#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2018, cPanel, LLC.
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.
use strict;
use Overload::FileCheck q{:all};
use Errno ();
note "no mocks at this point";
ok -e q[/tmp], "/tmp/exits";
ok !-e q[/do/not/exist], "/do/not/exist";
my ( $check, $errno_int );
$check = -e q[/do/not/exist];
# do not check the errno string, as it depends on the locale
$errno_int = int($!);
ok !$check, "file does not exist";
is $errno_int, Errno::ENOENT(), "ERRNO int value set";
$check = -e $^X;
$errno_int = int($!);
ok $check, q[$^X exists];
is $errno_int, Errno::ENOENT(), "ERRNO was not reset";
local $! = 0;
my $existing_file = q[/there];
my $missing_file = q[/not-there];
'-e' => sub {
my $f = shift;
return CHECK_IS_FALSE if $f eq $missing_file;
return CHECK_IS_TRUE if $f eq $existing_file;
# we do not know and let perl check it for us
my ( $check, $errno_int );
is int($!), 0, 'errno=0 at startup';
note "check existing file";
$check = -e $existing_file;
$errno_int = int($!);
ok $check, 'existing_file is there';
is $errno_int, 0, '$! is not set';
note "check missing file";
$check = -e $missing_file;
$errno_int = int($!);
ok !$check, 'missing_file not there';
is $errno_int, Errno::ENOENT(), '$! is set to the default value';
note "check existing file again";
$check = -e $existing_file;
$errno_int = int($!);
ok $check, 'existing_file is there';
is $errno_int, Errno::ENOENT(), '$! was not reset';
ok -e $^X, q[$^X exists];
is int($!), Errno::ENOENT(), '$! was not reset when fallback to original OP';
note "User provide its own ERRNO error";
local $! = 0;
note "we are mocking -e => 1";
'-e' => sub {
my $f = shift;
note "mocked -e called....";
$! = Errno::EINTR(); # set errno
my $check = -e q[/tmp];
# do not check the errno string, as it depends on the locale
my $errno_int = int($!);
ok !$check, "/tmp does not exist";
is $errno_int, Errno::EINTR(), "ERRNO int value set to Errno::EINTR()";