if ($action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'historyView') {
if ($action eq 'insertView') {
my ($firstYear, $firstMonth, $firstDay) = Add_Delta_Days ($currentYear, $currentMonth, $currentDay, -1);
print <<HTML;
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" id="jsCal1Calendar">
var cal1Calendar = new CalendarPopup("CalendarDIV");
cal1Calendar.offsetX = 1;
cal1Calendar.addDisabledDates(null, "$firstYear-$firstMonth-$firstDay");
} else {
my ($firstYear, $firstMonth, $firstDay) = Add_Delta_Days ($currentYear, $currentMonth, $currentDay, +1);
print <<HTML;
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" id="jsCal1Calendar">
var cal1Calendar = new CalendarPopup("CalendarDIV");
cal1Calendar.offsetX = 1;
cal1Calendar.addDisabledDates("$firstYear-$firstMonth-$firstDay", null);
print <<HTML;
<DIV ID="CalendarDIV" STYLE="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;background-color:black;layer-background-color:black;"></DIV>
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
function validateForm() {
var now = new Date();
currentlyFullYear = now.getFullYear();
currentlyMonth = now.getMonth();
currentlyDay = now.getDate();
currentlyHours = now.getHours();
currentlyMinutes = now.getMinutes();
currentlySeconds = now.getSeconds();
var nowEpochtime = Date.UTC(currentlyFullYear, currentlyMonth, currentlyDay, currentlyHours, currentlyMinutes, currentlySeconds);
var objectRegularExpressionDateFormat = /\^20\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d\$/;
var objectRegularExpressionDateValue = /\^20\\d\\d-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\$/;
var objectRegularExpressionTimeFormat = /\^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\$/;
var objectRegularExpressionTimeValue = /\^[0-1]\\d|2[0-3]:[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d\$/;
if( document.comments.uKey.options[document.comments.uKey.selectedIndex].value == 'none' ) {
alert('Please create/select one of the applications!');
return false;
if ($action eq 'insertView') {
print <<HTML;
if( document.comments.remoteUser.options[document.comments.remoteUser.selectedIndex].value == 'none' ) {
alert('Please create/select one of the remote users!');
return false;
if ( document.comments.commentData.value == null || document.comments.commentData.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter a comment!');
return false;
if ( document.comments.activationDate.value != null && document.comments.activationDate.value != '' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDateFormat.test(document.comments.activationDate.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter activation date: Bad date format!');
return false;
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDateValue.test(document.comments.activationDate.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter activation date: Bad date value!');
return false;
if ( ( document.comments.activationDate.value == '' && document.comments.activationTime.value != '' ) || ( document.comments.activationDate.value != '' && document.comments.activationTime.value == '' ) ) {
if ( document.comments.activationDate.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter one activation date!');
} else {
alert('Please enter one activation time!');
return false;
} else if ( document.comments.activationDate.value != '' && document.comments.activationTime.value != '' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionTimeFormat.test(document.comments.activationTime.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter activation time: Bad time format!');
return false;
} else if ( ! objectRegularExpressionTimeValue.test(document.comments.activationTime.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter activation time: Bad time value!');
return false;
var activationEpochtime = 0;
if ( document.comments.activationTime.value != null && document.comments.activationTime.value != '' ) {
activationDate = document.comments.activationDate.value;
activationFullYear = activationDate.substring(0, 4);
activationMonth = activationDate.substring(5, 7) - 1;
activationDay = activationDate.substring(8, 10);
activationTime = document.comments.activationTime.value;
activationHours = activationTime.substring(0, 2);
activationMinutes = activationTime.substring(3, 5);
activationSeconds = activationTime.substring(6, 8);
activationEpochtime = Date.UTC(activationFullYear, activationMonth, activationDay, activationHours, activationMinutes, activationSeconds);
if ( nowEpochtime > activationEpochtime ) {
alert('Please re-enter activation date/time: Date/Time are into the past!');
return false;
} else {
activationEpochtime = nowEpochtime;
if ( document.comments.suspentionDate.value != null && document.comments.suspentionDate.value != '' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDateFormat.test(document.comments.suspentionDate.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter suspention date: Bad date format!');
return false;
