# csv.t
# Test .csv/conf-files.
# $Writestamp: 2008-07-20 23:16:13 andreas$
# $Compile: perl -M'constant standalone => 1' csv.t$
use strict;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 26 }
BEGIN { unshift @INC, '../lib' if $constant::declared{'main::standalone'} }
use Data::Rlist qw/:strings/;
our $tempfile = "$0.tmp";
our $temp;
my $dir = $constant::declared{'main::standalone'} ? '.' : 't';
my $obj1 = new Data::Rlist(-input => "$dir/test1.rls", -output => $tempfile);
my $obj2 = new Data::Rlist(-input => "$dir/test2.rls", -output => $tempfile);
my $test1 = $obj1->read; ok(defined $test1);
my $test2 = $obj2->read; ok(defined $test2);
# .csv-files
sub flatten(@) {
map { (ref() eq 'HASH') ? flatten(%$_) :
(ref() eq 'ARRAY') ? flatten(@$_) : $_ } @_
my(@test, @org) = ([ flatten($test1) ],
[ flatten($test2) ]);
for my $auto_quote (1..1) { # auto-quote required because of CR/LF in HERE
# documents and "," in strings!
for my $to_string (0..1) {
foreach my $prec (undef, qw/0 2 12 15/) {
if (defined $prec) { # set the precision of all numbers in @test
@org = @{KeelhaulData(\@test, { precision => $prec })};
} else { # use @test as is
@org = @test;
$obj1->set(-output => $to_string ? \$temp : $tempfile);
$obj1->set(-input => $to_string ? \$temp : $tempfile);
$obj1->set(-options => { auto_quote => $auto_quote, precision => $prec });
$obj1->set(-data => \@org)->write_csv;
# read data back and compare it against @org
ok(not CompareData($obj1->read_csv, \@org));
# read same data again, keelhaul it and compare it against @org.
ok(not CompareData(KeelhaulData($obj1->read_csv), \@org));
# .conf-files
for my $to_string (0..1) {
$obj1->set(-output => $to_string ? \$temp : $tempfile);
$obj1->set(-input => $to_string ? \$temp : $tempfile);
$obj1->set(-data => \@org)->write_conf;
# read data back and compare it against @org
ok(not CompareData($obj1->read_conf, \@org));
# read same data again, keelhaul it and compare it against @org
ok(not CompareData(KeelhaulData($obj1->read_conf), \@org));
unlink $tempfile;
### Local Variables:
### buffer-file-coding-system: iso-latin-1
### End: