# Makefile.PL
# To install this module type the following:
# $ perl Makefile.PL
# $ make
# $ make test
# $ make install
# See also perlnewmod, perlmodinstall, h2xs.
# distcheck: internal test wether this distributio is good, e.g.
# $ perl Makefile.PL
# $ make distcheck
# disttest: run all tests without installing the distribution.
# dist: create archive to be uploaded to the PAUSE,
# e.g. <Data-Rlist-1.43.tar.gz>. The version number is read from
# <./lib/Data/Rlist.pm>.
# realclean: delete everything that cannot be restored by the maintainer,
# incl. the makefile generated.
# $Writestamp: 2008-07-21 18:15:56 andreas$
# $Compile: make disttest && make dist$
# $Compile: perl Makefile.PL && make && make test$
# $Compile: make dist$
# $Clean: make realclean$
use 5.006;
eval { require 5.6.0 } or die <<'EOD';
### This module requires lvaluable subroutines, which are not available in
### versions of Perl earlier than 5.6. Please upgrade!
# Problem with Cygwin: Unable to find a perl 5 (by these names:
# /usr/bin/perl.exe perl.exe perl5.exe perl5.8.8.exe miniperl.exe, in these
# dirs: /cygdrive/h/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/X11R6/bin ...
# MakeMaker then renders an unusable Makefile! Why? $^O is "cygwin" and "which
# perl" suggests "/usr/bin/perl".
print "perl thinks the current OS is '$^O'\n";
#system('pod2html lib/Data/Rlist.pm >Rlist.pm.html');
NAME => 'Data::Rlist',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Data/Rlist.pm', # finds $VERSION
PREREQ_PM => { # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
# These modules are required for testing only (i.e., by the t/*.t
# scripts). Rlist.pm does not use them. However, I do not know which
# version numbers shall be defined here. I could use the version on my
# machines, but this seems to be now statement.
'Benchmark' => '0', # round.t
'B::Deparse' => '0', # deparse.t
'MIME::Base64' => '0' # binary.t, nanoscript.t
($] >= 5.005 ? # add these new keywords supported since 5.005
(ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Data/Rlist.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
AUTHOR => 'Andreas Spindler <rlist@visualco.de>') : ()),
clean => { FILES => ['*.tmp', 't/*.tmp'] },
# dist => { TARFLAGS => 'cvfF', COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => '.gz' }