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDateValue.test(document.comments.suspentionDate.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter suspention date: Bad date value!');
return false;
if ( ( document.comments.suspentionDate.value == '' && document.comments.suspentionTime.value != '' ) || ( document.comments.suspentionDate.value != '' && document.comments.suspentionTime.value == '' ) ) {
if ( document.comments.suspentionDate.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter one suspention date!');
} else {
alert('Please enter one suspention time!');
return false;
} else if ( document.comments.suspentionDate.value != '' && document.comments.suspentionTime.value != '' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionTimeFormat.test(document.comments.suspentionTime.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter suspention time: Bad time format!');
return false;
} else if ( ! objectRegularExpressionTimeValue.test(document.comments.suspentionTime.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter suspention time: Bad time value!');
return false;
var suspentionEpochtime = 0;
if ( document.comments.suspentionTime.value != null && document.comments.suspentionTime.value != '' ) {
suspentionDate = document.comments.suspentionDate.value;
suspentionFullYear = suspentionDate.substring(0, 4);
suspentionMonth = suspentionDate.substring(5, 7) - 1;
suspentionDay = suspentionDate.substring(8, 10);
suspentionTime = document.comments.suspentionTime.value;
suspentionHours = suspentionTime.substring(0, 2);
suspentionMinutes = suspentionTime.substring(3, 5);
suspentionSeconds = suspentionTime.substring(6, 8);
suspentionEpochtime = Date.UTC(suspentionFullYear, suspentionMonth, suspentionDay, suspentionHours, suspentionMinutes, suspentionSeconds);
if ( nowEpochtime > suspentionEpochtime ) {
alert('Please re-enter suspention date/time: Date/Time are into the past!');
return false;
if ( activationEpochtime != 0 && suspentionEpochtime != 0 ) {
if ( activationEpochtime > suspentionEpochtime ) {
alert('Please re-enter activation/suspention date/time: Activation Date/Time > Suspention Date/Time !');
return false;
} elsif ($action eq 'historyView') {
print <<HTML;
if ( document.comments.entryDate.value != null && document.comments.entryDate.value != '' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDateFormat.test(document.comments.entryDate.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter entry date: Bad date format!');
return false;
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDateValue.test(document.comments.entryDate.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter entry date: Bad date value!');
return false;
if ( ( document.comments.entryDate.value == '' && document.comments.entryTime.value != '' ) || ( document.comments.entryDate.value != '' && document.comments.entryTime.value == '' ) ) {
if ( document.comments.entryDate.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter one entry date!');
} else {
alert('Please enter one entry time!');
return false;
} else if ( document.comments.entryDate.value != '' && document.comments.entryTime.value != '' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionTimeFormat.test(document.comments.entryTime.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter entry time: Bad time format!');
return false;
} else if ( ! objectRegularExpressionTimeValue.test(document.comments.entryTime.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter entry time: Bad time value!');
return false;
var entryEpochtime = 0;
if ( document.comments.entryTime.value != null && document.comments.entryTime.value != '' ) {
entryDate = document.comments.entryDate.value;
entryFullYear = entryDate.substring(0, 4);
entryMonth = entryDate.substring(5, 7) - 1;
entryDay = entryDate.substring(8, 10);
entryTime = document.comments.entryTime.value;
entryHours = entryTime.substring(0, 2);
entryMinutes = entryTime.substring(3, 5);
entrySeconds = entryTime.substring(6, 8);
entryEpochtime = Date.UTC(entryFullYear, entryMonth, entryDay, entryHours, entryMinutes, entrySeconds);
if ( entryEpochtime > nowEpochtime ) {
alert('Please re-enter entry date/time: Date/Time are into the future!');
return false;
if ( document.comments.solvedDate.value != null && document.comments.solvedDate.value != '' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDateFormat.test(document.comments.solvedDate.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter solved date: Bad date format!');
return false;
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionDateValue.test(document.comments.solvedDate.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter solved date: Bad date value!');
return false;
if ( ( document.comments.solvedDate.value == '' && document.comments.solvedTime.value != '' ) || ( document.comments.solvedDate.value != '' && document.comments.solvedTime.value == '' ) ) {
if ( document.comments.solvedDate.value == '' ) {
alert('Please enter one solved date!');
} else {
alert('Please enter one solved time!');
return false;
} else if ( document.comments.solvedDate.value != '' && document.comments.solvedTime.value != '' ) {
if ( ! objectRegularExpressionTimeFormat.test(document.comments.solvedTime.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter solved time: Bad time format!');
return false;
} else if ( ! objectRegularExpressionTimeValue.test(document.comments.solvedTime.value) ) {
alert('Please re-enter solved time: Bad time value!');
return false;
var solvedEpochtime = 0;
if ( document.comments.solvedTime.value != null && document.comments.solvedTime.value != '' ) {
solvedDate = document.comments.solvedDate.value;
solvedFullYear = solvedDate.substring(0, 4);
solvedMonth = solvedDate.substring(5, 7) - 1;
solvedDay = solvedDate.substring(8, 10);
solvedTime = document.comments.solvedTime.value;
solvedHours = solvedTime.substring(0, 2);
solvedMinutes = solvedTime.substring(3, 5);
solvedSeconds = solvedTime.substring(6, 8);
solvedEpochtime = Date.UTC(solvedFullYear, solvedMonth, solvedDay, solvedHours, solvedMinutes, solvedSeconds);
if ( solvedEpochtime > nowEpochtime) {
alert('Please re-enter solved date/time: Date/Time are into the future!');
return false;
if ( entryEpochtime != 0 && solvedEpochtime != 0 ) {
if ( entryEpochtime > solvedEpochtime ) {
alert('Please re-enter entry/solved date/time: entry Date/Time > solved Date/Time !');
return false;
print <<HTML;
return true;
<form action="$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}" method="post" name="comments" onSubmit="return validateForm();">
} else {
print "<form action=\"$ENV{\"SCRIPT_NAME\"}\" method=\"post\" name=\"comments\">\n";
print <<HTML;
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} else {
print_header (*STDOUT, $pagedir, $pageset, $htmlTitle, $subTitle, 3600, '', 'F', '', $sessionID);
print "<br>\n";
print <<HTML;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr align="center"><td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>
if ( $userType != 0 ) {
print <<HTML;
<td class="StatusItem"><a href="$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=insertView&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID&amp;uKey=$CuKey">[Insert new comment]</a></td>
<td class="StatusItem">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
print <<HTML;
<td class="StatusItem"><a href="$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listView&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID&amp;uKey=$CuKey">[List active comments]</a></td>
<td class="StatusItem">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class="StatusItem"><a href="$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=listAllView&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID&amp;uKey=$CuKey">[List active comments for all plugins]</a></td>
<td class="StatusItem">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class="StatusItem"><a href="$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=solvedView&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID&amp;uKey=$CuKey">[Show solved comments]</a></td>
<td class="StatusItem">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class="StatusItem"><a href="$urlWithAccessParameters&amp;action=historyView&amp;catalogID=$CcatalogID&amp;uKey=$CuKey">[Show history comments]</a></td>
if ($action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'historyView') {
my $instabilityDisabled = ($userType < 2) ? 'disabled' : '';
my $persistentDisabled = $instabilityDisabled;
my $instabilityChecked = ($Cinstability eq 'on') ? ' checked' : '';
my $persistentChecked = ($Cpersistent eq 'on') ? ' checked' : '';
my $downtimeChecked = ($Cdowntime eq 'on') ? ' checked' : '';
print <<HTML;
<tr><td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td><b>Catalog ID: </b></td><td>
<input type="text" name="catalogID" value="$CcatalogID" size="5" maxlength="5" disabled>
<tr><td><b>Application: </b></td><td>
</td></tr><tr><td><b>Remote User: </b></td><td>
if ($action eq 'insertView') {
print <<HTML;
<td valign="top"><b>Comment: </b></td>
<td><textarea name=commentData cols=84 rows=13>$CcommentData</textarea></td>
<td><b>Instability: </b></td>
<td><b><input type="checkbox" name="instability" $instabilityChecked $instabilityDisabled></b> 'checked' means 'instability' and 'not checked' means 'not instability'</td>
<td><b>Persistent: </b></td>
<td><b><input type="checkbox" name="persistent" $persistentChecked $persistentDisabled></b> 'checked' means 'persistent' and 'not checked' means 'not persistent'</td>
When 'Instability' and 'Persistent' are checked, this 'comment' will be not visible into the 'Minimal Condenced View'
<td><b>Downtime: </b></td>
<td><b><input type="checkbox" name="downtime" $downtimeChecked></b> 'checked' means 'downtime scheduling' and 'not checked' means 'no downtime scheduling'</td>
<td>Activation: </td>
<b><input type="text" name="activationDate" value="$CactivationDate" size="10" maxlength="10"></b>&nbsp;
