# SNMPTraps-Frontend for Nagios & ASNMTAP #
# #
# by Michael Lübben #
# --- Lizenz GPL --- #
* This Class with functions for the frontend-class
class common extends frontend {
Check the Request (OK, WARNING, ......)
* @param string $request
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function checkRequest($request) {
if (!isset($request) or $request == "")
$retRequest = 'All';
} else {
$retRequest = $request;
* Check if the Option selected
* @param string $optionValue
* @param string $type
* @param string $sel
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function selected($optionValue,$type,$sel) {
$state = '';
if ($optionValue == $type)
$state = $sel;
* Read Trap-Information from database
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function readTrapInfo() {
global $table;
$DATABASE = new database($configINI);
$trapInfo = $DATABASE->infoTrap($table['name']);
* Check if use unknown-Traps in the Database
* @param boolean $useUnknownTraps
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function checkIfEnableUnknownTraps($useUnknownTraps) {
if ($useUnknownTraps == "1") {
$option=' <OPTION VALUE="UNKNOWN" '.common::selected("UNKNOWN",$_REQUEST['severity'],"selected").' >Traps unknown</OPTION>';
* Print error-lines
* @param string $lines
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function printErrorLines($errorLines,$systemError) {
$this->site[] = ' <DIV CLASS="errorDescription">';
foreach($errorLines as $lines) {
$this->site[] = ' '.$lines.'<BR>';
if($systemError) {
$this->site[] = ' Error: <I>'.$systemError.'</I>';
$this->site[] = ' </DIV>';
* Delete not used fields in the frontend, when unknown-traps was selected
* @params string $action
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function showTrapFields($action,$trap,$rowColor,$styleLine) {
if ($_REQUEST['severity'] != "UNKNOWN") {
if ($action == "field") {
global $languageXML;
$this->site[] = ' <TH CLASS="status">'.$languageXML['LANG']['MAIN']['TRAPTABLEHEADER']['CATEGORY'].'</TH>';
$this->site[] = ' <TH CLASS="status">'.$languageXML['LANG']['MAIN']['TRAPTABLEHEADER']['SEVERITY'].'</TH>';
elseif ($action == "entry") {
$this->site[] = ' <TD CLASS="'.$rowColor.'"><P '.$styleLine.'>'.$trap['category'].'</P></TD>';
$this->site[] = ' <TD CLASS="'.status.$trap['severity'].'" ALIGN="center"><P '.$styleLine.'>'.$trap['severity'].'</P></TD>';
* Read Traps from Database and create Buttons for pages with limited trap entrys
* @author Jörg Linge
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function readTraps() {
global $configINI, $FRONTEND;
$step = $configINI['global']['step'];
$site = 0;
$from = 1;
$to = $step;
$limit = "0,$step";
} else {
$site = $_GET['site'];
$from = ($site*$step)+1;
$to = (($site*$step)+$step);
$limit = ($site*$step).",".$step;
$DATABASE = new database($configINI);
// Read traps from database
$traps = $DATABASE->readTraps($limit);
$count = sizeof($traps);
* @author Alex Peeters [alex.peeters@citap.be]
$countRecords = $DATABASE->readTraps('0');
if($countRecords[0] > $step){
if($to > $countRecords[0]){
$to = $countRecords[0];
$page = $site + 1;
$wantedRecordFirst = ($page * $step) + 1;
$TwantedRecordLast = $wantedRecordFirst + ($step - 1);
$wantedRecordLast = ($TwantedRecordLast < $countRecords[0]) ? $TwantedRecordLast : $countRecords[0];
$numberOffRecords = (($wantedRecordLast - 1) % $step) + 1;
$numberOffPagesMax = floor((($countRecords[0] - 1) / $step) + 1);
$this->site[] = '<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td align="center" width="36"><B>'.$from.'-'.$to.'</B></td><td align="center">';
if ($wantedRecordLast > 1) {
$urlWithAccessParameters = 'index.php?severity='.$_REQUEST['severity'].'&category='.rawurlencode($_REQUEST['category']).'&hostname='.$_REQUEST['hostname'].'&trapOID='.$_REQUEST['trapOID'].'&FQDN='.$_REQUEST['FQDN'];
if ($page > 1) {
$this->site[] = " <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&site=0\"><IMG SRC=\"$ICONSRECORD{first}\" ALT=\"First\" BORDER=0></a> <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&site=". ($site - 1) ."\"><IMG SRC=\"". $configINI['global']['images'].$configINI['global']['iconStyle'] ."/previous.png\" ALT=\"First\" BORDER=0></a> <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&site=0\">1</a>";
} else {
$this->site[] = ' 1';
for ($currentPage = 2; $currentPage < $numberOffPagesMax; $currentPage++) {
if ( $page != $currentPage ) {
$offsetOffRecords = ($step * ($currentPage - 1));
$this->site[] = " <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&site=". ($currentPage - 1) ."\">$currentPage</a>";
} else {
$this->site[] = " $currentPage";
if ($page < $numberOffPagesMax) {
$this->site[] = " <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&site=". ($numberOffPagesMax - 1) ."\">$numberOffPagesMax</a> <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&site=". ($site + 1) ."\"><IMG SRC=\"". $configINI['global']['images'].$configINI['global']['iconStyle'] ."/next.png\" ALT=\"First\" BORDER=0></a> <a href=\"$urlWithAccessParameters&site=". ($numberOffPagesMax - 1) ."\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGESURL/$ICONSRECORD{last}\" ALT=\"Last\" BORDER=0></a>";
} else {
$this->site[] = " $numberOffPagesMax";
$this->site[] = '</td><td align="center" width="36"><B>'. $page .'/'. $numberOffPagesMax .'</B>';
} else {
$this->site[] = ' ';
$this->site[] = ' </td></tr></table>';
* Check a page with read traps form database
* @param string $traps
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function createTrapPage($traps) {
global $configINI;
// Check if a trap mark as read
foreach($traps as $trap) {
if ($trap['trapread'] == "1" or $trap['trapread'] == "2"){
$styleLine = "style='text-decoration: line-through;'";
} else {
$styleLine = '';
// Set first row color
if(!isset($rowColor)) {
$rowColor = "statusOdd";
// Save the Trap-Message and delete " from Trap-Output
$trap['orgFormatline'] = str_replace('"',"",$trap['formatline']);
$arrIllegalCharJavabox = explode(",",$configINI['global']['illegalCharJavabox']);
foreach ($arrIllegalCharJavabox as $illegalChar) {
$trap['orgFormatline'] = str_replace($illegalChar,"",$trap['orgFormatline']);
// Cut Trap-Message if that set in the Configurationfile
if($configINI['global']['cutTrapMessage'] != "") {
if(strlen($trap['formatline']) > $configINI['global']['cutTrapMessage']) {
$trap['formatline'] = substr($trap['formatline'],0,$configINI['global']['cutTrapMessage']).'.....';
// Print trap
// Change color from row
if ($rowIndex == "0") {
$rowColor = "statusOdd";
$rowIndex = "1";
} else {
$rowColor = "statusEven";
$rowIndex = "0";
* Create entry for Category, if selected table not "unknown"
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function createCategoryEntry() {
global $table,$languageXML;
if($table['name'] != "snmptt_unknown") {
$this->site[] = ' <TR>';
$this->site[] = ' <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" CLASS="filterName">'.$languageXML['LANG']['HEADER']['FILTER']['CATEGORY'].':</TD>';
$this->site[] = ' <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" CLASS="filterName">';
$this->site[] = ' '.common::checkRequest(rawurldecode($_REQUEST['category']));
$this->site[] = ' </TD>';
$this->site[] = ' </TR>';
* Create filter menu for categories
* @author Michael Luebben <michael_luebben@web.de>
function createCategoryFilter() {
global $table,$languageXML;
if($table['name'] != "snmptt_unknown") {
$DATABASE = new database($configINI);
$allCategory = $DATABASE->readCategory($table['name']);
if ($allCategory) {
$this->site[] = ' <TR>';
$this->site[] = ' <TD ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2" CLASS="optBoxItem">'.$languageXML['LANG']['HEADER']['OPTBOX']['CATEGORY'].':</TD>';
$this->site[] = ' <TR>';
$this->site[] = ' <TD ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2" class="optBoxItem">';
$this->site[] = ' <SELECT NAME="category">';
$this->site[] = ' <OPTION VALUE="" '.common::selected("",$_REQUEST['category'],"selected").' >'.$languageXML['LANG']['HEADER']['OPTBOX']['OPTION']['VALUEALL'].'</OPTION>';
foreach($allCategory as $category) {
$this->site[] = ' <OPTION VALUE='.rawurlencode($category).' '.common::selected($category,rawurldecode($_REQUEST['category']),"selected").'>'.$category.'</OPTION>';
$this->site[] = ' </SELECT>';
$this->site[] = ' </TD>';
$this->site[] = ' </TR>';