use strict;
my $wgpu = WebGPU::Direct->new;
my $a = $wgpu->VertexState->new(
buffers => [
arrayStride => 10,
stepMode => $wgpu->VertexStepMode->vertex,
attributes => [
# position
shaderLocation => 0,
offset => 0,
format => $wgpu->VertexFormat->float32x4,
# uv
shaderLocation => 1,
offset => 4,
format => $wgpu->VertexFormat->float32x2,
my $b = $wgpu->RenderPipelineDescriptor->new(
vertex => {
buffers => [
arrayStride => 10,
stepMode => $wgpu->VertexStepMode->vertex,
attributes => [
# position
shaderLocation => 0,
offset => 0,
format => $wgpu->VertexFormat->float32x4,
# uv
shaderLocation => 1,
offset => 4,
format => $wgpu->VertexFormat->float32x2,
is( $b->vertex->bufferCount, 1, 'Buffer count is correct' );
is( $b->vertex->buffers->[0]->attributeCount, 2, 'Attributes count is correct' );
unlike( $b->vertex->bytes, qr/^\0+$/, 'Vertex is not completely empty' );
unlike( $b->vertex->buffers->[0]->bytes, qr/^\0+$/, 'Vertex buffer is not completely empty' );
# TODO Check unpack and pack both create blessed array
subtest 'Enum array', sub
my $window_nic = eval { WebGPU::Direct->new_window_x11( 1, 1 ) };
if ( !$window_nic )
plan skip_all => 'Test requires working window';
my $surface = $wgpu->createSurface( { nextInChain => WebGPU::Direct->new_window_x11( 1, 1 ) } );
my $adapter = $wgpu->requestAdapter( { compatibleSurface => $surface } );
my $sc = $wgpu->SurfaceCapabilities->new;
$surface->getCapabilities( $adapter, $sc );
isa_ok( $sc, 'WebGPU::Direct::SurfaceCapabilities', 'SurfaceCapabilities object is still blessed' );
# PresentMode must include at least 1 item: Fifo
isnt( $sc->presentModeCount, 0, 'Present Mode Count is at least one' );
isa_ok( $sc->presentModes, 'WebGPU::Direct::PresentMode::Array', 'Array of Present Modes is blessed' );
is( $sc->presentModeCount, scalar( $sc->presentModes->@* ), 'Present Mode Count matches the array count' );
foreach my $pm ( $sc->presentModes->@* )
is( ref $pm, '', "Enum $pm is not blessed" );
isnt( 0 + $pm, "$pm", "Enum $pm is dualvar" );
is( WebGPU::Direct::PresentMode->new($pm), $pm, "Enum $pm is the same PresentMode enum from new" );
# Test pack, since it's already unpacked it
my %existing = $sc->%*; # Do not check the arrays
my $sc_bytes = $sc->bytes;
#TODO: my $pm_bytes = $sc->presentModes->bytes;
# After a pack, the pointers in ->bytes may change, so we do not check them
#is( $sc->bytes, $sc_bytes, 'SurfaceCapabilities in memory has not changed with pack' );
#TODO: is( $sc->presentModes->bytes, $pm_bytes, 'PresentModes in memory has not changed with pack');
foreach my $key (qw/alphaModeCount formatCount presentModeCount/)
is( $sc->$key, $existing{$key}, "Count of $key did not change" );
push $sc->presentModes->@*, WebGPU::Direct::PresentMode->new('immediate');
my $pm_count = scalar( $sc->presentModes->@* );
is( $sc->presentModeCount, $pm_count - 1, 'Present Mode Count now does not match' );
#is( $sc->bytes, $sc_bytes, 'SurfaceCapabilities in memory has not changed with pack' );
#TODO: is( $sc->presentModes->bytes, $pm_bytes, 'PresentModes in memory has not changed with pack');
is( $sc->presentModeCount, scalar( $sc->presentModes->@* ), 'Present Mode Count has updated' );
#TODO: is( $sc->bytes, $sc_bytes, 'SurfaceCapabilities in memory has not changed with pack' );
#TODO: is( $sc->presentModes->bytes, $pm_bytes, 'PresentModes in memory has not changed with pack');
is( $sc->presentModeCount, scalar( $sc->presentModes->@* ), 'Present Mode Count is still correct after unpack' );
is( $sc->presentModeCount, $pm_count, 'Present Mode Count included Immediate' );
is( $sc->presentModes->[-1], WebGPU::Direct::PresentMode->new('immediate'), 'Immediate is still in the list' );
foreach my $key (qw/alphaModeCount formatCount/)
is( $sc->$key, $existing{$key}, "Count of $key did not change" );
$sc->presentModes->@* = ();
is( scalar( $sc->presentModes->@* ), 0, 'Present Mode is an empty array' );
is( $sc->presentModeCount, 0, 'Present Mode Count is now 0' );
is( scalar( $sc->presentModes->@* ), 0, 'Present Mode is still an empty array after unpack' );
is( $sc->presentModeCount, 0, 'Present Mode Count is still 0 after unpack' );
# TODO ? Check opaque arrays