--utility functions
set search_path = 'dbix_pglink';
create or replace function version_integer() returns int language plperlu as $body$
my $ver = spi_exec_query("SELECT version()")->{rows}->[0]->{version};
my ($major, $minor, $release) = $ver =~ /^PostgreSQL (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
return $major*10000+$minor*100+$release;
comment on function version_integer() is
$$Return PostgreSQL server verion as integer value. For example, version 8.1.5 will be returned as 80105.$$;
grant execute on function version_integer() to public;
--debug functions
create or replace function trace_level(_value int) returns int language plperlu as $body$
use DBIx::PgLink::Logger;
return trace_level(shift);
revoke execute on function trace_level(_value int) from public;
create or replace function trace_level() returns int language plperlu as $body$
use DBIx::PgLink::Logger;
return trace_level();
revoke execute on function trace_level() from public;
create or replace function trace_msg(_severity text, _message text) returns void language plperlu as $body$
use DBIx::PgLink::Logger;
my ($severity, $message) = @_;
trace_msg($severity, $message);
--trace_msg() is safe, no revoke from public
Connection setup helper functions
----------user helpers
create or replace function get_user(_conn_name text, _local_user text)
returns text language plpgsql as $body$
return (
select remote_user
from dbix_pglink.users
where conn_name = _conn_name and local_user = _local_user
revoke execute on function get_user(_conn_name text, _local_user text) from public;
comment on function get_user(_conn_name text, _local_user text) is
$$Get remote user name mapped for local user$$;
create or replace function set_user(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _remote_user text, _remote_password text)
returns void language plpgsql as $body$
insert into dbix_pglink.users (conn_name, local_user, remote_user, remote_password)
values (_conn_name, _local_user, _remote_user, _remote_password);
when unique_violation then
update dbix_pglink.users set
remote_user = _remote_user,
remote_password = _remote_password
where conn_name = _conn_name and local_user = _local_user;
revoke execute on function set_user(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _remote_user text, _remote_password text) from public;
comment on function set_user(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _remote_user text, _remote_password text) is
$$Set mapping between local and remote user$$;
create or replace function delete_user(_conn_name text, _local_user text)
returns boolean language plpgsql as $body$
delete from dbix_pglink.users
where conn_name = _conn_name and local_user = _local_user;
return FOUND;
revoke execute on function delete_user(_conn_name text, _local_user text) from public;
comment on function delete_user(_conn_name text, _local_user text) is
$$Delete user mapping by local user name$$;
----------connection role helpers
create or replace function get_role(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _role_kind text, _role_seq int)
returns d_perl_class_name language plpgsql as $body$
return (
select role_name
from dbix_pglink.roles
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and role_kind = _role_kind
and role_seq = _role_seq
revoke execute on function get_role(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _role_kind text, _role_seq int) from public;
comment on function get_role(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _role_kind text, _role_seq int) is
$$Get connection role by sequence number$$;
create or replace function set_role(
_conn_name text,
_local_user text,
_role_kind text,
_role_name d_perl_class_name,
_role_seq int,
_replace boolean
) returns void language plpgsql as $body$
_max int;
if _role_seq is null then --append mode, max+1 number generation
--skip if already exists, position not important
if exists(
from dbix_pglink.roles
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and role_kind = _role_kind
and role_name = _role_name
) then
end if;
insert into dbix_pglink.roles (conn_name, local_user, role_kind, role_seq, role_name)
values (
select max(role_seq)
from dbix_pglink.roles
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and role_kind = _role_kind
), 0) + 1,
end if;
--delete role by name, if exists
delete from dbix_pglink.roles
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and role_kind = _role_kind
and role_name = _role_name;
if _replace then --replace role with specified number
insert into dbix_pglink.roles (conn_name, local_user, role_kind, role_seq, role_name)
values (_conn_name, _local_user, _role_kind, _role_seq, _role_name);
when unique_violation then
update dbix_pglink.roles set role_name = _role_name
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and role_kind = _role_kind
and role_seq = _role_seq;
else --insert role in specified position, shift existing roles down
_max := coalesce((
select max(role_seq)
from dbix_pglink.roles
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and role_kind = _role_kind
), 0);
update dbix_pglink.roles set role_seq = role_seq + _max
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and role_kind = _role_kind
and role_seq >= _role_seq;
insert into dbix_pglink.roles (conn_name, local_user, role_kind, role_seq, role_name)
values (_conn_name, _local_user, _role_kind, _role_seq, _role_name);
update dbix_pglink.roles set role_seq = role_seq - _max + 1
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and role_kind = _role_kind
and role_seq > _role_seq;
end if;
revoke execute on function set_role(
_conn_name text,
_local_user text,
_role_kind text,
_role_name d_perl_class_name,
_role_seq int,
_replace boolean
) from public;
comment on function set_role(
_conn_name text,
_local_user text,
_role_kind text,
_role_name d_perl_class_name,
_role_seq int,
_replace boolean
) is
$$Set connection role by sequence number.
Append role to end, if sequence number is NULL.
If fifth parameter (_replace) is false, then insert role with specified number and shift existing roles down.$$;
create or replace function set_role(
_conn_name text,
_role_kind text,
_role_name d_perl_class_name
) returns void language plpgsql as $$
perform dbix_pglink.set_role($1,current_user,$2,$3,null,false);
revoke execute on function set_role(
_conn_name text,
_role_kind text,
_role_name d_perl_class_name
) from public;
comment on function set_role(
_conn_name text,
_role_kind text,
_role_name d_perl_class_name
) is
$$Add role to connection$$;
create or replace function delete_role(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _role_kind text, _role_name d_perl_class_name)
returns boolean language plpgsql as $body$
delete from dbix_pglink.roles
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and role_kind = _role_kind
and role_name = _role_name;
return FOUND;
revoke execute on function delete_role(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _role_kind text, _role_name d_perl_class_name) from public;
comment on function delete_role(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _role_kind text, _role_name d_perl_class_name)
is $$Delete connection role by role name$$;
----------connection attribute helpers
create or replace function get_attr(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _attr_name text)
returns text language plpgsql as $body$
return (
select attr_value
from dbix_pglink.attributes
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and attr_name = _attr_name
revoke execute on function get_attr(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _attr_name text) from public;
comment on function get_attr(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _attr_name text) is
$$Get connection attribute value by name$$;
create or replace function set_attr(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _attr_name text, _attr_value text)
returns void language plpgsql as $body$
insert into dbix_pglink.attributes (conn_name, local_user, attr_name, attr_value)
values (_conn_name, _local_user, _attr_name, _attr_value);
when unique_violation then
update dbix_pglink.attributes set attr_value = _attr_value
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and attr_name = _attr_name;
revoke execute on function set_attr(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _attr_name text, _attr_value text) from public;
comment on function set_attr(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _attr_name text, _attr_value text) is
$$Set connection attribute value by name$$;
create or replace function delete_attr(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _attr_name text)
returns boolean language plpgsql as $body$
delete from dbix_pglink.attributes
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and attr_name = _attr_name;
return FOUND;
revoke execute on function delete_attr(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _attr_name text) from public;
comment on function delete_attr(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _attr_name text) is
$$Delete connection attribute by name$$;
----------connection environment helpers
create or replace function get_env(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _env_name text)
returns text language plpgsql as $body$
return (
select env_value
from dbix_pglink.environment
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and env_name = _env_name
revoke execute on function get_env(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _env_name text) from public;
comment on function get_env(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _env_name text) is
$$Get connection environment variable by name$$;
create or replace function set_env(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _env_action text, _env_name text, _env_value text)
returns void language plpgsql as $body$
insert into dbix_pglink.environment (conn_name, local_user, env_action, env_name, env_value)
values (_conn_name, _local_user, _env_action, _env_name, _env_value);
when unique_violation then
update dbix_pglink.environment set
env_action = _env_action,
env_value = _env_value
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and env_name = _env_name;
revoke execute on function set_env(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _env_action text, _env_name text, _env_value text) from public;
comment on function set_env(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _env_action text, _env_name text, _env_value text) is
$$Set or append connection environment variable by name. Use NULL value to unset variable.$$;
create or replace function delete_env(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _env_name text)
returns boolean language plpgsql as $body$
delete from dbix_pglink.environment
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and env_name = _env_name;
return FOUND;
revoke execute on function delete_env(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _env_name text) from public;
comment on function delete_env(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _env_name text) is
$$Delete connection environment variable by name.
Deletion of variable not unset value, set NULL as value instead.$$;
----------remote initialisation script helpers
create or replace function get_init_session(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _init_seq int)
returns text language plpgsql as $body$
return (
select init_query
from dbix_pglink.init_session
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and init_seq = _init_seq
revoke execute on function get_init_session(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _init_seq int) from public;
comment on function get_init_session(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _init_seq int) is
$$Get remote initialisation script by sequence number$$;
create or replace function set_init_session(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _init_seq int, _init_query text, _replace boolean)
returns void language plpgsql as $body$
_max int;
if _init_seq is null then --append mode, max+1 number generation
insert into dbix_pglink.init_session (conn_name, local_user, init_seq, init_query)
values (
coalesce((select max(init_seq) from dbix_pglink.init_session where conn_name = _conn_name), 0) + 1,
end if;
if _replace then
insert into dbix_pglink.init_session (conn_name, local_user, init_seq, init_query)
values (_conn_name, _local_user, _init_seq, _init_query);
when unique_violation then
update dbix_pglink.init_session set init_query = _init_query
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and init_seq = _init_seq;
else --shift (N, max) to (N+1, max+1), insert N
--PostgreSQL bug: update of multiple rows with unique key to overlapped key range must be done in backward order
--use two step shifting: (N, max) to (N+max, max+max), then to (N+1, max+1)
_max := coalesce((select max(init_seq) from dbix_pglink.init_session where conn_name = _conn_name), 0);
update dbix_pglink.init_session set init_seq = init_seq + _max
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and init_seq >= _init_seq;
insert into dbix_pglink.init_session (conn_name, local_user, init_seq, init_query)
values (_conn_name, _local_user, _init_seq, _init_query);
update dbix_pglink.init_session set init_seq = init_seq - _max + 1
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and init_seq > _init_seq;
end if;
revoke execute on function set_init_session(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _init_seq int, _init_query text, _replace boolean) from public;
comment on function set_init_session(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _init_seq int, _init_query text, _replace boolean) is
$$Set remote initialisation script by sequence number.
Append query to end, if sequence number is NULL.
If fourth parameter (_replace) is false, then insert query with specified number and shift existing queries down.$$;
create or replace function delete_init_session(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _init_seq int)
returns boolean language plpgsql as $body$
delete from dbix_pglink.init_session
where conn_name = _conn_name
and local_user = _local_user
and init_seq = _init_seq;
return FOUND;
revoke execute on function delete_init_session(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _init_seq int) from public;
comment on function delete_init_session(_conn_name text, _local_user text, _init_seq int) is
$$Delete remote initialisation script by sequence number$$;
create or replace function get_dbms_name(_data_source text)
returns text language plperlu as $body$
#line 468
use strict;
use DBI;
my ($data_source) = @_;
return eval {
my $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source); # without user name
$dbh->get_info(17) #ODBC SQL_DBMS_NAME
|| $dbh->{Driver}->{Name};
----------------------------------------------------- connection setup with defaults
create or replace function create_connection(
_conn_name text,
_data_source text,
_adapter_class d_perl_class_name,
_logon_mode d_logon_mode,
_use_libs text[],
_comment text
) returns void
security definer
language plpgsql as $body$
v_adapter_class text;
v_adapter_class := coalesce(
select adapter_class
from dbix_pglink.adapters
where dbms_name = substring(_data_source from $RE$dbi:(\w+)$RE$) --first
limit 1
select adapter_class
from dbix_pglink.adapters
where dbms_name = substring(_data_source from $RE$.*dbi:(\w+)$RE$) --last
limit 1
select adapter_class
from dbix_pglink.adapters
where dbms_name = dbix_pglink.get_dbms_name(_data_source) --try connect
limit 1
'DBIx::PgLink::Adapter' --default
insert into dbix_pglink.connections (
) values (
----default roles
--perform dbix_pglink.set_role(_conn_name, '', 'Adapter', 'CheckWhereClause');
perform dbix_pglink.set_role(_conn_name, '', 'Adapter', 'InitSession');
--perform dbix_pglink.set_role(_conn_name, '', 'Adapter', 'NestedTransactions');
--perform dbix_pglink.set_role(_conn_name, '', 'Adapter', 'StatementCache');
--perform dbix_pglink.set_role(_conn_name, '', 'Adapter', 'Reconnect');
----default attributes (starting point for customization, defaults are dubbed in code)
--DBI/DBD attribute (CamelCase)
perform dbix_pglink.set_attr(_conn_name, '', 'RaiseError', '1');
perform dbix_pglink.set_attr(_conn_name, '', 'PrintError', '0');
perform dbix_pglink.set_attr(_conn_name, '', 'AutoCommit', '1');
--adapter' role attribute (lower_case)
perform dbix_pglink.set_attr(_conn_name, '', 'reconnect_retries', '3');
perform dbix_pglink.set_attr(_conn_name, '', 'reconnect_interval', '5');
perform dbix_pglink.set_attr(_conn_name, '', 'reconnect_timeout', '5');
perform dbix_pglink.set_attr(_conn_name, '', 'statement_cache_size', '100');
revoke execute on function create_connection(
_conn_name text,
_data_source text,
_adapter_class d_perl_class_name,
_logon_mode d_logon_mode,
_use_libs text[],
_comment text
) from public;
comment on function create_connection(
_conn_name text,
_data_source text,
_adapter_class d_perl_class_name,
_logon_mode d_logon_mode,
_use_libs text[],
_comment text
) is
$$Create and setup connection with reasonable defaults for attributes and roles$$;
create or replace function create_connection(
_conn_name text,
_data_source text,
_comment text
) returns void
security definer
language plpgsql as $$
perform dbix_pglink.create_connection($1,$2,null,'empty',null,$3);
revoke execute on function create_connection(
_conn_name text,
_data_source text,
_comment text
) from public;
comment on function create_connection(
_conn_name text,
_data_source text,
_comment text
) is
$$Create and setup connection with reasonable defaults$$;
create or replace function delete_connection(
_conn_name text
) returns void
security definer
language plperlu as $body$
#line 608
use DBIx::PgLink;
use DBIx::PgLink::Local;
my $conn_name = shift;
my $conn = DBIx::PgLink->connect(
no_connect => 1, # remote site can be dead
$conn->for_all_accessors( sub { (shift)->drop_local_objects } );
pg_dbh->do(q/DELETE FROM dbix_pglink.connections WHERE conn_name=$1/, {}, $conn_name);
revoke execute on function delete_connection(
_conn_name text
) from public;
comment on function delete_connection(
_conn_name text
) is
$$Delete connection with all settings$$;