<a href="#" onclick="cal1Calendar.select(document.forms[1].activationDate, 'activationDateCalendar','yyyy-MM-dd'); return false;" name="activationDateCalendar" id="activationDateCalendar"><img src="$IMAGESURL/cal.gif" alt="Calendar" border="0"></a>&nbsp;format: yyyy-mm-dd&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<b><input type="text" name="activationTime" value="$CactivationTime" size="8" maxlength="8" onChange="ReadISO8601time(document.forms['comments'].activationTime.value);"></b> format: hh:mm:ss, 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
<td>Suspention: </td>
<b><input type="text" name="suspentionDate" value="$CsuspentionDate" size="10" maxlength="10"></b>&nbsp;
<a href="#" onclick="cal1Calendar.select(document.forms[1].suspentionDate, 'suspentionDateCalendar','yyyy-MM-dd'); return false;" name="suspentionDateCalendar" id="suspentionDateCalendar"><img src="$IMAGESURL/cal.gif" alt="Calendar" border="0"></a>&nbsp;format: yyyy-mm-dd&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<b><input type="text" name="suspentionTime" value="$CsuspentionTime" size="8" maxlength="8" onChange="ReadISO8601time(document.forms['comments'].suspentionTime.value);"></b> format: hh:mm:ss, 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
<b>Problem automatically solved when</b> ('not persistent' has higher priority then 'persistent')<b>:</b>
<ul type="circle">
<ul type="disc">
<li>problem is <b>never</b> automatically solved</li>
<li>not persistent:
<ul type="disc">
<li>problem is automatically solved when 'last n results are OK' and 'current Timeslot' > 'Activation Date/time'</li>
<li>problem is automatically solved when 'current Timeslot' > 'Suspention Date/time'</li>
<ul type="disc">
<li>problem is automatically solved when 'current Timeslot' > 'Suspention Date/time'</li>
<li>problem is <b>never</b> automatically solved when 'Suspention Date/time' is missing</li>
$submitButton = "Insert";
} elsif ($action eq 'historyView') {
$submitButton = "History";
print <<HTML;
<td>Entry: </td>
<b><input type="text" name="entryDate" value="$CentryDate" size="10" maxlength="10"></b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="cal1Calendar.select(document.forms[1].entryDate, 'entryDateCalendar','yyyy-MM-dd'); return false;" name="entryDateCalendar" id="entryDateCalendar"><img src="$IMAGESURL/cal.gif" alt="Calendar" border="0"></a>&nbsp;format: yyyy-mm-dd&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<b><input type="text" name="entryTime" value="$CentryTime" size="8" maxlength="8" onChange="ReadISO8601time(document.forms['comments'].entryTime.value);"></b> format: hh:mm:ss, 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
<td>Solved: </td>
<b><input type="text" name="solvedDate" value="$CsolvedDate" size="10" maxlength="10"></b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="cal1Calendar.select(document.forms[1].solvedDate, 'solvedDateCalendar','yyyy-MM-dd'); return false;" name="solvedDateCalendar" id="solvedDateCalendar"><img src="$IMAGESURL/cal.gif" alt="Calendar" border="0"></a>&nbsp;format: yyyy-mm-dd&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<b><input type="text" name="solvedTime" value="$CsolvedTime" size="8" maxlength="8" onChange="ReadISO8601time(document.forms['comments'].solvedTime.value);"></b> format: hh:mm:ss, 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
print <<HTML;
</tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Please enter all required information before committing the command. Required fields are marked in bold.</td>
</tr><tr align="left"><td align="right"><br><input type="submit" value="$submitButton"></td><td><br><input type="reset" value="Reset"></td></tr>
} elsif ($action eq 'deleteView' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'updateView') {
print <<HTML;
<tr align="center"><td>
<input type="hidden" name="catalogID" value="$CcatalogID">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="$Cid">
<input type="hidden" name="uKey" value="$CuKey">
<input type="hidden" name="problemSolved" value="$CproblemSolved">
<input type="hidden" name="solvedDate" value="$CsolvedDate">
<input type="hidden" name="solvedTime" value="$CsolvedTime">
<input type="hidden" name="solvedTimeslot" value="$CsolvedTimeslot">
</td></tr><tr align="center"><td>
<table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>
<td colspan="2">$matchingComments</td>
</tr><tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr>
<td valign="top"><b>$commentText:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right"><textarea name=commentData cols=84 rows=13>$commentData</textarea></td>
</tr><tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
</tr><tr align="center"><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="$submitButton"> <input type="reset" value="Reset"></td></tr>
} else {
print "<tr align=\"center\"><td>$matchingComments</td></tr>\n";
print " </table>\n";
if ($action eq 'insertView' or $action eq 'deleteView' or $action eq 'editView' or $action eq 'historyView' or $action eq 'updateView') {
print <<HTML;
<input type="hidden" name="catalogID" value="$CcatalogID">
<input type="hidden" name="uKey" value="$CuKey">
} else {
print "<br>\n";
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
print_legend (*STDOUT);
print '</BODY>', "\n", '</HTML>', "\n";
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -