use strict;
my $wgpu = WebGPU::Direct->new;
my $adapter = $wgpu->RequestAdapter( { compatibleSurface => undef } );
my $device = $adapter->RequestDevice;
my @cubeVertexArray = (
# float4 position, float4 color, float2 uv,
1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
-1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1,
my $cube = {
cubeVertexSize => 4 * 10, # Byte size of one cube vertex.
cubePositionOffset => 0, # Byte offset of cube position attribute
cubeColorOffset => 4 * 4, # Byte offset of cube vertex color attribute.
cubeUVOffset => 4 * 8, # Byte offset of cube UV attribute
cubeVertexCount => scalar @cubeVertexArray,
cubeVertexArray => pack( "f*", @cubeVertexArray ),
# Create a vertex buffer from the cube data.
my $verticesBuffer = $device->CreateBuffer(
size => length( $cube->{cubeVertexArray} ),
usage => $wgpu->BufferUsage->Vertex,
mappedAtCreation => 1,
my $poison = (0xff) x ( length( $cube->{cubeVertexArray} ) );
my $null = "\0" x ( length( $cube->{cubeVertexArray} ) );
my $mb = $verticesBuffer->GetMappedRange;
is( $mb->{buffer}, $null, 'Buffer was correctly sized' );
is( $mb->{size}, length( $cube->{cubeVertexArray} ), 'Reported size is correct' );
is( $mb->{buffer}, $poison, 'Able to save the buffer' );
is( $mb->buffer, $poison, 'Buffer fn returns the value' );
$mb->{buffer} = $cube->{cubeVertexArray};
is( $mb->{buffer}, $cube->{cubeVertexArray}, 'Buffer in hash what is expected' );
is( $mb->buffer, $poison, 'Setting buffer manually disappears after unpack' );
$mb->{buffer} = $cube->{cubeVertexArray};
is( $mb->{buffer}, $cube->{cubeVertexArray}, 'Buffer in hash what is expected after pack' );
is( $mb->{buffer}, $cube->{cubeVertexArray}, 'Calling unpack preserves the buffer' );
is( $mb->buffer, $cube->{cubeVertexArray}, 'Buffer fn agrees with hash' );
is( $mb->buffer, $null, 'Setting a buffer to "" empties it' );
is( length( $mb->buffer ), length( $cube->{cubeVertexArray} ), 'Emptying buffer maintains the size' );